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Enlightened Patriarchy:
Frederick the Great’s Principles of Lawmaking, Part 2

Statue of Frederick the Great in front of Schloss Charlottenburg2,925 words

Part 2 of 2

Moderation & Humaneness

The sovereign has authority but, as with the father, this must be deserved. Frederick notes dispassionately that Publicola, one of the founders of the Roman Republic, had legalized tyrannicide. The laws must be fair and appropriate to the nation concerned, Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2016 Fundraiser
We Made It

Franz von Stuck, "The Spirit of Victory"

Franz von Stuck, The Spirit of Victory

330 words

Since our last update, we have had 20 new donations ranging from $5 to $4,000, totaling $5,326. That brings our grand total to $50,713.94. That amount might creep up slightly when I next visit our PO Box. But we made our goal of $50,000. Thank you!


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November 9, 2016

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On November 8th, 2016, America arrived at a fork in the road: turn Left, and America would become a majority non-white nation, with everything that entails — turn Right, and perhaps America could be saved by halting white demographic replacement. All we needed was a Republican who had the vision to see the problem, the courage to do something about it, and the political skill to get into the White House. In short, we needed a miracle. Only a god could save us. Or a God Emperor.  Read more …

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It’s Time to Turn Up the Heat

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We did it. We survived Hillary. We’ll be protected for four years at the executive level and for many more on the judiciary. A president Trump, though he may not agree with us, will respect our right to free speech. His Supreme Court appointees will defend us for far longer. Our defense has been established.

But we don’t have much time. In 2020 the US will be far less white. Read more …

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Enlightened Patriarchy:
Frederick the Great’s Principles of Lawmaking

2,882 words

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great

Perhaps the most impressive Western tradition of statecraft, at least in the modern era, is that of Prussia. To be sure, the liberal-democratic tradition launched by the United States and France is formidable, and it is not without reason that it today dominates our world. But the greatness of America and France also relied upon a prosaic factor: sheer demographic and geographic size. Little Prussia in contrast accomplished feats with absolutely miserable resources, raising herself up among the great powers and founding the German nation-state through sheer force of will. Read more …

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Mañana, Mañana:
White Nationalism Today

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One of the differences between a childish mind and a mature mind is that the childish mind has difficulty distinguishing between what it wants and what is. I try to use this dichotomy when thinking about White Nationalism. White Nationalism isn’t so much what I want, but I know that it is and must be.

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The Counter-Currents 2016 Fundraiser
Down to the Wire

390 words

Since our last update, we have had 7 new donations ranging from $5 to $1,000 dollars, totaling $1,436. That brings our grand total to $45,387.94. This means that we are only $4,612.06 away from our goal of $50,000. Thank you!

This fundraiser has been slow going simply because it is impossible to compete with the drama and emotional intensity of the US presidential election race. Read more …

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Try Sincerity for a Change

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Sunday afternoon, I had a rather exhausting conversation with a friend who is supporting Hillary Clinton. She was well-versed in Hillary’s various policy proposals, but I did not want to argue those points, simply because Hillary’s real problem is not what she proposes but the fact that she can’t be trusted at all. So I focused on the issue of Hillary’s sincerity vs. Trump’s. I had some success, so I think it is worthwhile to summarize the gist of my arguments here.  Read more …

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Greg Johnson Interviewed
on Beyond the Wall

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Last week I was interviewed on Beyond the Wall, a podcast of White Nationalists from Latin America. We discuss white identity and White Nationalism in the Latin American context. You can listen here. I want to thank Beto, Cavernario, and Tercio for this opportunity.  Read more …

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Now on YouTube!
An Appeal to the Bernie Bros


Michael Bell’s “An Appeal to the Bernie Bros” is now on YouTube. Spread it far and wide! Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2016 Fundraiser
Why We Support Counter-Currents

babyelephant1,281 words

Since our last update, we have had 5 donations ranging from $5 to $1,000 dollars, totaling $1,140.  That brings our grand total to $43,713.94. This means that we are only $6,286.06 away from our goal of $50,000. Thank you!

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The Shadow of Trump:
Interview with Il Primato Nazionale

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Author’s Note:

This is the English original of an interview published in Italian on the nationalist webzine Il Primato Nazionale. I want to thank the Francesco Boco for conducting the interview and Il Primato Nazionale for publishing it.  Read more …

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Human Biodiversity for Normies


Leonardo Da Vinci, Vitruvian Man

5,572 words

This essay begins my introduction to one of the single most treacherous topics in modern political life.

