
SMH Editorials

Four ways to fix the Bob Day disgrace

The High Court will in effect determine who can and cannot replace Family First's Bob Day.

The Day case is particularly concerning given it involves deals with the government and taxpayer-funded schemes that could give rise to doubts about undue influence, not to mention constitutional breaches. Inevitably, that erodes public trust in government.

Our Cup runneth over with underdogs

First woman to win the Melbourne Cup: Michelle Payne in 2015 at Flemington.

We unite to cheer on 24 nags, most from overseas and most worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and most owned by millionaires or billionaires. Why?

Dreamworld betrayed our trust

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

Ardent seems to have its remuneration priorities all wrong. Safety and transparency must rank above profit. In the long-term this will benefit everybody.

Politicians' perks fail the pub test

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a campaign rally for MP Steve Irons in June.

No doubt these MPs made valuable contributions to Australian political life and to the constituents they served, for which they are entitled to some gratitude. The question is, how much gratitude is enough?

Are shark nets protecting the public or the Premier?

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

If the North Coast is to have shark nets, they must be the most high-tech and environmentally friendly possible and work must continue on alternatives. Otherwise, it will be hard not to conclude the human they are mainly protecting is the Premier.

Many to blame for same-sex marriage impasse

Bill Shorten blames Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull for stopping legal same-sex marriage, but he's only half-right.

Some proponents are prepared to wait for the next election. But even if Malcolm Turnbull survives, the issue will fester and divide the community, with no guarantee of passage thereafter.