Archives: October 2009

Quotes of the day


Palin on Scozzafava’s withdrawal: Now we must unite


Gulp: Hoffman’s net favorable rating among Scozzafava supporters at … -42


Video: Boehner’s “gamechanging” message on ObamaCare


Gingrich endorses Hoffman


Crowder: Hopeandchange Halloween


Headlines Around the Web

The Democrats’ desperate Russian gambit against Trump will backfire

Patrick Smith

New Wikileaks email shows additional questions Donna Brazile sent team Clinton


The real national embarrassment

Robert Samuelson

How Putin became the Che Guevara of the right

Peter Pomerantsev

Why Trump

Andy Puzder

The attacks on conservative talk radio

Jeffrey Lord


Paul: Obama administration has botched H1N1 effort


Breaking: Scozzafava quits after Siena poll; Update: Hoffman campaign asking for endorsement?


California takes interest-free loan from working people


Dems: You can have tort reform …


Another direct link to White House on NEA propaganda scandal


Hoffman win would be great, says … Michael Steele?


NARN, the Hoffwagon Edition!


Quotes of the day


Liz Cheney: I can’t believe Obama brought photogs to Dover with him


O’Reilly on Obama: Hey, I like him


Gibbs on next week’s elections: I don’t think they portend much


Reports: GOP gives up on Scozzafava? Update: Issa switches to Hoffman


No, Bill Ayers didn’t visit the White House


Exciting conclusion to Politico hit piece: Palin not going to Iowa after all; Update: Slate smears Palin


Halloween HamNation: “Paranormal Legislative Activity”


Fox News poll: America hates Congress; Update: Biden to campaign for Owens


The “courageous” breast self-examination news spot debate


New study confirms that long-term ESL programs trap students


WH adds new enemy to list: Edmunds


House Ethics leak shows dozens of lawmakers under scrutiny


The Ed Morrissey Show: Duane “Generalissimo” Patterson & Week in Review!


Video: Marco Rubio on the resurgence of fiscal conservatism


House ObamaCare bill: Here comes the taxes!


Sue Lowden: Hot Air exclusive interview
