
The Canberra Times Editorials

Assembly now the poster child for diversity

In electing 13 women to the new 25-member Legislative Assembly last month, voters did more than just reaffirm their reputation as political and social trendsetters.

Finger-pointing over Dreamworld not helpful

To suggest that the tragic accident at the Dreamworld amusement park on the Gold Coast on Tuesday has had a visceral impact on people across Australia is no exaggeration.

No winners in Brandis-Gleeson stoush

Public quarrels of the "he said, no I didn't " variety are rarely edifying, still less so when they involve the Commonwealth's first and second law officers.

RBA feels low inflation's chill winds

Addressing Congress in October 8, 1974, President Gerald Ford declared that inflation was "public enemy No 1", and he exhorted fellow Americans to reduce their spending and consumption so that unemployment might be eased.

Greens in the hot seat

Saturday's election result demonstratesĀ Canberra's clear and firm support for leftist political parties and rejection of the conservative side of politics.

A radical Nobel prize, but well deserved

If Bob Dylan's words and music are sometimes derided as as appealing only to nerdish Baby Boomers, the more discerning view is that his is a distinctive artistic voice.

Another lost opportunity for same-sex marriage

For a social reform issue that apparently commands growing levels of public support, same-sex marriage has an extraordinary capacity to tie politicians and political parties in knots.

Mike Baird's brush with political reality

Forced to eat crow over his government's retreat on its greyhound racing ban scheduled to begin in NSW from next July, NSW Premier Mike Baird did the politically astute thing on Tuesday.

Role of solicitor general demeaned

It appears as if the government is, once again, trying to sideline and manipulate a senior public officer whose advice it doesn't like.

Perspective needed on SA blackout

The question of whether last week's blackout in South Australia was entirely storm-related or attributable in some part to the state's heavy reliance on renewable energy sources appears to have been settled.