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Nov 08 2016

Open Thread


118 Responses to “Open Thread”

  1. K.E.Miles says:


  2. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Oh my…..what have I gotten myself into!?!

  3. Deathstroke says: As of now:

    Trump: 277

    HRC: 215

    John Podesta came out for HRC and told her supporters that she wont be making a concession speech tonight.

    TRANSLATION: Hillary is going bonkers and is in no condition to present herself.

  4. Freaking unbelievable – Trump did not see this – The pollsters did not see this

  5. Bodhisattva says:

    Begging your pardon, but the true translation is they need to see what basis they can use to claim they won in the morning. They’re going to be doing everything they can all night long to make sure that, in the morning, they can cast serious doubt on who actually won, probably starting with the popular vote totals UNLESS Trump clearly wins there, too.

  6. Bodhisattva says:

    C’mon… is that the best shot of Trump you could have come up with? Or is the point you’re making is that even Trump thought he would lose – as his remarks suggested.

    I wonder, was his intent to lose from the start? Doesn’t seem so. I never believed that theory, even though I actually mentioned it a few times.

    Now we get a chance to see just how good – or bad – Trump will be.

  7. THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 says:


  8. Bodhisattva says:

    OK so as noted on the last thread, Trump wins, Republicans keep the House, Republicans keep the Senate.

    The lame-stream media did get their “Dewey Beats Truman” moment as they consistently predicted Hillary would win this year, some said by a landslide, up until the actual numbers started rolling in.

  9. Bodhisattva says:

    No, really? When? Where? Podesta came out and said she wouldn’t be conceding tonight.

  10. THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 says:

    OAN news has it that she called Trump to concede

  11. THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 says:


  12. Bodhisattva says:

    Possible. Private concession, not public. I’m looking for a full PUBLIC admission. A private one can always be taken back. Trump is about to speak, let’s see what he has to say.


  13. Bodhisattva says:

    Now for the bad news:

    The 2nd Amendment took a MAJOR hit here in California.

    Proposition 63, the ammunition and gun-control measure, is opposed by California Republicans, and has the support of the Democratic Party.

    Proposition 63 would require background checks for the purchase of ammunition, and it would ban large-capacity magazines. It would also make it a felony to steal a gun.

    Its supporters say it will keep guns and bullets out of the wrong hands while opponents say it imposes costly burdens on law enforcement agencies and taxpayers. State analysts say it could cost up to tens of millions of dollars annually for a new court process for removing firearms from prohibited people.

    In addition to requiring the destruction or removal from the state of large-capacity ammunition magazines, Proposition 63 would also require most individuals to pass background checks and obtain Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition.

    Certain aspects of this are clearly unconstitutional and, once Trump names a proper Supreme Court Justice, it will certainly be upheld by the 9th Circuit but overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

  14. Bodhisattva says:

    According to the ballot summary, Proposition 63:

    “Requires individuals to pass a background check and obtain Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition.
    Prohibits possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines, and requires their disposal, as specified.
    Requires most ammunition sales be made through licensed ammunition vendors and reported to Department of Justice.
    Requires lost or stolen firearms and ammunition be reported to law enforcement.
    Prohibits persons convicted of stealing a firearm from possessing firearms.
    Establishes new procedures for enforcing laws prohibiting firearm possession.
    Requires Department of Justice to provide information about prohibited persons to federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System.”

  15. Bodhisattva says:

    California also passed Proposition 59, which asks whether California’s elected officials should use their authority to propose and ratify an amendment to the federal Constitution overturning the United States Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

    This means the majority has directed California’s legislature to go ahead and propose a Constitutional Amendment on this issue.

    Which is a joke, but not a funny one.

  16. Bodhisattva says:

    California voters did pass a few sane things:

    A YES vote on this measure means: Any bill (including changes to the bill) would have to be made available to legislators and posted on the Internet for at least 72 hours before the Legislature could pass it. The Legislature would have to ensure that its public meetings are recorded and make videos of those meetings available on the Internet.

    This is way overdue. I voted YES and it passed by nearly 2:1.

  17. president trump says:

    trump owns the republican party now! don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

  18. THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 says:

    God Damned RIGHT!

  19. Bodhisattva says:

    Congratulations are in order – America has smashed yet another barrier – we just elected our first GINGER!

  20. Bodhisattva says:

    Apparently five more states, including CA, legalized recreational marijuana. It’s still a federal offense despite Obama’s promises to fix that.

