How to tweet: tips from Karen Stocks, former managing director Twitter Australia

Karen Stocks says consumers are more likely to trust a company whose leadership team has a social media presence.
Karen Stocks says consumers are more likely to trust a company whose leadership team has a social media presence. Steven Siewert
by Karen Stocks

Here's how you, as a leader, can engage with an audience on Twitter. 

Use your voice: You have a very powerful voice: for you and your company. 

If you see a PR cycle starting to happen and you can get the chief executive officer to quickly shut it down, it's a very powerful way to move on.

Elon Musk tweeted about a specific product launch and it added 4 per cent to the share price, from that one public tweet. So it's a very powerful platform to get your message out. 

Humanise: People want to see the human side of you; and that needs to be something that you're comfortable sharing. I'm not talking about intimate details that you don't want public, but there are interesting ways you can show that you're more than just a CV. 

A great example is Mike Baird. Everyone saw a completely different side of him when he started tweeting from home about The Bachelor

Take someone else's tweet and add a point of view:  Retweeting is perfectly fine. I think that's great; do that as much as you like. But sometimes it's really good to think, "Why am I retweeting this? What about this makes sense to me?" and then add your own perspective.

Ann Sherry responded an article that was shared by Sam Mostyn, which was talking about rules around women: "Can we talk too much? Can we not? Are we too pushy? Are we not?" It's a great tweet for her to go, "Let's just keep changing the rules, they're there for breaking".

Consumers are more likely to trust a company whose CEO and leadership team engage on social media. That's not surprising when you think about it: social media forces people in businesses to be more transparent and be held accountable. So when the CEO gets out there, the company builds trust in the brand in a really powerful way.

Just say thank-you to somebody: You're always saying thank-you to someone every day, but think about how you can do that in a public way. 

Shane Elliott is very, very good at doing this. You will see lots of tweets from him – when he goes to bank branches, when he's in team workshops – where he has taken pictures of the people he's working with and put them on a public platform. Imagine if you're a proud staff member of ANZ Bank and the CEO just tweeted you. It's a really, really simple thing to do but enormously powerful for employee motivation and retention.

OK, so now you know how to do it. You've just got to jump in. To help, I've created a calendar for you. 

Monday: Share something interesting you have read. 

Tuesday: There's always something interesting happening behind the scenes. What are some of those non-confidential things you can share?

Wednesday: A little bit of inspiration, motivation. It could be favourite quote, they go down really well on the platform; just sharing quotes and perspectives from other people. 

Thursday: News about your company or industry, or even just a retweet. 

Friday: Connect with your customers, talk to your team, thank a staff member. 

This is an edited extract from a presentation delivered at a BOSS-University of Sydney Business School Emerging Leaders event in September.

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