That topic is essentially a scientific one, rather than a political one—although in order to see this we may have to put some very prevalent philosophical and political misconceptions aside. As such, this series is going to be somewhat more dry in tone than some of my other writing—certainly much more than many of the other essays collected at Counter-Currents.  Read more …

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Denial is a very boring and deceptive movie about a legal case, David Irving v Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt, in which British World War II historian David Irving sued American Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt and her British publisher for libel over allegations made in her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust, in which she accused Irving of being a “Holocaust denier” and a bad historian who distorted history to conform with his ideological agenda, namely the vindication of Adolf Hitler.  Read more …

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A White Nationalist Attends a Donald Trump Rally

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As I approached the Trump rally’s venue, I came upon a group of young women who were marveling at campaign slogans written on the sides of tractor trailers. One read “Keep Mexican Drugs in Mexico.” It almost seemed like the slogan’s creator had originally intended for the middle word to be omitted.  Read more …

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Race Card, Gender Card, Trump Card

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One important thing I learned during the O. J. Simpson trial is that race trumps everything. I call this the Race Rule. I have found that it governs almost all human behavior, and once I discovered this, it became harder and harder for me to find evidence that refutes it. I know, I know . . . confirmation bias. A hammer in your hand makes mealy-mouthed, cuckolded, beta-male liberals look like one of those big-headed roofing nails that’s three-quarters of the way in and needs just one more well-aimed whack, and . . .  Read more …

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The Alt Right & the Arts

2,386 words

Vig Scholma

Vig Scholma, Furor Teutonicus

The Road to Alt Right Artistry

Since Hillary Clinton’s mention of the Alternative Right in one of her speeches, there have been countless discussions about what the Alt Right is and represents, with everyone and anyone, no matter how inappropriate, suddenly declaring they are part of the Alt Right. I think it is quite easy to define what the Alt Right is: it is the postmodern manifestation of what Julius Evola termed the True Right.  Read more …

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Why Most High-Achievers Are Men
(& Why We Cannot Afford Sexual Egalitarianism)

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Roderick Kaine
Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes
London: Arktos Media, Ltd., 2016

Roderick Kaine, who has previously written for the neo-reactionary movement under the name Atavisionary, is an American trained as a biochemist. His first book, now available from Arktos, is both a genetically based explanation of cognitive differences between the sexes, Read more …

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Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter: October 2016

Knut Ekvall (1843-1912) The Reading Lesson

Knut Ekvall (1843-1912) The Reading Lesson

755 words

Dear Friends of Counter-Currents,

October was our best month ever in terms of unique visitors — more than 143,000. I want to thank our writers, donors, and readers for making this possible — and to welcome our new readers to the best site on the Alt Right.

1. Our Readership and Web Traffic 
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Deconstructing “Racism”

rockwell_mirror2,252 words

Race and racism have become central to modern politics. Nearly every political question, no matter how trivial or benign, is turned into an issue of race. Leftists thrive on non-white identity politics, while conservatives typically avoid the issue. They often claim they are above it all and wish that their political opponents would simply stop racializing political issues. Read more …

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We’ll be There for You, Pajama Boy

hipsterpotter1,608 words

The morality fed to the majority comes from centralized (((media))) that normies are not acute enough to realize are under the control of a different tribe. They don’t actually like multiculti, they absolutely hate political correctness, but because the average human is just one cell in a racial organism, they take the tribal norm that is given and roll with it. Because of this, the accusation of being “racist” is deeply psychologically crippling. It is an outgroup word and accusation of tribal betrayal.  Read more …

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After Trump

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Win or lose, there will be life after Trump. And we need to start preparing for it.

If Trump wins, there will certainly be no joy in Mudville. Read more …

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Gandhi & Hitler:
The Story of a Friendship, Part 3

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Part 3 of 3

“Out-Hitlering Hitler”: Allied-Axis Moral Equivalence & the Dialectics of Violence

In contrast with the literal demonization of Hitler in Allied propaganda and postwar culture, Gandhi constantly morally equated Hitler’s violence with that of Churchill, Stalin, or Roosevelt. Read more …

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How I Joined the Trump Team

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Trump. Samson Option. PsyOps Bullshit.

I’m in a coffee shop down the street from the Red Cross shelter where I slept for 5 weeks after the Great Rooming House Fire of 2011. One year later I got cancer of the brain. I mean cancer of the anus.

