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Nov 14 2016

Democrats in Decline

Democrats didn’t only lose the White House. Since Obama took power and radicalized the party, the downward trajectory has been steep all around. Via WaPo:

democrat decline

Another WaPo graphic:


In only four states are both the governor and state legislature Democrat.

Convinced that Bernie Sanders would have won the election, Democrats are preparing to plunge still further into leftist Wackoland, allowing Sanders and his fellow extremist Elizabeth Warren to guide their course. Meanwhile, Sanders’s own home state, ranked by Gallup as the most liberal in the USA, just elected a Republican governor running on a small government platform. With 25 Democrat Senate seats coming up in 2018, total marginalization could be on the horizon.

This is a golden opportunity to restore America by moving in a conservative direction. Whether that will happen under the incoming leadership remains to be seen.

On tips from J and JusttheTipHQ.

Nov 14 2016

Gay Hate Hoax Targets Supporters of Pro-Gay Trump

As predicted, the Hate Hoax List is expanding explosively in the aftermath of Trump’s upset win. Looks like Chris Ball belongs on the list too:

Click for full size.

From the original story:

Calgary film producer Chris Ball is coming back from America’s presidential election with five staples holding together the gash on top of his head.

Ball spent the evening in a Santa Monica, Calif. bar watching poll results come in. As the election progressed, he said attitudes in the bar became more and more heated – on both sides of the campaign.

“People started launching homophobic slurs at me from afar,” he said. “I mean, I kind of got into it, but I didn’t want to provoke them.”

They were saying things like, ‘We got a new president you f–king faggots.’

When he later left the bar, alone, he was walking through an alley when he was jumped by a group of men – one of which smashed a bottle over his head.

He fell back, his head smashing against the concrete, where he blacked out.

Not to worry; Ball assures us that he is “in pretty good spirits” and “still very gay.”

Santa Monica police may not be in such good spirits, having been sent on a hate hoax goose chase. From the SMPD Facebook page:

You may have seen an unconfirmed story regarding a possible hate crime incident involving a “Chris Ball” alleging he was assaulted in Santa Monica on election night, November 8, by “Trump Supporters”.

The Santa Monica Police Department and the City of Santa Monica have not received any information indicating this crime occurred in the City of Santa Monica. We encourage the alleged victim to come forward and work with us if a crime did in fact take place. A check of local hospitals revealed there was no victim of any such incident admitted or treated as well.

Evidently Ball really was treated for a head wound; he provided a hospital discharge form from West Hills as evidence. It takes the better part of an hour to drive from Santa Monica to West Hills. That’s it for evidence to support his tale of oppression, which stinks on ice.

There is also precious little evidence that Trump is hostile to gays or even opposes their agenda. Quite the reverse:

Donald Trump went as far as to wave the rainbow flag at a rally in Colorado before the election. And not only invited the first openly gay man to speak at the Republican National Convention (on the main stage during primetime, no less), but addressed gay voters directly during his RNC nomination acceptance speech, as he had since the tragedy at the Pulse nightclub a month before. Hell, Trump was first invited to CPAC by a gay conservatives group in 2011.

In the past, when progs were caught in their frauds, they would pretend that their hoaxes are true in some kind of symbolic political sense. Now even that extremely tenuous relationship with reality has been lost.


On tips from Steve A and Dave F.

Nov 13 2016

Open Thread


Via Liberty Memes, on a tip from TrojanMan.

Nov 13 2016

Academia Responds to Election Result

Across the country, colleges have responded to Trump’s election by pulling back into childishness like a turtle into its shell. At this point it would be impossible to exaggerate the absurdity of campus snowflakes and the leftist educrats who aid and abet their refusal to grow up:

•  The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)

•  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.

•  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.

•  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)

•  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach.

Under leftist control, higher education is becoming a daycare service.

On tips from Steve A and Bodhisattva.

Nov 13 2016

Pollster Eats Bug on TV After Trump Win

Trump’s amazing upset has a lot of pollsters and pundits eating crow, but Sam Wang went even farther:

Polling expert Dr. Sam Wang promised to eat a bug if Trump exceeded 240 electoral votes. CNN’s Michael Smerconish made Wang keep his promise…

Wang’s predictions were off, but at least he’s a man of his word:

On a tip from Brian H.