    Full disclosure. I do not smoke marijuana nor do I partake of any of it’s derivative products and while I do recommend to people they stay away from it unless they have a valid medical need, I don’t frown on it UNLESS it’s obviously something that’s adversely affecting one’s life.

  21. TrojanMan says:

    And that is a good thing? I’m glad i am a conservative and not a republican.

  22. TrojanMan says:

    Amazing. Even fox news called it the greatest upset in history. The American people spoke. Now he needs to prove himself. I am just thrilled Clinton lost. I just wish we had elected a conservative.

  23. TrojanMan says:


  24. kasper says:

    While he was not my first choice,, over Hillary, it was no option.

  25. Bodhisattva says:

    Some of you who live in other states may wonder about this. Just skip it – but you may regret it as these sorts of things either may already be coming to a state near your OR may be needed in a state near you:

    Prop 51 passed – bad. $9 billion in new spending obligations/bonds. CA has too many already.

    Prop 52 passed – bad. Not against the idea, just against doing it this way. Should have had the legislature do it and not “indefinitely”.

    Prop 53 failed – bad. Only flaw was the bar was too high. Should have been passed for any major project spending starting at a much lower limit.

    Prop 54 passed – GOOD! Same thing is needed at the national level.

    Prop 55 passed – bad. Tax the rich. Wealth transfer. Actually violates the State Constitution, which requires equal treatment, except when moonbats decide to give some people special treatment, which is all the time.

    Prop 56 passed – mixed. I voted against. First, a sin tax, those are always bad. Second, supposedly the money goes the wrong places. But if it stops kids from smoking I’m for it. I just don’t necessarily believe it will have that effect, which was perhaps it’s ONLY saving grace.

    Prop 57 passed – VERY BAD. Will allow the release of criminals who need to serve their sentences. It’s that simple.

    Prop 58 passed – bad. While I believe that parents and educators should encourage kids to be multilingual, this is a back door way to bring in the concept of preventing English as the language of this nation and assisting immigrants to avoid efforts to more quickly and completely assimilate. Of course those kids who don’t speak English need to have some language support but it needs to be strictly defined and should be paid for not by the taxpayers but by the parents who bring in kids who need special treatment.

    Prop 59 passed – EXTREMELY BAD. Attempt to overturn Citizens United by national Constitutional amendment.

    Prop 60 failed – GOOD! Would have forced the adult film industry participants who engage in sex acts to wear condoms. For or against the adult film industry, this is once again government sticking parts of it’s anatomy where they don’t belong.

  26. jtm371 says:

    The cadaver is freaking dead. God is great

  27. Saxon Warrior says:

    Now we’ll see what really happens.
    Speculation is over…….

    We live in exciting but evil times…….

    Whatever you believe in, know that you are living in historic times……

    I don’t have a clue……. as you may have already guessed. I’m no prophet…

    Keep watching…..

    Keep listening….

    Are we heading for glory or for shame:- for life, or for death and destruction?

    Sleep well folks. Tomorrow is another day!

  28. FrozenPatriot says:

    Sucks to be in Commiefornia, but for the rest of us it’s great to have an example of what not to do… The good news is that you can vote with your feet…

  29. FrozenPatriot says:

    LOL… The first laugh in a night of little solace…

  30. FrozenPatriot says:

    Believe me, I didn’t… Glad Hitlery lost, but wish we had a principled, moral president with an understanding of what the federalies can and can’t do…

  31. Bodhisattva says:

    Hold them to it!

    Dozens of celebrities vowed to leave the country if Donald Trump won the White House, saying they’d flee to everywhere from Canada to Jupiter.

    The threat is a common one after any election outcome: Canada’s immigration website crashed from heavy traffic as it looked increasingly likely that Trump would win.

    But after the real estate mogul clinched the presidency in a stunning victory early Wednesday morning, some of those stars will face questions about making good on their promise.

    Here is a list of some of the celebs who claimed they would move out of the U.S. under a Trump administration.

    See link and HOLD THEM TO IT. Make them keep their promise, particularly the one who said they were going to “Jupiter”.

    Cher tweeted this summer that if Trump gets elected, “I’m moving to Jupiter.”

  32. Bodhisattva says:

    Now watch the flurry of pardons Obama will issue.

    I will expect them to be generic, vague, blanket, so as not to reveal the crimes Obama knows have been committed while still pardoning those who committed them.

