Support Services

RISE support services offer help in addressing initial critical settlement needs of refugees and asylum seekers. Our involvement across these areas is as a go between, advocating and facilitating migrant needs with relevant governmental departments and NGO partners. We are uniquely placed to achieve this as our settlement services are informed by the knowledge, experiences and expertise of our staff. Many of our staff and volunteers are of refugee or migrant background and are able to leverage their shared experiences to assist newly arrived refugees with their settlement in Australia. RISE’s support services seek to offer flexible settlement solutions that are individually tailored to address the circumstance and preferences of each of our members, on a best fit basis. We seek to provide a suite of services delivered through a coordinated case management model in the following support areas:

Housing: RISE works in partnership with local authorities and neighbourhood services to ensure the sensitive and appropriate accommodation of refugees. RISE also seeks to minimise homelessness amongst refugee communities by assisting with the provision of emergency and crisis accommodation.

Welfare Support: RISE assists with access to numerous welfare services by providing support with the various complexities of applying for and receiving benefits. RISE also acts as a referral agency for newly arrived families and youth in need of various resources including furniture, books and homewares to help establish their new lives.

Employment & Resume Clinic: RISE facilitates pathways to employment for refugees by providing training, job search support and assistance with resume and interview preparation. RISE works directly with employment providers and seeks to assist refugees to secure meaningful employment.

The service provided at RISE is unlike any other organisation currently established to aid refugees and asylum seekers. We pride ourselves in helping those who are need in our community and fall through the gaps of other organisations as they do not fit their specific criteria for assistance. It is well documented that many refugees are sleeping on floors because subcontracted organizations have failed to help them by providing the basic tools for survival. It has also come to our attention that the deficiency in the provision of these goods is at a point where people are flying from interstate to access our services.

For more information or to register for our housing, welfare support and employment services, please email or call us at 03 9639 8623.