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By Pete Moore On November 23rd, 2016 at 6:44 pm

THOMAS MAIR, a mentally ill Norwegian militant, has been found guilty of murdering a Labour MP called Jo Cox. He has been given a whole-life tariff, meaning that he’ll only leave prison in a box.

I have no problem with the verdict or the sentence. There’s no doubt about his guilt, and I’m generally in favour of life meaning life for premeditated murder. It’s just a shame that most convicted murderers are given just a few years for the same crime. Some have suggested that because Cox was an MP, that her murder was “an attack on democracy”. This is meaningless drivel, and when the pro-IRA John McDonnell said it in the Commons today, laughable too. It’s no comfort to most bereaved that their loved one was not murdered for political reasons.

No, I’m sorry, MPs are not more precious than anyone else.

I notice the predictably disgraceful reporting today too. The BBC has suspended its reporting guidelines and actually described Mair as a “terrorist”. Others have openly linked Mair to Right Wing causes. This is to dangerously fan the flames of Patriotophobia. Up and down the country tonight, patriots will be nervous about attacks on them, by bigots and phobes. Nationalism is the ideology of peace. The government and the UN must come out and say so.


By Pete Moore On November 23rd, 2016 at 6:02 pm

Told you this would happen. Reports The Telegraph

Hundreds of thousands of British expats are set to be granted the right to carry on living on the Continent after Brexit after the majority of European Union countries signalled they were ready to do a “reciprocal rights” deal with the UK […]

The Government said no deals had yet been struck, but the closeness of an informal understanding is leading to speculation that any deal will be announced at a key EU summit in Brussels next month.

Back in the summer, following the Brexit vote and when Remainers were howling with rage (and still are), I said that this would happen. Back in the summer, while some were suggesting that millions of people will be ejected from thie homes, I said that this would happen. In fact I said that (then) PM Cameron, and Parliament, ought to make it clear that no-one will be kicked out. This simply will not happen in 21st-Century Europe.

We can do the same with trade, if everyone involved remembers that they’re adults.


By David Vance On November 22nd, 2016 at 8:54 pm

I remain confident in the future economic prospects for the UK free of the constraints of the EU. But what of the EU itself? What does IT face?

“Steve Eisman, who inspired Hollywood film The Big Short, has warned Italy’s crippled lenders and large amounts of sovereign debt held by European banks are among the reasons the continent is facing total meltdown. 

The most immediate threat comes from the staggering £270billion worth of bad loans held by Italian banks, according to the legendary investor, who made  £81million ($1bn) by betting against banks in the run up to the financial crash in 2008.

While the guru said he wasn’t worried about Britain’s banks, he laid out a grim future for Europe.”

He is right. I predict the Euro will go into a deeper free fall in 2017. It is already nearing parity with the Dollar and when Trump tears up TTIP then it will fall again. Of course an EU in recession will not help the UK but by any realistic consideration we will be better off out of it as the proverbial hits the fan.


By David Vance On November 22nd, 2016 at 8:49 pm

People who pretend to be other people for a living are not necessarily a great source of integrity and so this may explain…

Some members of the cast of Hamilton, who delivered a message to Vice President-elect Mike Pence about their fears of the new administration, have abstained from voting for years, records show.  There are no records available for this year, so it’s unclear if the cast members voted in 2016, but years prior show many were absent on Election Day.

Isn’t this wonderful hypocrisy? They can’t be BOTHERED to vote but still parrot the words against Trump.


By David Vance On November 22nd, 2016 at 8:44 pm


I thought this was interesting.

The US president-elect, Donald Trump, has suggested that the Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, should be the UK’s ambassador to the US. “Many people would like to see [@Nigel_Farage] represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States,” Trump tweeted on Monday evening. “He would do a great job!”

I fully agree with this ‘suggestion” but Her Majesty’s Government knows better.

But No 10 said there was “no vacancy”. The role is currently held by Sir Kim Darroch and a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May added that he was “an excellent ambassador who only took up post in January and traditionally they serve four years or even longer”.