  33. Buffalobob says:

    Trump gave a very presidential speech reaching out to all of his detractors to come together and unite the country. He acknowledged Hillary’s call to him congratulating him on his victory. He was gracious towards her. Now if the never Trumpers can just relax, maybe we can make this country great again.

  34. Bodhisattva says:

    Let’s hope he hews to the tone he set there.

  35. Bodhisattva says:

    OK signing off with Trump ahead in popular vote by a shrinking but still substantial margin of around 3/4 of a million and it changes that fast… now it’s about 1/2 million. Hillary may yet win the popular vote, as I suspected.

  36. William Wilson says:


    Let the hand-wringing commence!


  37. Saxon Warrior says:

    Can we finally stop the in-fighting?

    Whatever you believe….. even if conservatives have been completely deceived by Trump…..

    know that no moonbat would ever have voted for him….. not in a million years.

    Does that not tell you something?

    Whether wool has been pulled over eyes or not….. even if the righteous are utter fools…..

    Conservative Christians are still alive and well and prepared to speak their voice….

    Sleep well, sleep tight!

  38. Pork_Soda says:

    To quote the great philosopher, Aristotle ” HOOOLLLEEESHEEEET!!”

  39. Pork_Soda says:

    Thanks a million. Even though I live in Portland OR now Im still trying to keep up with California politics!

  40. Saxon Warrior says:

    So in a few months time, Obama goes….

    I don’t just want him out, I want him convicted of treason

    Hillary too…

    These bastards should not be allowed to get away with it.

  41. Chronos Z. Wonderpig says:

    anybody move to Canada yet?

  42. EVERYDAY PRESIDENT ☆ ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says:

    They could just move to MEXICO. It’s much closer..

  43. EVERYDAY PRESIDENT ☆ ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says:


    Trump got rid of the Bushes AND the Clintons ! ! !



  44. Mike_W20 says:

    It would be horrifying to wake up in the morning to hear that several car trunks filled with ballots, the ink still wet, showed up late to the counting rooms and that Clinton had snuck a close victory.

  45. EVERYDAY PRESIDENT ☆ ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says:


    Not an ashtray, not a lamp that wasn’t smashed to bits in the Green room at the Javits Center..

  46. EVERYDAY PRESIDENT ☆ ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says:

    Why can’t they move to their beloved Mexico?

  47. Boola Boola says:

    Thank you to all that took the time out of your busy day or to mail in a ballot supporting Donald trump for President this election cycle. I did my part, and I’m glad you did yours to stop the undermining of this great country. Now we can turn it around and bring it back again.

    Trump was not my first choice a long time ago during the Republican primaries, but in the last few months, I fully supported him. He was the only one that was able to stick it back to the media and hillary on a regular basis. To be honest and realistic, no other Republican candidate would have been able to pull this off against the clinton machine and the media (same difference)? Not a chance in hell.
    In recent months, he has become more Presidential and the people of this great land can relate to him, another reason why he was able to achieve victory tonight.

    Now, for all of those “never Trumpers” out there who call themselves Republicans/Conservatives who absolutely refused to get out and vote for Donald Trump… those who would rather post nonsensical “never Trump” garbage online and sit at home and pout because their preferred candidate was not in the running…

    You should be thrilled after tonight’s results and kissing the rest of our sweet asses who went out and voted for both a Trump Presidency and also so that hillary did NOT win the White House. You clowns would be the first ones bitching and moaning about a hillary Presidency…. in all respects. Supreme Court appointee(s), refugees, illegals, high taxes, businesses going under, more inflation, even higher unemployment etc.

    Is Trump a true Conservative? No, he’s not, but he’s the best we have at this point in time and he loves his country and is going to put that first and foremost and do the best he can to ensure it’s survival against constant attacks from the commie progs.


  48. Belfast says:

    What a pathetic little hint at horror.
    It gratifies me to know that YOU won’t sleep

  49. EVERYDAY PRESIDENT ☆ ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says:

    Don’t forgot the fact that he TERMINATED
    both the Bushes AND the Clintons!

  50. Belfast says:

    That’s right, take it like a bad sport.
    Pretend you are not hurting like hell.
    Go and get drunk with Dave and Torcer.

  51. Saxon Warrior says:

    Oh, I’ll sleep alright. Why shouldn’t I?
    BTW if you think I’m hinting at horror then you’re not very good at reading…

    Try again.