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Carl Schmitt is Right:
Liberal Nations Have Open Borders Because They Have No Concept of the Political

Carl Schmitt, 1888–1985

Carl Schmitt, 1888–1985

3,509 words

Before World War II liberal rights were understood among Western states in a libertarian and ethno-nationalistic way. Freedom of association, for example, was understood to include the right to refuse to associate with certain members of certain ethnic groups, even the right to discriminate in employment practices. This racial liberalism was still institutionalized right up until the 1960s. The settler nations of Australia, Canada, United States, and New Zealand enjoyed admission and naturalization policies based on race and culture, intended to keep these nations “White.”

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Gandhi & Hitler:
The Story of a Friendship, Part 2

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“Dear Friend”: Gandhi’s Letters to Hitler

The most famous examples of Gandhi’s humanization of Hitler are two open letters he wrote to the German chancellor Read more …

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The San Francisco Zebra Killings

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Clark Howard
New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1979

A central unexamined political issue in the United States is the failure to manage its African population since the end of the Civil War. This problem is foundational to every American public policy issue and every social problem.

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Gandhi & Hitler:
The Story of a Friendship, Part 1

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“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” – Mahatma Gandhi[1]

There are few world leaders in history who differ as starkly as Mohandas Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. The one is revered in his nation and throughout the world as the Mahatma, an apostle of nonviolence and non-discrimination. The Führer in contrast is officially and widely loathed both in his home country and across the West as a criminally insane warmonger pursuing of racial domination. Read more …

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Video of the Day
The Difficult Balancing Act Between Identity & Reflection

21 words / 8:31

Matthew Drake’s video for an excerpt from a Counter-Currents podcast. He created the title. Please share and like.


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Race Realism & the Alt Right

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Author’s Note:

This essay was adapted from remarks at a press conference on the Alt Right held by the National Policy Institute, September 9, 2016. It will appear in the forthcoming volume The Alternative Right, ed. Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2016)

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Identity Europa in San Francisco
Interview with Nathan Damigo

ieprotest52:50 / 134 words

To listen in a player, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.”

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Remembering John C. Calhoun

johnccalhoun1,989 words

Anyone familiar with 19th-century American history will recognize John C. Calhoun as the man who, more than anyone else, represented the antebellum South. He, along with John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia, provided much of the intellectual heft behind the character and institutions of the South and defined its position as a distinct economic and cultural region within the greater Union.

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Hitler in the German Consciousness

cioran_in_romania968 words

Translated by Guillaume Durocher

Translator’s Note:

Translated from the French. Improvements from the original Romanian are therefore welcome.

No politician in the world today inspires as much sympathy and admiration in me as Hitler. There is something irresistible about the destiny of this man, Read more …

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The Great Forgetting


Jean-Léon Gérôme, Slave Market, 1866

1,500 words

By now, we should all know about the Muslim grooming gang scandal which has been rocking England for decades. Peter McLoughlin wrote about it extensively in his invaluable volume Easy Meat, which should be required reading for anyone on the Alt Right. After exposing not only the Muslim sex offenders and their complicit communities but also the white Britons who let it all happen, McLoughlin then sets upon a novel tack in his book.

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Interview on White Nationalism & the Alt Right

thoth384b2,278 words

Author’s Note:

This interview was conducted by an academic researcher who is writing a book on the Alternative Right.

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Hating Whitey:
On Negative Identity

Courtesy of Counter-Signal Memes for Fashy Goys

Courtesy of Counter-Signal Memes for Fashy Goys

1,823 words

One of the great things about Wikileaks, quite simply, is that they reveal things we already know to be true. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails? Check. Hillary colluded with the DNC to defeat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary? Check.

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Notes on Peter Thiel’s Zero to One

zerotoone9,183 words

Peter Thiel
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, Or How to Build the Future
New York: Crown Business, 2014

Peter Thiel, founder of Paypal, Palantir, and the first investor in Facebook shocked Silicon Valley with his early endorsement of Donald J. Trump and his role in the subsequent destruction of GawkerRead more …

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The Jewish Question for Normies

rembrmoses3,538 words

The notion that the Alt-Right is full of hatred and bigotry against Jews is one complaint that is echoed almost equally across both the Left and Right. Even many mainstream conservatives who oppose the Alt-Right but would never agree that the Alt-Right is racist because of its perspectives on race still accuse the Alt-Right of being anti-Semitic because of its perspectives on Jews.

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Gattaca is Wrong:
The Moral & Evolutionary Case for Genetic Selection

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Fun fact: Despite graduating from a prestigious University in the U.K (which will not be named) with the best possible grade, this essay nearly got me kicked off the course for being “monomaniacal” (admittedly Captain Ahab is a personal hero) “dog-whistling” and advocating the “most reprehensible means for improvement.” I had to fight bitterly against the PC police and the radical Marxist professors for an impartial marker. 