And here is an insight into the “excellent” Sir Kim…

BRITAIN is well-placed to influence Donald Trump by exploiting his character and inexperience in office, a leaked memo from the British ambassador has suggested.

I see. So the “excellent” Sir Kim wants to “exploit” President Elect Trump. Anyone see how this might NOT go down swimmingly well in the Trump White House?

OK, it is NOT for Trump to tell HMG who it should have as US Ambassador but given the closeness of Farage shouldn’t sit swallow its pride and find a special role for him in the interests of the UK – if not the Conservative party.


By Pete Moore On November 22nd, 2016 at 7:07 pm

President-elect Trump, according to fake news outlets such as the WaPo, “won’t seek criminal investigations” into Crooked Hillary. Talk about putting the liars in a corner.

They’re itching like mad to accuse him of reneging on an election promise, but they can’t do so without appearing to relish their heroine being investigated. On the other hand they could say it’s the right decision, but they cannot praise Trump. They will never praise him, not even the Hillary fanboys who shrieked like their hair’s on fire at the very idea.

Look, conservatives rightly complained about Obama politicising the DOJ (not to mention the IRS and other agencies). Of course Dems were cool about that, but draining the swamp necessarily precludes acting in an Obama-esque spiteful and unconstitutional way. Trump has been elected president, and his job is to allow his appointees at the DOJ and FBI to do their jobs, not to do it for them.

Plus he has removed Obama’s excuse for pardoning Crooked Hillary, that any prosecution would be political. He has de-politicised the issue by allowing the agencies their rightful independence. If Obama were now to pardon her, he must explain why and for what crimes.

Then next year, sometime after he’s inaugurated, he can tell the American people that it was not his wish to pursue Crooked Hillary, but it is the advice of prosecutors, acting independently, to convene a grand jury …


By David Vance On November 21st, 2016 at 3:52 pm

I am sure you will have spotted this most disturbing news.

“Turkey’s governing party has sparked an outcry after putting forward a bill that would pardon up to 3,000 child rapists if the perpetrator married his victim.  Critics have warned that such a law would encourage sexual abuse, while the government has defended the bill as an attempt to deal with legal complications arising from child marriage. “

Listen, if someone commits child rape they have simply proven that they are depraved beyond words and should be locked up in perpetuity. To hold out an olive leaf and invite them to MARRY their victim is an incredible proposition.


By David Vance On November 21st, 2016 at 3:48 pm

There is a feeling that all is not well with Brexit. Consider this..

Theresa May has tried to reassure businesses fearing a sudden change in rules once the UK leaves the EU. Speaking at the CBI conference, Mrs May promised early agreement on the status of UK nationals in Europe and EU nationals in the UK.  “People don’t want a cliff-edge; they want to know with some certainty how things are going to go,” she said. Several business lobby groups have pushed for an interim deal to let them trade in the same way post-Brexit.

Just to be clear. These are the same business groups that lobbied AGAINST Brexit. The people determined otherwise and so there is NO SUCH THING as a “transitional Brexit”. We voted to leave the European Union, period. No half-way houses were on the ballot paper. Leave means Leave and if Mrs May is sensible she will realise that or else SHE will go over the cliff edge!


By David Vance On November 21st, 2016 at 3:44 pm

Obama seems to think that Donald Trump is just waiting to seek advice from him. Boy is he deluded although one could be forgiven for thinking otherwise when reading the media…

President Barack Obama said on Sunday that he doesn’t intend to become his successor’s constant critic – but reserved the right to speak out if President-elect Donald Trump or his policies breach certain “values or ideals.” (What, such as opening up the Nation’s borders to Radical Islam?)

Offering a rare glimpse into his thoughts on his post-presidency, Mr Obama suggested once he was out of office he would uphold the tradition of ex-presidents stepping aside quietly to allow their successors space to govern. He heaped praise on former President George W Bush, saying he “could not have been more gracious to me when I came in” and said he wanted to give Mr Trump the same chance to pursue his agenda “without somebody popping off” at every turn.

