MSF Canada is committed to protecting your personal information. Our Internet Privacy Policy is based on the internationally recognized fair information practices set forth in Canada's Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act.

Why we collect your personal Information

  • We only collect personal information about you if you supply it voluntarily, through contacting us via e-mail, using our online donations form or registering in a secure portion of the site.
  • We collect personal information about you if it is required to provide you with a service you have requested.
  • If you engage in an online discussion, email, chat or bulletin board forum on our site, we may ask you to volunteer personal information such as your name and email address for the purposes of effective administration of the forum.
  • We may use software that receives and records the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that has contacted our web site for the purposes of gathering website usage statistics only. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site.
  • We may use "cookies" in special areas of our site that require login or registration. These cookies are used only for the purposes of verifying your login information. We do not use cookies to track how our visitors use the site.

Collection of any further personal information other than that for reasons outlined above will only occur with your consent.

How we use your personal information

Personal information you supply is not disclosed to anyone except for MSF Canada employees who need the information to complete an indicated function. MSF Canada uses your personal information in order to provide you with services you have requested, to process online donations or applications for employment, or to provide you with access to a secure area of our site. Please note, however, that in areas of the site in which you may express a personal opinion, such as in discussion groups, online email or chat forums, we reserve the right to publish this information online in accordance with our Terms and Conditions Statement . By using these forums you agree to these terms and conditions.

How we store your personal information and keep it secure

As a means of growing our base of supporters, we sometimes share our mailing list with other charitable organizations. If you prefer not to have your name included in this program, please contact donor relations by phone at 1 800 982 7903 or by email at We respect the confidentiality of personal information held by MSF Canada and take reasonable steps to ensure the security and accuracy of the information we have about you.

How you can access and change the information we keep about you

Your trust is important to us. To access the information we keep about you, please email a request to us at: .