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Stop Being Frisky:
Why Trump is Right about Stop & Frisk

nypoststopfrisk1,714 words

In recent days, I’ve been hearing an abnormal amount of criticism of Donald Trump for “policies on race relations that basically amount to ‘reinstitute stop and frisk.’” As usual, the statements are being made in a tone that makes it obvious that the speaker considers it simply beyond the pale to question whether or not those stop and frisk policies were doing anything right. Read more …

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Ode to the Captain

1,364 words

Corneliu Codreanu

Corneliu Codreanu

Translated by Guillaume Durocher

Translator’s Note:

Emil Cioran was a Romanian philosopher who, before becoming a noted esthete of nihilism in the Parisian literary scene, dared to be a hopeful fascist. Translated from the French. Improvements from the original Romanian are therefore welcome. The title is editorial. 

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What the Neocons Got Right:
A Review of Arguing the World

arguingtheworld1,547 words

Joseph Dorman’s documentary Arguing the World (1998) and its companion book  (Arguing the World: The New York Intellectuals in their Own Words, 2000) tells the story of four New York Jewish intellectuals — Daniel Bell (1919–2011), Nathan Glazer (b. 1923), Irving Kristol (1920–2009), and Irving Howe (1920–1993) — who went on to have a tremendous and enduring impact not just on academia, but on political policy and the culture at large.  Read more …

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What the Alt Right Isn’t

4,568 words

dontdolist-resized-600In the early days of GRECE, the think tank of the Nouvelle Droite (New Right), which included such luminaries as Alain de Benoist and Pierre Vial, it was considered necessary to make a clean break with the failures of the past, totems that many on the Right still clung to. This new generation of writers, mostly in their 20s during the cultural revolution of ’68, felt that nostalgia for a lost cause — and there were several — stood in the way of their values finding political and cultural support from the majority of their countryman. Read more …

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American Ethnic Identity

1,031 words

BentonSpanish translation here

A common opinion among both White Nationalists and our critics is that a specifically “white” racial identity only makes sense in a colonial society like the United States, in which immigrants from many European lands have merged together into a generic white racial identity, which is distinct from non-white groups like blacks, Asians, and Amerindians. In Europe, however, different peoples think of themselves as Dutch or Italian or Danish first, not merely as white.  Read more …

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What Genetics & Homogeneous Non-White Countries Can Tell Us About White Nationalism 

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While Twinsters is about a set of adopted identical South Korean twins reared apart who meet fortuitously through the internet, (thanks to Facebook and YouTube), Twinsters has a particular and thought-provoking relevance to race and White Nationalism.

It is well known in White Nationalist circles that it is only whites, the ‘’ultra-privileged,’’ that are expressly forbidden by the anti-white political establishment to look out for their own identity and interests. Read more …

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The Red Pill Diaries
How My Zimmies Were Rustled

saintskittles2,100 words

It all started in 2012. As I have mentioned before, I spent my early adulthood as a committed Leftist. I’d like to spell out the exact process by which my deconversion took place. Why 2012? That was the year that George Zimmerman hunted down the young, innocent, Skittles- and tea-carrying Trayvon Martin and killed him in cold blood.  Read more …

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Men Going Their Own Way:
An Alt-Right Take

mgtow2,024 words

Many organizations and movements on the Right can be construed as push-back against Cultural Marxism. While the Alt Right certainly does do this, I wouldn’t include it in this group. In a world without Cultural Marxism, you can still have an Alt Right (although at that point, we’d probably drop the “Alt”). This is because we stand for things more than we stand against them, for example, a positive white racial identity, peaceful ethno-nationalism, and more or less traditional, commonsense values beyond that.  Read more …

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Alt Right vs. Alt Wrong:
Notes on the Milo Question


Frans Snyders, Three Monkeys Stealing Fruit, 1640s

1,832 words

My writing often takes a confessional turn. I have a whole book called Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, for instance. I have also confessed to being a “transphobic.” In fact, I am such a huge transphobic that I had to confess twice.

