Archives: October 2013

Quotes of the day


Video: The Healthcare Mash


The eco-lobby is no less determined about stopping Keystone XL. Oddly, energy companies no less determined to develop oil sands.


Eurozone unemployment stuck at record high


CBS exclusive: Total number of ObamaCare website enrollments on launch day was … six people


Headlines Around the Web

The real national embarrassment

Robert Samuelson

How Putin became the Che Guevara of the right

Peter Pomerantsev

Why Trump

Andy Puzder

The attacks on conservative talk radio

Jeffrey Lord

Fear of Trump helps Democrats mobilize Latino voters


The campaign we didn’t deserve

Carl Cannon


Finally: The Venezuelan Vice Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness


Video: Chris Christie, master politician?


New “glitch”: If you like your hospital, you might not be able to keep your hospital


Obama admin’s green-energy “investments”: Saving the environment, one abandoned toxic sludge heap at a time


Peace offering: Ted Cruz reportedly promises Senate colleagues he won’t campaign against them


Dem congressman to Megyn Kelly on people getting dropped from insurance plans: It’s capitalism


The Ed Morrissey Show: Kerry Picket, Steven Crowder


Did Russia spy on G-20 by handing out free thumb drives?


Video: Democrats moving ObamaCare promise goalposts “literally off the field,” says … Piers Morgan


White House lobbying Senate against further sanctions on Iran in super-secret meeting


Media begins to wonder who’s running the show in the White House


Did HHS estimate that 93 million Americans will lose their insurance plans?


CBS reveals: Contrary to chief’s testimony, CMS knew ObamaCare website had major problems before launch


Breaking: FAA to allow most electronic devices during “all phases” of flights


140,000 Minnesotans discover they can’t “keep your plan”


15 states have spent more than a billion dollars on ObamaCare exchanges


Video: Two commandos made it to Benghazi


Three states forced wholesale insurance cancellations because of ObamaCare


Quotes of the day


Obama: Bad apple insurance companies are to blame for all this losing of plans you liked


Rand Paul: We know government is inept, but ObamaCare is bringing it to a whole other level of incompetence


France’s comedy of taxational errors continues as French revolt against eco-tax


WSJ/NBC: For the first time, views of Obama are more unfavorable than favorable


McCain: Maybe we can pass amnesty after the primaries are over next year
