- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 779
1919 is a 1985 British drama film directed by Hugh Brody and written by Michael Ignatieff together with Brody. It was entered into the 35th Berlin International Film Festival.
Gustave Samazeuilh - Marie-Catherine Girod (1997) Le chant de la mer (1918-1919)
Branko Ružic 1919 - 1997
Mandela And Deklerk Trailer 1997
Prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Bernacki (1919-1997) - Pasjonaci
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
Felix The Cat 1919 Feline Follies
Superman Actors: 1948, 1951, 1978, 1988, 1989, 1993, 2001, 2006, 2013
The Red Summer: The Chicago Race Riots of 1919.
The Aristocracy - Never the Same Again: 1919-1945 1st part
Steam locos at Simon Bolivar and Obdulio Morales Mills, Cuba 1997
Gustave Samazeuilh, né à Bordeaux le 2 juin 1877 et mort à Paris le 4 août 1967, est un compositeur et critique musical français. 0:00 : Prélude 3:32 : Clair de lune au large 11:16 : Tempête et lever du jour sur les flots
Branko Ružić (Slavonski Brod, 4. mart 1919 — Zagreb, 27. novembar 1997) je bio jugoslovenski i hrvatski vajar i slikar. Rođen je 4. marta 1919. godine u Slavonskom Brodu. U Vinkovcima je završio srednju školu, a u Zagrebu diplomirao na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti, 1944. godine, u klasi vajara Frane Kršinića. Godine 1948, na istoj je akademiji završio slikarstvo. Putovao je i stvarao po Italiji, Francuskoj i Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. Od 1961. do 1985. godine, bio je profesor na Akademiji likovnih umetnosti. Od 1993. godine, učestvovao je u pripremama za otvaranje galerije „Ružić i savremenici“ u Slavonskom Brodu. Dobitnik je petnaestak nagrada, od kojih su neke Nagrada opštine Rovinj (1967, 1972), Nagrada grada Zagreba (1968) i Republička nagrada za životno delo „Vladimir Nazor“ (1986). Iza...
Mandela And Deklerk Trailer 1997 Director: Joseph Sargent Starring: Michael Caine, Sidney Poitier, Tina Lifford, , , Official Content From Hallmark Entertainment The true story of how peace was hammered out in South Africa, between a white minister of apartheid, Deklerk, and Mandela, the heroic freedom fighter who went from political prisoner to democratically elected president. Movie, Mandela And Deklerk Movie,Mandela And Deklerk Trailer,Mandela And Deklerk 1997, Joseph Sargent,Michael Caine, Sidney Poitier, Tina Lifford, , ,
To miejsce dla regionalnych pasjonatów z różnych dziedzin życia: kultury, działalności społecznej, naukowej i hobbystycznej. Każdy odcinek dotyczył innej znakomitości regionalnej, a całość cyklu układał się w swoistą kronikę pasjonujących osobowości Białegostoku i Podlasia. TVP Białystok
Official video for Smashing Pumpkins song "1979" from the album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. Buy It Here: http://smarturl.it/m91qrj Directed by the team of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, the video for "1979" won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Alternative Video in 1996. The video for the 1998 song "Perfect" is a sequel to this one, and involves the same characters who are now older Like Smashing Pumpkins on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/smashingpumpkins Follow Smashing Pumpkins on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/smashingpumpkin Official Website: http://www.smashingpumpkins.com/ Official YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SmashingPumpkinsVEVO
http://www.filmexploit.info Felix the Cat is a funny animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. The anthropomorphic black cat with his black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place him, combine to make Felix one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history. Felix was the first character from animation to attain a level of popularity sufficient to draw movie audiences. Felix's origins remain disputed. Australian cartoonist/film entrepreneur Pat Sullivan, owner of the Felix character, claimed during his lifetime to be its creator. American animator Otto Messmer, Sullivan's lead animator, has been credited as such.What is certain is that Felix emerged from Sullivan's studio, and cartoons featuring ...
Live-Action Portrayals of Superman over the years featuring: 0:00 Kirk Alyn (1948-1950) 0:40 George Reeves (1951-1958) 1:38 Christopher Reeve (1978-1987) 2:46 John Haymes Newton (1988) 4:02 Gerard Christopher (1989-1992) 4:59 Dean Cain (1993-1997) 6:10 Tom Welling (2001-2011) 7:31 Brandon Routh (2006) 8:43 Henry Cavill (2013-????) 10:02 Superman Superman created by Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster. I do not own the content here. I put these clips in just for fun and entertainment. Rights go to Warner Brothers Pictures, Sony/Columbia Pictures, Salkind, Canon, Universal Pictures, CW and DC Comics. Clips: -Superman Serial (Sony/Columbia Pictures) -Superman and the Mole Men, Stamp Day for Superman, The Adventures of Superman, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Superman Returns, Man...
The Red Summer refers to the summer and early autumn of 1919, which was marked by hundreds of deaths and higher casualties across the United States, as a result of race riots that occurred in more than three dozen cities and one rural county. In most instances, whites attacked African Americans. In some cases many blacks fought back, notably in Chicago. The Chicago race riot of 1919 was a major racial conflict that began in Chicago, Illinois on July 27, 1919 and ended on August 3. During the riot, thirty-eight people died (23 African American and 15 white) and over five hundred were injured. It is considered the worst of the approximately 25 riots during the Red Summer. The combination of prolonged arson, looting, and murder was the worst race rioting in the history of Illinois. Source: ...
