Could Le Pen win in France? After Trump, it’s foolish to rule it out

10 November 2016 9:45

France’s centre-right newspaper, Le Figaro, is running a poll on its website asking readers if they’re happy to see Donald…

What the papers are saying about Trump’s triumph

10 November 2016 9:15

Trump’s win sent shockwaves around the world and today’s papers are dominated with news of the one of the biggest…

Hillary Clinton concedes to Donald Trump – ‘he must be given a chance to lead’

9 November 2016 17:30

Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States. Hillary Clinton conceded defeat, telling supporters that Trump must be given…

Hillary Clinton delivered a classy defeat speech. But would Sanders have delivered a victory speech?

9 November 2016 17:18

Hillary Clinton may have been a woeful candidate, but she just delivered a classy defeat speech. She did what everybody…

Can we trust the people? After Trump, I’m no longer sure

9 November 2016 15:17

This piece is from the new issue of The Spectator, out tomorrow. This week’s cover: Planet Trump, with @Freddygray31, Rod…

The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won

9 November 2016 15:06

If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for…

Donald Trump proved most people wrong

9 November 2016 15:05

Washington D.C. So, Trump was right, and everyone else was wrong. Most of all the pollsters – my advice to…

Donald Trump won’t be as bad as you think

9 November 2016 14:54

This piece is from the new issue of The Spectator, out tomorrow.  This week’s cover: Planet Trump, with @Freddygray31, Rod…

The English right’s Trump temptation

9 November 2016 14:52

Labour’s election then re-election of Jeremy Corbyn was the equivalent of a suicidal man who, when the noose snaps and…

Cheer up! Donald Trump’s victory isn’t all doom and gloom

9 November 2016 11:08

Well, it’s just like Brexit, isn’t it? The appalled tone of the BBC six o’clock news, my daughter’s refusal –…

Jeremy Corbyn blames ‘governing elite’ for Trump’s election

9 November 2016 10:57

While Theresa May has offered Donald Trump her congratulations this morning, the leader of the opposition has no kind words for…

Theresa May congratulates Donald Trump on his victory

9 November 2016 9:57

The Prime Minister has issued a statement congratulating Donald Trump on his election as the next President of the United…

Donald Trump played the identity politics game – and won

9 November 2016 8:12

I feel a strange sense of schadenfreude mixed with a heavy dose of terror and uncertainty now that the American…

Caption contest: Trump’s trust issues

8 November 2016 19:42

Spare a thought for Donald Trump. For weeks now, the Republican candidate has been suggesting the US voting system is…

Will millennials forgive Hillary Clinton for Bernie Sanders’ defeat?

8 November 2016 19:17

In recent rallies for Hillary Clinton, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Lady Gaga have all lent their celebrity clout to the embattled…

Why do the polls make anyone confident that Donald Trump will lose?

8 November 2016 17:12

Today’s reports about the confident noises coming from Hillary Clinton’s camp made me think about the reports I picked up…

The unfair attacks on Liz Truss prove that Parliament has too many lawyers

8 November 2016 15:52

If there were any doubt that there are too many lawyers in Parliament it has been removed by the meeting,…

Clinton on Corbyn: ‘the maddest person in the room’

8 November 2016 15:12

Although Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers is rooting for Donald Trump tonight, it’s widely thought that — out of the two…

Has Hillary Clinton already got it in the bag?

8 November 2016 14:43

Washington, DC Unless something crazy is happening — and of course, 2016 is the year of crazy — Hillary Clinton…

In defence of the Daily Mail

8 November 2016 12:15

Who’s more hysterical: the Daily Mail for branding three judges ‘enemies of the people’ or the Dailymailphobes who have spent…

George Osborne turns his attention to the special relationship

8 November 2016 12:13

Although George Osborne is now a backbencher, the former Chancellor still harbours leadership ambitions. On that note, it’s not gone…

The change to Toblerone bars is an act of desecration

8 November 2016 11:50

When the history of capitalism is written, November 8 2016 will deserve a footnote. No, not the date the 45th…

Jeremy Corbyn’s brother gets behind Tommy Robinson and Donald Trump

8 November 2016 9:40

With the US presidential result now less than 24 hours away, tensions are high both across the pond and in…

‘Vote for the one you dislike least’: What the US papers are saying on election day

8 November 2016 9:16

Americans will finally head to the polls today after one of the most fractious Presidential contests in the country’s history.…

Mr Steerpike’s Sidebar of Shame