goCatch shareholders not enjoying the ride

GoCatch shareholders will vote this week on a rights issue.
GoCatch shareholders will vote this week on a rights issue. Graham Tidy

When shareholders in goCatch were told on July 6 that the taxi booking and payments group needed to raise capital or face collapse it came as a huge shock.

Many shareholders were still recovering from the bombshell announcement weeks earlier that a new chief executive had been appointed, along with other staff and board changes, including a new chairman and the reappointment of co-founder Andrew Campbell to the board. 

"I realise the appointment of a new CEO will come as a significant surprise to many shareholders," a letter to shareholders said. 

Backers include billionaire family the Kahlbetzers, the Millner family, Malcolm Turnbull's son Alex, and Square Peg, a technology venture capital firm backed by James Packer, Seek co-founder Paul Bassat and the billionaire Liberman family.

The June 14 shareholder update didn't flag the state of affairs of the business. It gave no indication that goCatch needed more capital to remain a going concern or that the value of the business had been decimated.

Shareholders were told the taxi part of the goCatch business was facing "significant" challenges but it was refocusing its energies on the burgeoning ride-share market. "The company has a strong future with a huge opportunity lying ahead of it … "

They must now vote on July 29 whether to support a three-for-one rights issue at 45¢ a share to raise up to $3 million.

A confidential explanatory memorandum and letter to shareholders obtained by The Australian Financial Review says the intention is to raise up to $3 million through the issue of 6.7 million shares at a pre-money valuation of $1 million. This is a massive devaluation from the last capital raising in 2014 when goCatch's post-money valuation was $19.7 million.

goCatch co-founder Andrew Campbell, who rejoined the board in January and holds 20 per cent of the shares, abstained from voting on the resolution for a capital raising. It is not known whether he will take up his rights or have his shareholding diluted. It is not known whether the other co-founder, Ned Moorfield, who holds 19.9 per cent, will take up his rights. 

What is known is that the rights issue will be partly underwritten by the Millner family-backed Pitt Capital Partners and venture capital group BridgeLane Tank Stream Ventures, which is backed by Markus Kahlbetzer. They have agreed to underwrite $1.45 million.

The explanatory memorandum warns "in the absence of raising funds pursuant to a capital raising or an alternative source of funding, it is very doubtful the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due, and it is unlikely the company will be able to continue as a going concern."

It says the net proceeds would be used to fund goCatch's business activities through to early-mid 2017, with a focus on its business of ride-sharing, which it launched in February. (goCatch is burning $275,000 in cash a month).

Not surprisingly, the announcement has upset and confused a number of shareholders who are wondering whether they should back the capital raising. 

Against this backdrop there is talk that a significant announcement will be made in six to eight weeks. Some shareholders are wondering whether the company should delay the capital raising until an announcement is made or at least allow shareholders to sign a confidentiality agreement to better understand what might be about to happen.

It has fuelled speculation that Lyft, a global ride-sharing business might do a tie-up with the company. Lyft, a rival to Uber, expanded into Asia last year by partnering with three local ride-sharing businesses to battle Uber. 

There has also been talk that goCatch might do a deal with ingogo. According to The Financial Review's Street Talk column, ingogo is likely to float on the ASX in the third quarter of the year. The column said ingogo raised $12 million in 2015 in a Series C funding round, valuing the business at $100 million.

goCatch was sent a list of questions relating to the capital raising and whether shareholders had been told there would be an announcement in six to eight weeks. The company's new chief executive David Holmes said: "I'm not comfortable discussing shareholder communications outside of the shareholder group. In addition, many of our plans are competitive in nature and we will announce these publicly when appropriate and certainly not before they are ready for launch."

It begs the question what has gone wrong with goCatch, which currently has a pre-money valuation of $1 million. The business was founded by Moorfield and Campbell in 2011, pre Uber in Australia and around the same time that ingogo was conceived. 

A random sample of 10 taxi drivers in Sydney and Melbourne were asked if they used goCatch. Only one said he did. The rest said they didn't use the app because it didn't give them enough business and they didn't like the technology. 

Its shareholder update says the taxi part of the business experienced a large seasonal drop in January and "to date taxi booking volumes have not recovered pre-Christmas levels." 

It says some improvements have been made to the products, including extensive changes to support the ride-share launch. 

Late last year the board decided to refocus the business on ride-sharing following the announcement by the ACT and NSW governments to legalise ride-sharing in late 2015. In February it launched GoCar in Sydney. It told shareholders, since the launch of ride-sharing, it had grown to more than 5000 completed bookings a month with a month-on-month growth rate of 89 per cent in May. 

And it says there was a potential to link in with the global "anti-Uber" alliance over time (Didi, Lyft, Grab and Ola). 

Holmes says "Because we are a proud Australian company we do not look to break the law or encourage others to do so… Uber has taken significant revenue offshore by actively encouraging their local drivers to operate in locations where ride-sharing is still illegal." 

A recent Uber-commissioned report by Deloitte Access Economics titled "Economic Effects of Ride-sharing in Australia" estimates that Uber's ride-sharing in Australia delivers an estimated 6 per cent of total rides in the point-to-point transport market. It says ride-sharing has grown significantly in the past year. "While nearly 10 million rides have been facilitated since its inception, over 1.2 million uberX rides were delivered in August 2015 alone in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth," the report says. 

The report says taxis are increasingly using mobile booking applications (including ingogo and goCatch) as opposed to traditional methods of attracting customers, including street hails, taxi ranks and traditional taxi networks. 

Professor Allan Fels, who conducted the Victorian Taxi Industry Inquiry in 2011-2012 and became a member of Uber's global public policy advisory board in 2016, says this is the start of a revolution in the global taxi industry.  

He says taxi regulations globally put licence holders and networks first and consumers last. "With anti competitive restrictions have come high prices and poor service," he says. For Professor Fels, ride-sharing is the way of the future. He says when governments design new regulation they should make sure the rules enable optimum service for consumers in the years ahead rather than hang on to bits of the outdated regulatory system.

There is no doubt that the global taxi industry has been turned on its head since the launch of ride-sharing giant Uber and a gaggle of copycats less than seven years ago. Uber is now worth more than $US50 billion. The revolution will continue and with it will come winners and losers. GoCatch shareholders will soon find out which one they are.