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Greg Johnson Interviewed by Laura Raim about the Alt Right (Transcript)

14,711 words

spoonbillEditor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V. S. of Greg Johnson’s interview with Laura Raim on the Alternative Right. To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.”  Read more …

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The Alt Right & Conservatism

elephantbones2,142 words

Conservatism, said Russell Kirk, is “neither a religion nor an ideology.” Today, its most stalwart defenders believe it is both. “True conservatism,” we are told, is under attack from the Alt Right, a shadowy group which encompasses everyone from the CEO of Donald Trump’s campaign to anonymous Twitter accounts who worship a cartoon frog. Because they do not agree with conservative “principles,” the so-called “true conservatives” are already fantasizing about another Beltway Right “purge” of the unbelievers.  Read more …

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Why I Write for Counter-Currents

Gabriël Metsu, Man Writing a Letter, circa 1664-1666

Gabriël Metsu, Man Writing a Letter, circa 1664-1666

2,716 words

I grew up in an incredibly small, overwhelmingly Southern Baptist town. The kind of place where almost everyone had some idea of when any given person in town had or hadn’t walked up in the main church (stationed straight across from the main grocery store) during the altar call to ask the Holy Spirit to come into their hearts, and “conservatism” meant being among the people keeping track more than anything else.

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The Caste System of the Alt Right

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Over the last few months there has been quite a bit of hubbub within the Alt Right movement over who exactly can be counted among our ranks and who can credibly be representing us to the public. This discussion has become particularly prominent in our circles since Hillary gave her lackluster speech on our movement and warned everyone about the dangers of our cartoon frog. Read more …

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Now in Print & Kindle!
Greg Johnson’s Revised & Expanded
Confessions of a Reluctant Hater

701 words

confessionssecondedsmallGreg Johnson
Confessions of a Reluctant Hater
Revised and Expanded
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2016
268 pages

Hardcover: $35 


Paperback: $20 

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New from Counter-Currents!
The Hypocrisies of Heaven: Poems New & Old

508 words

hypocrisiescovercropmediumLeo Yankevich
The Hypocrisies of Heaven: Poems New & Old
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2016
148 pages

Hardcover: $25 


Paperback: $15 

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The Alt Right & the Jews

echoes3,818 words

Certainly the most basic issue of the Alt Right is that it is entirely legitimate for Whites to identify as Whites and to pursue their interests as Whites, such as resisting attempts to make White Americans a minority.  Read more …

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God-Emperor Trump & Lord Kek
Toward an Alt-Right Religion

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We in the Alt Right tend to regard our internal religious debates as pointless and divisive; Atheist or Anglican or Asatru, we feel, target each other for denunciation or proselytization only to the detriment of our cause. Thus we often adopt a playful cynicism when dealing with the subject of religion so as to avoid intragroup strife and hurt feels. Read more …

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Safe East European Home

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The ancestral continent of all White people, Europe, can still be roughly divided in two according to the results of World War II. The East, which remained under Communist occupation for half a century, is still different in many aspects from the West. Read more …

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We are All White Trash Now

061916-white-trash_White-Trash2,122 words

Poor White Trash! Hillbillies! Rural poverty! It cannot have escaped your notice that we’re having a rash of stuff on this topic right now. Books, columns, thumb-sucking op-eds, talking-head concern-trolls nattering away on PBS NewsHour and Sunday morning chat-fests.

So far as I can tell, the genre first reared its head back in March of this year with a long-winded, digressive piece by Kevin Williamson in National Review Read more …

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Teaching White Nationalism in a Chinese University

China-Social-Media-Universities24,571 words

My name is Riki and I am a man of East Asian extraction currently living and working in the neo-imperialist China, a land of unabashed and unapologetic racial bias and ethnocentrism. I speak and write Japanese, English, and Chinese fluently. I am also a fan, supporter, and contributor of Counter-Currents Read more …

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A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans

HoodAmericanDream2,989 words

Editor’s Note:

If you want to know why White Nationalism is spreading like wildfire among white Republicans, especially men, this article is where it usually starts. First published November 9, 2012, after the defeat of Mitt Romney, it is also available in Hood’s book Waking up from the American Dream

Do you get it yet?  Read more …

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Trump, the Alt Right, & the Revolt Against Political Correctness

4,233 words

trump_wall_ben_garrisonOn June 6, 2015, dark clouds swirled over Trump Tower in New York City. Wolves howled. Lightning flashed. And The Words that Changed It All were spoken:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. Read more …

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What Would an Alt-Right Administration Look Like?

3,021 words

capricckOne of the many paths to power for alt-right ideas would be to control substantial elements of the federal government. This scenario has major limitations given the Constitution and the inertia that exists in the American system due to the nebulous divisions of sovereignty it imposes. Read more …

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Superheroes, Sovereignty, & the Deep State

3,340 words

justice-league-part-one-who-will-be-the-big-bad-justice-league-part-one-352195Author’s Note:

This text was presented in somewhat abridged form at the second meeting of the New York Forum on July 16, 2016. I want to thank the NY Forum team and everyone who was present.  Read more …

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