Environment: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

News Online 12 Dec 2015

US president Barack Obama and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop hail the landmark accord reached in Paris as a "pivotal moment" and the best chance to save the planet from the effects of climate change. More

News Online 13 Dec 2015
Sara Phillips 15 Sep 2015

Malcolm Turnbull has toppled the party leader and sitting Prime Minister to assume the top job. For Australians worried about climate change, there's hope he'll be stronger on climate than his predecessor. More

Saturday Breakfast RN 19 Nov 2016
Radio National Breakfast 18 Nov 2016
Radio National Breakfast 18 Nov 2016

Stalin and the Scientists

(has related audio)
Late Night Live 17 Nov 2016
News Online 14 Nov 2016

A Lateline investigation shows the State Government's environmental watchdog has dropped investigations into illegal clearing, after direct political intervention. More

News Online 14 Nov 2016

A Lateline investigation shows the State Government's environmental watchdog has dropped investigations into illegal clearing, after direct political intervention. More

Lateline 14 Nov 2016

As the New South Wales parliament looks set to pass laws making it easier for farmers to clear native vegetation from their properties, a Lateline investigation has revealed the government's environmental watchdog has dropped… More

Landline 13 Nov 2016

Animal bodyguards protecting critically endangered bandicoots in the wild. More

Landline 13 Nov 2016

Cane farmer Matthew Keith's family business is more than just about sugar. More

ABC Rural 18 Nov 2016


Pacific Beat 18 Nov 2016


The World Today 18 Nov 2016

There are calls for Barnaby Joyce to be pulled into line or sacked, over claims he's destroying the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The So… More

ABC Rural 18 Nov 2016


Late Night Live 17 Nov 2016

When the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, they wanted to create perfect new government. Based on knowledge and merit, scientific gov… More

PM 17 Nov 2016

Producers of both renewable and coal-fired electricity have told a senate committee the Federal Government must come up with a plan f… More

On the Wider Web

The technique is used to determine the age of organic artefacts in fields like archaeology, geology, and ecology. But it could become unreliable within decades.
Using data from WRI’s CAIT Climate Data Explorer, this dynamic graph below allows you to explore emissions data for 2012.

Running out of time

(external link)
Three runners attempt to run 160km through remote wilderness to raise money for climate change.


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