Archives: October 2010

Quotes of the day


Game time: Final House rankings and printable cheat sheet


Reason TV: What we saw at the Restore Sanity rally


Dem Rep: ObamaCare “not a government takeover … will reduce the federal deficit”


NBC: Just a reminder that Democrat shrieking over “front groups” completely hypocritical


Barney Frank breaking out his secret weapon in final push


Headlines Around the Web

The Democrats’ desperate Russian gambit against Trump will backfire

Patrick Smith

New Wikileaks email shows additional questions Donna Brazile sent team Clinton


The real national embarrassment

Robert Samuelson

How Putin became the Che Guevara of the right

Peter Pomerantsev

Why Trump

Andy Puzder

The attacks on conservative talk radio

Jeffrey Lord


KTVA: Yeah, that was us, but it’s not what you think


ABC: GOP pinning hopes in AK on … Murkowski; NRSC denies


Video: Ellison crashes Election Integrity press conference, stomps off when questioned; Update: Video fixed


NFL week 8 open thread


Miller campaign claims KTVA reporters caught on tape discussing smear; Update: Palin calls Alaska media “corrupt bastards”


Poll: What was the Obamateurism of the Week?


Quotes of the day


Big GOP victories plant the seeds of broad, deep and enduring majority


Boxer’s sweetheart deal with reinstated Indian tribe; Update: The Hill retracts


Marist: Toomey up 7 in PA


Fatwa-endorsing singer featured at “Restoring Sanity” rally?


More than two dozen packages from Yemen still sought


Hinchey to NY-22: Frack off!


New Whitman ad hits Brown’s “it’s all a lie” admission


Open thread: Rally to Support Hipster Irony


Remember the 111th


Palin rips Murkowski, says “hired guns threatened” talk show host


Collett hits McCollum with updated “AQ poses no threat” web video


Reid: Hey, I don’t carry water for the President!


Survey USA: Oberstar, Cravaack in dead heat for MN-08 seat


NARN, the Home Stretch Edition!


Quotes of the day


Kendrick Meek: Crist offered me his sister’s cross to get me to drop out


Hot new MoveOn ad campaign: You can’t stomp on me, Republicans