The Aristocracy series was originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this class in the modern world, each tape offers a glimpse into a world only the privileged are intimately familiar with. In this particular episode, viewers explore the years between WWI and WWII. Accustomed to lives of privilege, the aristocracy of the day found themselves heavily taxed and looked upon with some disdain. As their power slipped due to their loosening grip on Parliament, Britain's monied elite were fading in glory. ~ Rob Ferrier, Rovi BBC: The 1920s and 1930s were the 'Brideshead years.' Aristocrats recall house parties, hunting and scandal and London society. But, as war approached, their world began to change for...
These two mills shareda 27.5 inch gauge system that until 1971 was part of the Caibarien and Moron Railway. Obdulio Morales Mill was on this line and Simon Bolivar used a branch. Most of the shots were taken at the level crossing in Centeno Village.
Finally i can get my hands on the full documentary Paris 1919 by Paul Cowan (2009) thanks to the National Film Board of Canada. The last shots had been fired in the First World War — but peace had yet to be made. Inspired by Margaret MacMillan’s acclaimed work of popular history, Paris 1919 takes us inside the most ambitious peace talks in history, revisiting the event with a vivid sense of narrative. Evoking a pivotal moment when peace seemed possible, director Paul Cowan reflects upon the hard-learned lessons of history
Episode 1 of Paris 1919 by Paul Cowan (2009) The last shots had been fired in the First World War — but peace had yet to be made. Inspired by Margaret MacMillan’s acclaimed work of popular history, Paris 1919 takes us inside the most ambitious peace talks in history, revisiting the event with a vivid sense of narrative. Evoking a pivotal moment when peace seemed possible, director Paul Cowan reflects upon the hard-learned lessons of history
Alien (1983) Genres: Post Punk, Anarcho Punk http://www.indepthmusic.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/InDepthMusicProject 00:00 Alien 03:48 Machine 06:50 The Hunted 11:32 The Scream 15:24 Slave 18:34 The Ritual 22:11 Control Label: Red Rhino Records
Margaret Olwen MacMillan, CC (born 23 December 1943) is a Canadian historian and professor at the University of Oxford, where she is Warden of St Antony's College. She is former provost of Trinity College and professor of history at the University of Toronto and previously at Ryerson University. A leading expert on history and international relations, MacMillan is a commentator in the media. She is a great-granddaughter of former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George. Margaret MacMillan was born to Dr. Robert MacMillan and Eluned Carey Evans. Her maternal grandfather was Dr. Thomas John Carey Evans of the Indian Medical Service. The senior Evans served as personal physician to Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading during the latter's term as Viceroy of India (1921–1926). Her maternal ...
Yuri Simonov, MPO - I.Stravinsky:"The Firebird" (1919) download now: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/yuri-simonov-70-jubilee-tour/id524243118?ls=1 or here: http://rms.downloadcentric.net/app
巴黎和會,1919年1月在巴黎凡爾賽宮召開的會議。 1918年11月,第一次世界大戰宣告結束。1919年1月,勝利的協約國集團為締結和約,召開巴黎和會。美國總統威爾遜、英國首相大衛•勞合•喬治、法國總理克列孟梭操縱了和會。參加巴黎和會的各國代表有1000多人,其中全權代表70人。 主要內容 : 和會上簽訂了處置戰敗國德國的凡爾賽和約,同時還分別同德國的盟國奧地利、匈牙利、土耳其等國簽訂了一系列和約。這些和約和凡爾賽和約構成了凡爾賽體系,確立了一次大戰後由美國、英國、法國等主要戰勝國主導的國際政治格局。會議通過領土分配及賠款等措施重塑現實政治格局,遏制德國及蘇維埃俄國等戰敗國及共產國家,但與此同時通過籌組國際聯盟來企圖建立理想的國際外交規範。 對中國影響: 不公平對待中國,做成中國不信任國際聯盟 「中國參與歐洲和會全權委員」: 陸征祥、顧維鈞、王正廷、施肇基、魏宸組 (1)中國要求索回德國強佔的山東半島主權,但英、法、意主張將德國的利益轉送給日本,美國提出暫交英法意美日五國共管,遭日本拒絕。 (2)中國代表團向和會提出兩項提案:取消帝國主義在華特權; (3)取消日本強迫中國承認的《二十一條》,收回山東權益; 但提案被否決。巴黎和會引起中國人民抗議,爆發五四運動。 當時中國代表團成員有五個全權代表, 其中有 (a)擔任團長的外交總長陸徵祥、 (b) 駐美公使顧維鈞、 (c)南方政府代表王正廷、 (d)駐英公使施肇基、 (e)駐比公使魏宸祖。 中國代表最終沒在1919年的[巴黎和會}上簽字。 整體評價: 巴黎和會初期原本充滿對和平的樂觀期待,首次參加歐戰的美國帶來威爾遜總統的十四點和平原則,一時頗受歡迎。 然而威爾遜的理想主義觀點迅速被戰勝各國劃分勢力範圍和報復的企圖所壓...
Исторические дни 1919-го. Над Петроградом нависает угроза иностранной интервенции. В городе поднимают головы изменники и провокаторы всех мастей. ЦК партии направляет на петроградский фронт И.В. Сталина. В роли Сталина - М. Геловани
Curiosa versión doblada del hiper mutilado clásico del cine mexicano... Dirección: Enrique Rosas, Joaquín Coss y Juan Canals de Homs Producción: Enrique Rosas Guión: José Manuel Ramos, sobre una historia de Enrique Rosas y Miguel Necoechea, con la colaboración documental de Juan Manuel Cabrera Fotografía: Enrique Rosas Edición: Miguel Vigueras, bajo la supervisión de Enrique Rosas Música: Miguel Vigueras (agregada en 1933)
A video about the migration of African Americans to Omaha, Nebraska and the racial tension and politics that led to the lynching of Will Brown.