  52. Saxon Warrior says:

    North Korea has some great real estate for would-be migrants. Although it’s not really real estate as potential buyers would only ever be tenants as Kim owns everything.
    So Gaga, Kate Perry, Cher and all you other buffoons, what are you waiting for? Your socialist paradise beckons. You can follow in the footsteps of your fellow chump, Rodman.
    He loves Kim….. “Kim is my friend”.

    Alternatively Venezuela is particularly beautiful at this time of year, although you may have to forsake toilet paper for a while.

  53. CRC60 says:

    A quiet coalition vs. a backfiring democrat PR campaign. Fun to watch. It seems obvious the anti-trumper-conservatives (myself included) quietly and firmly coalesced around Trump for fear of the Clinton camp with their primary convo of juvenile platitudes in occupy-democrats FB memes.

  54. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Well…..depends upon what promises he chooses to keep.

  55. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Does Mexico want to take California back?

  56. yourfavoritedeplorableunkle says:

    Best advice ever.

  57. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Clearly Oregon gets its crazy ideas from its neighbors to the north and south. And it thinks its neighbors to the east are crazy.

  58. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Lemme see…

    Samuel L. Jackson said he would move to South Africa

    He will surely be missed. Avengers IIII just won’t be the same. I am willing to help contribute to his airfare.

    Lena Dunham….another talented woman I don’t recognize.

    Neve Campbell…threatens to move back to Canada. Trump probably needs to start thinking about a wall along the northern border, too.

    Miley Cyrus…I’m sure that someone will miss her too. I don’t know who, but somebody.

    Barbara Streisand…if she dresses as a young Jewish boy, I’ll bet she can sneak out of the country unnoticed.

  59. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Blanket pardons for Huma and Hillary, too?

  60. NotKennedy says:

    Lynch will be right behind him!

  61. NotKennedy says:

    No charges have been filed… there is nothing for him to pardon. Those charges can wait until after the first 100 days. There is a lot of undoing to get done.

  62. JustAl says:

    Finally a POTUS who may actually give a sh** about the American people, it’s been over 20 years.

  63. Mr. Freemarket says:

    Ford pardoned Nixon with no formal charges filed.
    Maybe Obama will issue a pardon for anyone who voted democrat.

  64. anomalousprime says:

    It’s not that Trump was such a good candidate, it was that Hillary is so thoroughly bad to the bone.

    Hillary, rotten to the core.

  65. Occam's Stubble says:

    Congratulations to the Trump supporters. Now it is time to govern. Don’t screw it up.

  66. Occam's Stubble says:

    Populists have always been the way the electorate has drained the swamp in DC. Let’s hope Trump is mean enough to drain it completely.

  67. Driveby says:

    Yes, and take that idiot war hero and his two points with you.

  68. PilloryHillary says:

    What the hell do you mean WE RubberMan? Don’t tell me you gave up your precious principles and voted for Trump.

  69. Jack Bauer says:

    That Hillary Clinton couldn’t bring herself to address her supporters and people who campaigned so tirelessly for her last night, speaks volumes about her lack of character. Like everyone else that she has used (including, especially, her horndog husband) they are nothing but tools (or maybe “fools”) to achieve an end.

    I was watching the coverage on CBS which was surprisingly even handed for the mainstream media. They showed young people at the Hillary rally crying and looking like someone had shot their dog. Having sustained many decades of political disappointment, I empathized with them. But in time the young ones will learn, and they’ll be o.k. Many will find themselves being far more conservative than they are now in 10 or 15 years, and look back on their support of Hillary as a personally embarrassing mistake.

    Though Trump was not my first pick, I’m still willing to view this as the glass half full. There is at least the potential, that we could see him select people to work on his staff and in the Cabinet, who we as conservatives and libertarians, would find satisfactory — and that’s a good thing! I’m hoping that his son, who is very conservative, and people like Jeff Sessions will continue to influence his future decisions. Let’s wait and see, instead of making more of the sour grapes predictions about Trump that are likely to be as inaccurate as many of the ones already proven wrong.

    Not sure that it could happen, but I would love to see Trump and Cruz bury the hatchet sufficiently so that Cruz could be considered as an appointee to the Supreme Court. Because of his comparatively younger age, he could be a force for the conservative cause for decades. If not, we can still console ourselves by considering what the alternative could have been with a Hillary victory. Perhaps two or three more justices of the political bent of Ruth “the commie” Ginsburg!