Nov 13 2016

Why Hillary Needs That Pardon From Obama

Shrillary had better get that pardon from Obama, because it is likely to be her last chance for a while. Despite the kind words and generous donations Trump bestowed upon her in the past, things got ugly during the campaign, and he isn’t known for letting bygones be bygones.


Passed along by Scott D.

Nov 13 2016

Unoppressed Woman of Color Ashley Boyer Makes the Hate Hoax List

Moonbats have been making fools of themselves by trying to prop up their distorted portrayal of Trump supporters with hate hoaxes. An example is Ashley Boyer:

An ugly story out of Delaware made the social media rounds on Wednesday after an African-American woman claimed “four males, all of whom were Caucasian” harassed and threatened her with racial slurs and violence outside a gas station.

At the center of the case is a Facebook post from Ashley Boyer of Rehoboth Beach, Del., which didn’t indicate a specific location for the said incident.

The Fakebook post would be alarming…

ashley boyer

…except that it was phony.

That post has since been deleted. In its place: a Thursday morning update noting that “charges were filed, fugitives were caught. Yes I (know) names and no I will not release them.”


Police in Smyrna – where the incident is alleged to have occur – told PhillyVoice on Thursday that no such reports have been filed, and they haven’t heard from the alleged victim or anyone with information about a confrontation that occurred Wednesday.

According to Delaware State Police, “There is no record of this occurring in Smyrna, if at all.”

Please welcome Ms. Boyer to the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Dave F.

Nov 13 2016

NFL Commissioner Rearranges Deck Chairs, Ignores Iceberg

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has figured out that the NFL isn’t doing so well. But he hasn’t figured out why:

Goodell said on Thursday that the league was looking at a variety of ways to shorten game broadcasts, including trimming some advertising, to keep the action moving.

The league has seen its television ratings plunge this season, something that Goodell has said is related to a number of factors…

This comes from a New York Times piece that manages never to mention the most conspicuous factor in this year’s double-digit NFL ratings decline: theatrical demonstrations of contempt for America by Colin Kaepernick and his imitators.

If Goodell continues to support Kaepernick et al., he won’t have to worry about reducing advertising; those willing to advertise will make themselves scarce, just as fans have been doing.

Why people are finding better things to do on Sunday afternoons.

On a tip from Lyle.

Nov 13 2016

So Much for Repealing Obamacare

It turns out that counting on a national socialist to roll back creeping socialism may not have been such a great idea after all. Trump is already reneging on his frequently repeated promise to repeal Obamacare:

Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday that he would like to keep some parts of the law intact and may seek to amend the statute rather than repeal it. Trump said he came to the conclusion after Obama, during Trump’s Oval Office visit Thursday, suggested areas of the law that should be preserved.

Trump suggested provisions that prevent insurers from refusing coverage for preexisting conditions and which allow children to stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26 should stay. “I like those very much,” he said.

Eventually Big Government will get around to poking its nose into homeowner insurance. Authoritarians will prevent insurers from refusing coverage for preexisting conditions, such as your house already having burned down. So no one will buy insurance until after their house burns down. For insurers not to go out of business, the insurance will have to cost as much as a new house. So the government will subsidize it. End result: there will be no such thing as homeowner insurance, but no one will need it, because the government will buy everyone a new house at everyone else’s expense.

But don’t worry, Obamacare isn’t going to bankrupt the country. Trump’s Obama-scale, trillion-dollar, jobs-destroying infrastructure spending will take care of that.

Other promises that Trump may already be abandoning include the Wall, keeping Muslims out of the country, prosecuting Shrillary, deporting illegal aliens, waterboarding terror suspects, leaving entitlements alone, imposing a 45% tariff on Chinese goods, voiding the Iran nuclear deal, and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. In some of these cases, breaking his promises will be a good thing.

How will he actually govern? No one including Trump himself knows, but I’m still guessing that by the time he is sworn in, he will have reverted to the left-liberal views he held until a year ago. That will be fine with the GOP, which won’t say no to a spending spree that will make the Bush and Obama years look frugal.

The national debt is now approaching $20 trillion, not counting unfunded liabilities, which are over $104 trillion.


On tips from Varla, Torcer, and TrojanMan.

Nov 12 2016

Open Thread


Via Emily Thomas.

