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ONIX Resources   Contact us     tm_hide_togle_link();                     Perfect your ONIX Metadata with the Software and Services of Onixsuite                                        .tp-caption.circles,.circles{border-width:0px;border-color:rgb(34,34,34);border-style:none}  /****************************************** - PREPARE PLACEHOLDER FOR SLIDER - ******************************************/ var setREVStartSize = function() { var tpopt = new Object(); tpopt.startwidth = 1400; tpopt.startheight = 700; tpopt.container = jQuery('#rev_slider_1_1'); tpopt.fullScreen = "off"; tpopt.forceFullWidth="on"; tpopt.container.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").css({height:tpopt.container.height()});tpopt.width=parseInt(tpopt.container.width(),0);tpopt.height=parseInt(tpopt.container.height(),0);tpopt.bw=tpopt.width/tpopt.startwidth;tpopt.bh=tpopt.height/tpopt.startheight;if(tpopt.bh>tpopt.bw)tpopt.bh=tpopt.bw;if(tpopt.bh1){tpopt.bw=1;tpopt.bh=1}if(tpopt.bw>1){tpopt.bw=1;tpopt.bh=1}tpopt.height=Math.round(tpopt.startheight*(tpopt.width/tpopt.startwidth));if(tpopt.height>tpopt.startheight&&tpopt.autoHeight!="on")tpopt.height=tpopt.startheight;if(tpopt.fullScreen=="on"){tpopt.height=tpopt.bw*tpopt.startheight;var cow=tpopt.container.parent().width();var coh=jQuery(window).height();if(tpopt.fullScreenOffsetContainer!=undefined){try{var offcontainers=tpopt.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(",");jQuery.each(offcontainers,function(e,t){coh=coh-jQuery(t).outerHeight(true);if(coh       THE MOST ADVANCED ONIX SYSTEM AVAILABLEIntegrable with any workflow or title management systemOnixsuite is the most advanced and customizable ONIX system on the market today. Integrable with any workflow or title management system, it gives you unique visibility into the quality of your book data. Even if your current system relies on a “data validator”, take advantage of the power of Onixsuite’s rule based system.

     MAXIMIZE YOUR SALESAnd improve profitabilityThere is no better way for a publisher to maximize sales and improve profitability than with excellent ONIX metadata. There’s no need to juggle Excel sheets or to understand ONIX when using Onixsuite. Onixsuite allows you to unleash the power of ONIX 3 to to set prices and availability easily to expand your sales globally. Want to set a different price in Australia vs. the USA; it’s no problem with Onixsuite.

     DATA OPTIMIZATIONLet GiantChair’s team of experts optimize your data for maximized salesHaving issues with the quality of your data and want to dramatically improve it? Looking to move from ONIX 2 to ONIX 3 to take advantage of the power of the new standard? Want to map Thema subject codes? Let us take a look at your data and get you a proposal of what we can do.

      THE ONIXSUITE PLATFORM   SCOREFix errors and problems on your entire catalog, whether it's big or small

 DESIGNED Designed by book professionals for book professionals

USER-FRIENDLYNo need to understand ONIX

CLOUD-BASED SYSTEMAllows access from anywhere with a web connection

              IDENTIFY ERRORSIdentify errors and weaknesses in your metadata before it goes to partners

 EXPORTAutomated exports of ONIX 2.1 or 3.0 to all your trading partners

DISPLAY YOUR DATAWebsite included to check and showcase your data.

IT'S MULTILINGUALJust like ONIX, Onixsuite is multilingual, serving our international client base in their own language.

         LATEST NEWS        1 Oct , 2016         Frankfurt Book Fair 2016  October 1, 2016 gcadmin Book Fairs Giantchair will be visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair again this year. Hall 6.2 stand D45 in the Digital Hotspot. If you would like to meet with us please get in touch with us via the contact us page and we can set up a meeting. If you want to learn more about Onixsuite, our title management system that allows you to create, improve and distribute your book metadata as Onix get in touch. If you want to learn more about our websites with or without commerce options, that are specifically geared to the needs of publishers and distributors get in touch.           17 Mar , 2016         Book Expo America 2016  March 17, 2016 gcadmin Book Fairs Giantchair will be visiting Book Expo America in Chicago this year. If you would like to meet with us please get in touch with us via the contact us page and we can set up a meeting. If you want to learn more about Onixsuite, our title management system that allows you to create, improve and distribute your book metadata as Onix get in touch. If you want to learn more about our websites with or without commerce options, that are specifically geared to the needs of publishers and distributors get in touch.           8 Apr , 2015         CLIL to Thema mapping  April 8, 2015 gcadmin Articles about ONIX This article may be of interest to our francophone clients. Indeed just before the Paris book fair, a mapping of the CLIL classification to Thema was released. In case you didn't know, Thema is the international book classification. It's goal, in the long run, is to become the unique classification schema used worldwide in order to reduce confusion between all existing classifications.           27 Feb , 2015         Article: Managing Metadata  February 27, 2015 gcadmin Articles about ONIX This recent article in Livres Hebdo examines how book metadata may be a subject on everyone's minds but often is not well understood. "Enjeu sensible et permanent de l’édition papier et numérique, les métadonnées sont indispensables, mais pas toujours bien appréhendées par les différents acteurs". More...           3 Oct , 2014         Onix 3.0: Global Publishing, Global Metadata  October 3, 2014 gcadmin Articles about ONIX Among the challenges technology poses for publishing is the issue of how to handle globalization. With the potential to reach a truly global marketplace, there is a need for automated M2M (machine to machine—really, computer to computer) data exchange, with which the books and serial products, as well as the information about each product—the metadata—can be easily exchanged. More...             Twitter link   RT @EU_Commission: We propose equal rules for taxing e-books, e-newspapers & their printed equivalents. More on today's #eVAT package: http…   28 Days ago     RT @ActuaLitte: Europe : la Commission autorise une #TVA identique pour le livre papier et numérique t.co/IDaDEvyH5l t.co/a…   28 Days ago     EU's new VAT rules likely to make ebooks cheaper t.co/tHKrPNShQd   28 Days ago     Under pressure from national governments, Commission to lower VAT rates for e-books @EurActiv t.co/0gTO7lpOWx   28 Days ago     RT @EDItEUR_org: Issue 35 of the Onix code list has been published. t.co/oNfWo3duND lists   57 Days ago              Ready to get started?   Let's go!                     Headquarters 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington DC 20009 USA     Follow Us      Latest Posts   Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 October 1, 2016   Book Expo America 2016 March 17, 2016   CLIL to Thema mapping April 8, 2015             About Us Services Privacy    Copyright © 2016 Onixsuite. All rights reserved.          /* Custom JS Code */ (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//web.archive.org./web/20161230025921/http://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-1969777-47', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');    /* */          jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('.polyglot-language-switcher').polyglotLanguageSwitcher() .on('popupOpening', function(evt){ console.log(evt); }).on('popupOpened', function(evt){ console.log(evt); }).on('popupClosing', function(evt){ console.log(evt); }).on('popupClosed', function(evt){ console.log(evt); }); });