    As for me, I’m off to go enjoy watching sycophantic media mope and wear black arm bands over Hillary’s loss. Extremist Clinton bum-kissers like Andrea Mitchell must be ready to throw themselves off a bridge……lol. Unlike Hillary’s young campaigners, I have NO sympathy for them, because they KNOW what a corrupt phony Hillary is, and yet they worked tirelessly for her anyway.

  70. Bodhisattva says:

    Looks like Clinton has about a 146,000 vote lead in the popular vote.

    We’re never going to hear the end of it.

  71. Bodhisattva says:

    Wow, it wasn’t a dream.

    Clinton won the popular vote by about 146,000 it seems – we’re never going to hear the end of it.

  72. Bodhisattva says:

    Wow… Michigan, New Hampshire, Arizona and Minnesota are still shown as not done counting votes.

    And of course, in a bid to make this as contentious as possible, the NYT reports that areas where there are many of white voters who didn’t finish high school are the ones that made the difference and elected Trump.

    Which only goes to show how smart one is who realizes that they can do better outside liberal dominated school systems than within them.

    (This from a guy with several advanced degrees.)

  73. TrojanMan says:

    Hell no i didnt vote for Trump. We as in the American people.

  74. Jack Bauer says:

    Well, for the media and the left (same thing really…), it’s all about dividing us.
    It’s not enough that they have successfully divided us by race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, wealth, etc. Now they have to try and divide us by level of formal education, with the implication being that the college educated (read: more intelligent) voted for Hillary. I am so sick of these elitist pukes….

    WTF ever happened to E Pluribus Unum ??

    What’s next? We get divided by what color car we drive?

  75. TED says: I DO NOT want to see the next frame!!

  76. TED says: He’s BEEN a BIG one for 8 years!

  77. TED says: They forgot the 4th one,

  78. Torcer says:

    Muy buenos días #Mundo Ganó Donald Trump

  79. Torcer says:

    Four hours that changed the world

  80. Luna Mora says:

    Congratulations to the President Elect Donald J. Trump and the Vice President Elect Michael R. Pence and on showing the Republicans how to win a Presidential election .

  81. Bodhisattva says:

    You can already get a taste of the NONSENSE that the liberals will be spewing constantly.

    Here are some NYT headlines:

    Incivility’s Triumph
    Trump’s victory will validate his serrated rhetoric.

    That was a story the wrote when they thought Hillary would win – when she lost they liked the story so much they just used a word processor to change “Clinton” to “Trump”.
    Seriously, the “incivility” was much more common coming from Democrats. How many of Hillary’s campaign offices got firebomed or otherwise damaged/destroyed?

    Trump’s Agenda Would Take U.S. Down New Path
    A Trump presidency will plunge the United States into an era of unknowns that has little parallel in the nation’s 240 year history.

    LIES! Actually Trump, if he stays true to what he promised, offers a return to sanity.
    It was OBAMA that plunged us into an era of unknowns with little parallel in the nation’s history – THIS IS WHAT OBAMA PROMISED AND WHAT OBAMA DID!

    This next one is where the NYT contradicts itself:

    Promise, and Fears, of a New World order
    Mr. Trump’s win foreshadowed an America more focused on its own affairs.

    Now which is it – are we going to be involved in multiple failed foreign adventures as was the case when Clinton was Secretary of State under Obama, or are we going to focus on our own affairs?

    Our Biggest Fears
    The real danger is the undermining of our democracy.

    Fortunately Clinton lost so we don’t need to worry about that any more.

    In Role of Outsider, Trump Harnessed Discontent
    Mr. Trump was elected in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign.

    Yes, Obama and the thought of a president Clinton did create a lot of discontent and Trump did use that – so? Is it his fault Obama and Clinton were such lying losers?

    Polarizing? True too – the Democrats made it as polarized as they could, at every turn, in every way.

    Goodbye to the Climate

    Actually it’s goodbye to the climate FRAUD.

    Clinton and Obama say we need to give Trump a chance, to work with him.

    The NYT says:

    The Audacity of Hopelessness
    Now it’s time to fight.

    NOW it’s time to FIGHT? When did you ever STOP fighting? When did you EVER try to WORK TOGETHER? Of course, the answer is NEVER!

  82. Bodhisattva says:

    Uncle Sam is talking to a “little prick”.

  83. Bodhisattva says:

    Nah they elected a half-white guy as the first “black” president.

    Democrats would never elect a REAL black guy. Remember, deep down inside, as Bill Clinton’s remarks about Obama proved, they’re still racist bigots. But they have a public policy and a private policy on that.