Nov 12 2016

The Dream of the 90s Is Alive in Portland

The many moonbats who promised to leave America if the election didn’t turn out their way may not have to go as far as Canada (which doesn’t want them anyway), leave alone Jupiter. Portland, Oregon would probably do for those who want to live in an age of the Clintons in charge:

Technically if not culturally, Oregon is part of the USA. But if some moonbats have their way, not for long.

On tips from Jester and Bodhisattva.

Nov 12 2016

Fort Worth Police Officer Calls for Violent Revolution by Blacks

This is scary enough…


…but what is even scarier is who posted it:

A Fort Worth officer is on restricted duty as the Police Department investigates a post made on his Facebook page, calling on black people to buy “many guns and rounds of ammunition” and be ready as “you may have to answer the call for revolution sooner than you think.”

The post was made on the Facebook page of officer Brandon Morris, under the profile name of Negus Ankhmaster Morris. Morris’ Facebook page has since been taken down.

A screen shot of the post, however, had circulated among some officers.

Black Lives Matter ideology has wormed its way into some very disturbing places.

Readers will recall that last July five police officers were assassinated in the name of this same ideology in nearby Dallas.

Nov 12 2016

What the Protesters Are Protesting

Even Chris “Tingles” Matthews and one of his guests get it that the moonbats throwing postelection tantrums in the streets have no validity:

“What kind of a statement is it really there to make?” Matthews asked. “They lost.”

“Look it’s their First Amendment right,” Karine Jean-Pierre of said. “The country is grieving. Something happened on Tuesday night that people were not anticipating. Donald Trump.”

“Regarding these protesters, by the way, these protesters are not exercising their First Amendment rights. They have every right to speak. They don’t have a right to stop traffic. They don’t have a right to get in the way of commerce. That’s not the First Amendment. That’s being a spoiled brat. And by the way, what are they protesting democracy itself when they block traffic? We had an election,” guest Steve Cortez, a Trump supporter, said.

Democracy itself, or rather our democrat republic, is exactly what they are protesting.

For both conservatives and progressives, democracy is not an end but a means. For conservatives, the end is the defense of the rights enshrined in the Constitution. For progressives, it is an authoritarian collectivist agenda.

Since a better means of defending the Constitution than democratic elections has yet to be discovered, conservatives are not eager to throw the electoral process overboard when it doesn’t go their way. Progressives are another matter.

chris matthews tweety
Tingles a.k.a. Tweety gets one right.

On a tip from Torcer.

Nov 12 2016

Maybe Oregon Will Secede Too

If sore loser moonbats get their way, California won’t be the only state to secede. Oregon will too:

Two days after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, two Portlanders have submitted a petition for a 2018 ballot initiative to have Oregon secede from the United States.

On Thursday morning, Jennifer Rollins, a lawyer, and Christian Trejbal, a writer, filed the Oregon Secession Act.

“Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States,” Trejbal said over the phone Thursday.

Those values? “Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness,” Trejbal said, “plus equality.”

There we have it: the reason moonbattery cannot be reconciled with Americanism. Equality before the law is an aspect of liberty. But liberals use the word “equality” to mean coercively imposed equality of outcome. This makes equality and liberty mutually exclusive.

As usual, Milton Friedman had it right:


On tips from Steve A, Bodhisattva, and StephaneDumas.

Nov 12 2016

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Harsh Words for Climate Thought Criminals

Let’s not get our hopes up too high. The last time a celebrity was elected to high office as a Republican, we ended up with this:

Former California governor, actor and anti-carbon crusader Arnold Schwarzenegger issued some harsh words for anyone who doesn’t want the Environmental Protection Agency regulating carbon dioxide.

In a recently posted video, the Terminator star said, “Some politicians even want to shut down the EPA’s ability to regulate carbon! I would like to strap their mouth to an exhaust pipe of a truck, turn on the engine and let’s see how long it would take for them to tap out.”

The main reason sucking on a tailpipe would be unpleasant is the carbon monoxide that is toxic in concentrated doses. Carbon dioxide is harmless except in the alternate universe of leftist ideology. But enviromoonbats often seem to conflate the two.

Something else enviromoonbats often do is indulge in hypocrisy:

Schwarzenegger claims to be anti-fossil fuels, but as governor he used his private jet to fly over three hundred miles back and forth from his [Southern] California mansion to Sacramento several times a week.

