Paris Agreement a watershed moment for corporate Australia

Noel Hutley, SC, has a warning for directors on the subject of climate change.
Noel Hutley, SC, has a warning for directors on the subject of climate change. Michele Mossop

November 4 will go down in the history books as a watershed moment for corporate Australia. It is the day the Paris Agreement on climate change takes effect, putting into law a commitment to a low-carbon economy.

From a financial, political and regulatory perspective, the effects will be profound. So too for company directors who will have to make some serious decisions about what it means for them personally and the company boards over which they preside.

Leading Sydney barrister Noel Hutley, SC, was commissioned by the Centre for Policy Development (CPD) and the Future Business Council (FBC) to provide an opinion on the legal liability of directors, warns that failing to "foresee, adapt or mitigate certain effects of climate change" won't stand up in a court of law.

Hutley's memorandum of opinion, to be released today titled "Climate Change and Directors' Duties", will be a much needed wake up call for some companies, directors and investors who have buried their heads in the sand when it comes to climate change risks.

The opinion, co-authored by junior counsel Sebastian Hartford-Davis, says that the regulatory environment in Australia is insufficient to meet official government commitments made at the Paris climate change conference.

He says it is "conceivable that directors who fail to consider climate change risks now could be found liable for breaching their duty of care and diligence in the future."

Climate-related risks

For this reason, directors should inform themselves about climate-related risks to their businesses. "In some cases, the duty of care and diligence will require a director to go further than merely consider the risks," he says. "It is important to note that proceedings may be commenced within six years of an alleged contravention."

In other words, the clock has been set and it is now ticking.

Ratification of the Paris Agreement means countries such as Australia have agreed to keep climate change below 2 degrees celsius pre-industrial levels. To get there, requires massive change. 

For Australia's part, the Turnbull government is now on the legal hook to reduce emissions by 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

This will require massive regulatory changes to meet these commitments. It also brings physical, transition and liability risks to many companies, as well as ethical and cultural implications.

Hutley's legal opinion was discussed at a high level roundtable on October 21 organised by CPD and FBC. There were 30 participants including Commonwealth Bank director Harrison Young, ANZ director John Macfarlane, BlackRock Australia's country head Dominik Rohe, ASIC commissioner John Price, Citigroup chair Sam Mostyn, IFM Investors chair Garry Weaven and executive manager of governance and engagement and policy at the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, Ed John.

One participant with a legal background said: "The roundtable enabled those who are responsible for decision-making (not just their advisers or commentators) to hear first hand that, because of what is happening in the international space, Australia and Australian entities have no option except to respond to the looming financial, physical and regulatory effects of climate change."

Directors duty bound 

Put simply, directors are duty bound to identify what are the risks that the enterprise faces, estimate the magnitude of those risks, respond appropriately and disclose what they have done and are doing in these respects.  Some companies and boards are well along the road, but some are not.

This was laid bare in a report by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), which found that 57 Top 200 companies, equivalent to 30 per cent, either didn't report or only provided a basic level of information on sustainability issues. It noted that the ASX100 companies all reported some level of information.

It also found that the variance in disclosure levels doesn't just occur between companies but also companies in the same industry. For instance, the big four banks, each have different approaches. Not all can be right.

Hutley cites a review conducted by KPMG of ASX listed companies reporting practices in relation to sustainability risks, which concluded there was "considerable room for improvement".

The ASX requires companies listed on the ASX to report under recommendation 7.4 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations to disclose on an "if not, why not" basis any material exposure to economic, environmental and social sustainability risks.

There is also a senate inquiry into carbon risk disclosure, which will report its findings next March.

ACSI's Ed John told the AFR the legal opinion would be welcomed by investors, who increasingly expect boards to make an active assessment of the risks associated with climate change, just as they would assess other business risks. "Rather than creating new regulation, or provoking political debate, the roundtable's approach was refreshing as it places climate risk squarely within the existing framework of directors' duties and risk oversight," he said.

Impact the market as a whole

The reality is climate risk is not simply an issue for the boards of extractive companies and energy utilities. These issues will have the potential to impact the market as a whole over the long-term.

The Hutley memorandum highlights insurance as an example of a business that must confront the physical risks of climate change. "In our opinion, a director of an insurance company would have a duty to consider the impact of increased incidents of extreme weather events upon the business of the company, and to ensure that this was being addressed at a granular level by updating models and adjusting coverage prudently."

After the recent extreme storms in South Australia, which caused power outages across the state, energy companies and the directors that sit on their boards may have a duty to assess the ability of their company to deal with increasing incidences of such events, particularly companies whose operations depend on energy transmission.

Hutley says a related risk for companies is regulatory change from our major trading partners. "The resource extraction industry has obvious exposure in this regard: 97 per cent of metallurgical coal, 71 per cent of thermal coal and 50 per cent of gas extracted annually in Australia is exported – coal exports alone represent 11.9 per cent of total goods and services trading," he says.

Investor behaviour

Other risks include changes in consumer or investor behaviour. Hutley notes that globally sustainability-motivated divestment commitments by institutional investors have soared from $US50 billion of managed assets in 2014 to $US3.5 trillion at the end of 2015. "At the extreme, these trends raise the prospect of investor, customer and community abandonment of companies that fail to mitigate exposures to climate change risks."

He says it raises the prospect of increased political momentum and speeding up new regulations. "This is something directors of consumer and investor-facing businesses whose operations are carbon intensive may have a duty to consider," he warns.

For too long, discussions about climate change have descended into ideological debates.

The Paris Agreement makes it a commercial reality. Conversations are already changing at board level, as they should. Investors are also demanding more, as they should too. They can now come out from the shadows, instead of dealing behind closed doors, and use this opinion to force directors to seek advice on the risks to the businesses.

Company laggards should heed Hutley's advice: "It is likely to be only a matter of time before we see litigation against a director who has failed to perceive, disclose or take steps in relation to foreseeable climate-related risk that can be demonstrated to have caused harm to a company including perhaps reputational harm."