  84. Bodhisattva says:

    No, it’s just they’re typical “Anyone who votes Republican is stupid – and we can prove it – because we’re so damn smart”.

    They have this compelling need to reassure themselves about how smart, and about how much smarter than us, they are, you see.

  85. Bodhisattva says:

    As I predicted, Hillary squeezed out a win, a very thin one, in the popular vote but still lost, and the left is starting to whine about it:

    Shades Of 2000? Clinton Surpasses Trump In Popular Vote Tally

    BIG DEAL. They’re supposedly done counting? Still they haven’t called Arizona or Michigan, some seem to claim – or at least they’re not admitting it.

    Hillary is around 200,000 votes ahead, out of around 20 million. And Johnson siphoned off around 4 million votes that likely would have gone mostly to Trump, explaining it.

    Stein got around 1.2 million, McMullin didn’t even get 500,000.

    Neither candidate got more than 50 percent of the vote.

    Hillary Clinton lost the election but is winning the popular vote

    Yeah, because dead voter votes matter, as do illegal alien voter votes.

    And note they’re calling for the abolition of the Electoral College – again. Had the split been the other way they would be gloating over it.

    Hillary Clinton Beats Trump in Popular Vote

    Yeah, that’s about as relevant as “If you change the rules several times, Gore would have actually won.”

  86. Bodhisattva says:

    An amused look back:

    PANIC: Clinton Aides Haven’t Been Heard From For Hours

    Donald Trump has won Wisconsin, breaching the blue wall Hillary Clinton needed to win the White House. Her campaign team was confident heading into tonight and now, they’re hiding.

    Attendees at Clinton’s election night policy are reportedly leaving early and a number of them are crying.

    And then there was her refusal to give a public concession speech, to meet with and let her supporters know, though they’d expected to see her one way or the other.

  87. Bodhisattva says:

    Bernie “B.S.” Sanders issued this statement:

    Sanders says Trump, “tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of Democrat economics, Demnocrat politics and the Democrat’s media.”

    Sanders does not congratulate Trump, and says there could be common ground between the two on trade.

    “To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him,” Sanders said.

    He also adds, “To the degree that we lie and say he pursues racist,sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously continue to lie and slander him.”

  88. Bodhisattva says:

    Here is the other good news.

    Both houses stay red, though only by the slimmest of margins in the Senate.

  89. Bodhisattva says:

    More of that famous Democratic “civility”.

    Twitter Erupts With Calls For Donald Trump To Be Assassinated

  90. Bodhisattva says:

    ‘Anxious and fearful’ students demand day off to cry about Trump

    College students at several schools have started petitions urging their universities and professors to cancel classes in the wake of Donald Trump’s electoral victory, citing “emotional distress.”
    Petitions have sprung up at Loyola University, Bryn Mawr University, and Johns Hopkins University, but so far none of the schools have acceded to the demands.

    Cry on your own time, losers.

  91. Bodhisattva says:

    Check out the “woman”. She looks more like a man.

    44 Undocumented Immigrants Discovered in City Heights Stash House, Resident Charged: U.S. Atty

    A San Diego woman has been charged with harboring and hiding 44 undocumented immigrants in her home, some of whom were locked in a small shed, the U.S. Attorney’s office announced.
    Authorities first discovered the stash house, located on the 4900 block of University Avenue in San Diego’s City Heights neighborhood, when San Diego Police (SDPD) got multiple calls from neighbors, according to a complaint filed in Federal Court.

    Neighbors expressed concern after they saw two cars dropping off multiple people at the home, who then nervously rushed inside the home, the complaint alleges.

    City Heights resident Dania Olivero, 51, told police she invited the people to drink beer at her house, the complaint alleges.

  92. Bodhisattva says:


    A total of 1,380 Americans renounced their citizenship in the third quarter of the year, the Internal Revenue Service will announce through a posting in the Federal Register on Thursday, the second-highest total on record for the period.

  93. Bodhisattva says:

    Heh… what did I tell ya!

    The White House isn’t ruling out the possibility of Hillary Clinton receiving a last-minute pardon from President Obama — even though she hasn’t been charged with a crime.

  94. Bodhisattva says:

    California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Texas and parts of Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma… and that’s just part of the mystical, magical land of Aztlán they say we stole from them. The supposed ancestral home of the Aztecs. Below find an actual map of the actual location where the Aztecs were.

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