Schwarzenegger joined forces with fellow eco-hypocrite James Cameron to make an anti-meat eating public service announcement in June 2016. The two also worked together on Years of Living Dangerously, but he clearly didn’t heed Harrison Ford’s episode on deforestation. In 2014, Business Insider cited a report from the non-profit Global Witness which claimed Schwarzenegger profited heavily from palm oil-related deforestation and that he was invested in one of these companies.

Schwarzenegger was the last Republican governor California will have for the foreseeable future. Let’s hope there isn’t a lesson in that. But at least where ecolunacy is concerned, Trump looks fine so far.

Warning: saturated with obscenity, in addition to moonbattery.

On a tip from TCS III.

Nov 11 2016

Open Thread


Passed along by Bodhisattva.

Nov 11 2016

Sore Winners

Unlike rioting moonbats, even some of the most diehard NeverTrumpers are willing to give Trump a chance to prove us wrong about his fitness, as he did regarding his electability. A united GOP will be more effective at overcoming resistance to the repeal of Obama’s moonbattery. Unfortunately, some of Trump’s less mature and more vindictive acolytes are making unity difficult.

For example:

Spoken like a true authoritarian, reminding NeverTrumpers of why they have found hardcore Trump cultists so alarming.

To finish making the point, let’s head straight to the bottom of the barrel by quoting degenerate statist Newt Gingrich:

“[T]he little whiny sniveling negative cowards who are Never Trumpers are beneath our paying attention to them. Let them drift away into the ashbin of history while we go ahead and work with Donald Trump, and with the House and Senate Republicans, to create a dramatically new future.”

Newt doesn’t explain how it was cowardly for people like Mike Lee to risk their careers by standing against a raging stampede in defense of principles that Gingrich himself seems barely able to comprehend.

Everyone should give Trump and his team a chance — but not with our eyes closed.

Trump cult bridgebuilders at work uniting the party.

On tips from Torcer and MAS.

Nov 11 2016

Saluting Vets

One way to honor veterans today is to take another look at Reagan’s famous speech commemorating the 40th anniversary of D-Day:

Via Daily Caller, on a tip from Torcer.

Nov 11 2016

Michelle Obama Wants Executive Order to Make White House Garden Immortal

The Era of Hope & Change is almost over, but it’s not too late for yet another of its trademark executive orders. The Bitter Half wants one that will secure her most lasting legacy — the White House garden:

The first lady has already taken steps to preserve her fruitful green space, purchasing a stone plaque for it with the inscription, “WHITE HOUSE KITCHEN GARDEN established in 2009 by First Lady Michelle Obama with the hope of growing a healthier nation for our children.”

But she’s not stopping there — wielding the power she has over the president to ensure the Kitchen Garden is a permanent part of the White House.

“She is pressing him to pass an executive order to maintain the garden after they leave the White House,” a source told The Post.

Executive orders are such a convenient means of bypassing the Legislative Branch that Obama has signed well over 200 of them. But there is a drawback; the next president can rescind them effortlessly, as Trump is expected to do. When Michelle O. finds out, she will look as doleful as this crew.

Facing the prospect of a legacy erased.

On a tip from TCS III. Hat tip: Doug Powers.

Nov 11 2016

Grubhub CEO Calls on Trump Supporters to Resign

Moonbats often shout that Republicans are intolerant. How is this for intolerant?

The CEO of Grubhub, an online food delivery service, sent a company wide email Wednesday suggesting employees who agree with President-elect Donald Trump’s behaviors and his campaign rhetoric should resign.

“If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here,” wrote Matt Maloney, Co-Founder of Grubhub. “We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.”

That is, they do not tolerate the intolerant. They don’t even tolerate people who tolerate intolerance. Only through absolute intolerance can tolerance be imposed, allowing the Holy Grail of ideological homogeneity to be achieved.

At first Maloney was quite pleased with himself:

Maloney tells Fox News that “almost 20 percent” of his employees have personally thanked him for the note. “I am not embarrassed by it,” he said.

But then #BoycottGrubhub kicked in. Now Maloney is in backpedal mode, yelping that his email was “misconstrued.”

The email seems clear enough. An excerpt:

I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can. …

If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here.

Maloney pleads that he “did not ask for anyone to resign if they voted for Trump.” True enough; he only asked for people who do not absolutely reject Trump’s politics to resign.


Hat tip: New Americana.

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