Politics hits sentiment in boardrooms

Marijn Dekkers, who served as the CEO of Bayer, is also the chair of Unilever, an independent director on GE's board, ...
Marijn Dekkers, who served as the CEO of Bayer, is also the chair of Unilever, an independent director on GE's board, president of the German Chemical Industry Association, and vice president of the Federation of German Industry. Jasper Juinen

So much for the notion of having a go. Directors of our biggest companies are enjoying conditions their peers overseas can only dream of and yet they see barriers everywhere.

Compared with directors in other developed countries, they are worried about political instability and see regulation as stultifying.

The key findings of a survey of 4000 global directors conducted by Spencer Stuart, Harvard Business School and Women Corporate Directors Foundation, is illuminating.

Released exclusively to The Australian Financial Review, the survey – which includes 136 Australia-based board directors – suggests Australian boards are obsessed with looking down at their boardroom papers rather than out at the world. 

It is a reminder of Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens' comments that his biggest concern with the economy was the confidence deficit. "We have a capacity here to talk ourselves into gloom and doom that we don't need," he said. 

The attitude of directors gives pause for thought, particularly as culture and ethics in organisations and whether good culture can be regulated is being fiercely debated. 

According to the Spencer Stuart survey, 74 per cent of Australian directors ranked the economy as a key political issue, compared with 65 per cent of directors globally.

Twenty seven per cent of Australian directors ranked political instability as a leading issue, compared with 18 per cent of global directors and when it comes to the regulatory environment, almost half Australian directors viewed it as one of the biggest stumbling blocks to achieving their strategic objectives. 

In simple terms, if directors are so concerned about compliance risk, what does it say about their faith in their executives and the culture that has been created in the companies they are overseeing?

Kevin Jurd, who leads Spencer Stuart's board best practice in Australia, says political and economic uncertainty is being felt in the nation's board rooms.

"At the same time board directors also tell us they feel the regulators are getting tougher and more rigorous, which is driving up the time boards must spend on compliance versus strategic discussions at this important time."

It is a fascinating insight into what keeps board directors awake at night. But the truth is if an organisation has the wrong leadership, culture and remuneration structure, all the compliance in the world won't stop misconduct.

ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft told me in March: "Just simply having a compliance approach to things in terms of employing lots of people to tick boxes on compliance, isn't really what you want. What you want is the right culture to make sure the people actually do the right thing."

Not surprisingly, the survey shows that the regulatory environment is of most concern to companies in the energy/utilities, financials, professional services and healthcare industries in Australia, Asia, North America and Western Europe.

Culture starts at the top

With so many scandals in recent years, including financial scandals, tax evasion and corruption and bribery, regulators including APRA and ASIC have done a lot of jawboning about culture. The consensus is it starts at the top.

But "where is the top?" Australia Post chairman John Stanhope recently asked a group of business leaders at a lunch speech. "When I said the tone is set at the top, obviously the board behaviour has got to be the right behaviour but ... you can't be looking to a non-executive director who meets eight or nine times a year to set the tone," he said.

Stanhope raises an interesting point that needs proper debate. How can a director who meets a few times a year set the tone? The Spencer Stuart survey revealed that the average hours spent per year on a board in Australia reported by respondents is 218 hours, compared with 158 hours globally.

Directors in Australia might report a greater time commitment to board service than directors globally, but is it enough?

As the world of business becomes more complex, perhaps it's time to start considering whether directors need to make bigger time commitments to each board and rethink whether a director sitting on more than three boards is too big a stretch. 

It was a question management scholars Steven Boivie, Michael Bednar and Joel Andrus asked in "Boards aren't the right way to monitor companies" published last month in the Harvard Business Review.

The question had prompted them to conduct a study of almost 300 research articles that examined the effectiveness of board monitoring.

"We came to the conclusion that it is unreasonable to expect boards to be able to do an effective job at ongoing monitoring. We show that for most boards there are significant barriers at the director, board, and firm level that prevent them from being effective monitors."

They found a key barrier to effective monitoring was "other job demands", which is a polite way of saying cognitive overload or director capacity. The authors made the point using the example of General Electric.

They wrote: GE states "The primary role of GE's board of directors is to oversee how management serves the interests of shareowners and other stakeholders."

In 2015 GE's generated $US117 billion in revenue, managed more than 300,000 employees and offered services to a myriad of industries including healthcare, water treatment, aviation, and financing.

Are boards the right way to monitor companies?

"Do we really expect that part-time directors who attend approximately 13 meetings a year are going to be able to understand GE's businesses in such depth that they can vigilantly evaluate potential actions and determine which ones are good for shareholders?"

They went on to say Marijn Dekkers, who served as the CEO of Bayer, is also the chair of Unilever, an independent director on GE's board, president of the German Chemical Industry Association, and vice president of the Federation of German Industry.

"Many directors have similarly demanding positions at firms other than the one they serve as a director. Given the large demands placed on these individuals, how do they have enough time to vigilantly protect shareholder interests?" 

It is an all too familiar a story in Australia with some directors chairing more than one top 100 listed company as well as other boards. It is not unusual for directors to sit on more than three boards as well as juggling other work commitments.

The HBR article makes the bold suggestion that "Maybe we also need to work to promote cultural change within boards through increased sharing of information and by using technology to allow them to meet more frequently."

The brutal reality is in a VUCA world (which is management shorthand for 'volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity') risk management and agility are critical factors in board and company success. 

Other topics raised in the Spencer Stuart survey include gender differences on boards. It says Australian boards have a greater representation of women on boards (23 per cent), compared with 18 per cent for global company directors. 

It also raises the question of boardroom quotas, which shows that 67 per cent of women on global boards aged up to 55 years support quotas, compared with 11 per cent of men of a similar age group. 

As the demands on boards continues to ramp up, more and more surveys and studies will emerge trying to grapple with what makes boards tick and most importantly how to make them more effective. Is it more diversity? More time spent? Better risk management? A greater oversight of remuneration structures? Greater agility? Or something else?

Until the role of the board is honestly discussed, little will change.