How gracious of him to deign to give Trump a chance.

Listen. The Democrats lost the White House. They have lost the Senate. They have lost the House. They have lost BIGLY (!) and so the truth is that no one really CARES what Obama thinks anymore. The US has tipped away from Obama and whether he, or anyone else likes it, the Country is going in a new direction. The crooked media and their Democrat pals can lick their wounds for the next four years – change has come.

Just for Fun

By The Troll On November 21st, 2016 at 2:50 pm

There is an excellant article in the WSJ on the Evil Steve Bannon. I thought it would be nice to share what he actually has to say about being Satan.

bannon-1479320187At first Mr. Bannon insists that he has no interest in “wasting time” addressing the accusations against him. Yet he’s soon ticking off the reasons they are “just nonsense.”

Anti-Semitic? “Breitbart is the most pro-Israel site in the United States of America. I have Breitbart Jerusalem, which I have Aaron Klein run with about 10 reporters there. We’ve been leaders in stopping this BDS movement”—meaning boycott, divestment and sanctions—“in the United States; we’re a leader in the reporting of young Jewish students being harassed on American campuses; we’ve been a leader on reporting on the terrible plight of the Jews in Europe.” He adds that given his many Jewish partners and writers, “guys like Joel Pollak, these claims of anti-Semitism just aren’t serious. It’s a joke.”

 He blames the attacks on a lazy media, noting for instance that the “renegade Jew” line wasn’t Breitbart’s. Conservative activist David Horowitz (also Jewish) has taken responsibility for writing the headline himself, in a piece about Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.

The Lenin anecdote came from an article in the Daily Beast by a writer who claimed to have spoken with Mr. Bannon in 2013: “So a guy I’ve never heard of in my life claims he met me at a party, and then claims I said something about Lenin, and this is taken as gospel truth, with nobody checking it.”

What about the charge of white supremacism? “I’m an economic nationalist. I am an America first guy. And I have admired nationalist movements throughout the world, have said repeatedly strong nations make great neighbors. I’ve also said repeatedly that the ethno-nationalist movement, prominent in Europe, will change over time. I’ve never been a supporter of ethno-nationalism.”

Mr. Bannon says the accusations miss that “the black working and middle class and the Hispanic working and middle class, just like whites, have been severely hurt by the policies of globalism.” He adds that he urged candidate Trump to reach out in his campaigning. “I was the one who said we are going to Flint, Michigan, we are going to black churches in Cleveland, because the thrust of this movement is that we are going to bring capitalism to the inner cities.”

Why does he think that leftists are so fixated on him? “They were ready to coronate Hillary Clinton. That didn’t happen, and I’m one of the reasons why. So, by the way, I wear these attacks as an emblem of pride.”

Mr. Bannon is fiercely proud of the bomb-throwing Breitbart News, too. He credits it with “catching and understanding this populist movement” as far back as 2013, narrating the rise of the UK Independence Party in Britain, the exit movement for Scotland, and ultimately Brexit. “We were on to this change years before Donald Trump came on the scene,” he says.

He acknowledges that the site is “edgy” but insists it is “vibrant.” He offers his own definition of the alt-right movement and explains how he sees it fitting into Breitbart. “Our definition of the alt-right is younger people who are anti-globalists, very nationalist, terribly anti-establishment.”

But he says Breitbart is also a platform for “libertarians,” Zionists, “the conservative gay community,” “proponents of restrictions on gay marriage,” “economic nationalism” and “populism” and “the anti-establishment.” In other words, the site hosts many views. “We provide an outlet for 10 or 12 or 15 lines of thought—we set it up that way” and the alt-right is “a tiny part of that.” Yes, he concedes, the alt-right has “some racial and anti-Semitic overtones.” He makes clear he has zero tolerance for such views.

you can read the whole Article Here.