- published: 17 Jun 2017
- views: 111
NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week is an Australian observance lasting from the first Sunday in July until the following Sunday.
NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week is celebrated not just in the Indigenous communities but also in increasing numbers of government agencies, schools, local councils and workplaces.
NAIDOC originally was an acronym for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. The organising committee behind the day adopted this name in 1991.
However, the idea behind NAIDOC goes back to a letter written by William Cooper that was aimed at Aboriginal communities and at churches. It was written on behalf of the Australian Aborigines Progressive Association, an umbrella group for a number of Aboriginal justice movements. The association gathered together a wide circle of Indigenous leaders including Douglas Nicholls, William Ferguson, Jack Patten and Margaret Tucker. In 1937 they were prepaing for what would become the famous Day of Mourning in 1938. It not only sparked a very effective one-off protest. It also stimulated a national observance that was at first championed by churches, and is now a national celebration:
The Torres Strait is a strait which lies between Australia and the Melanesian island of New Guinea. It is approximately 150 km (93 mi) wide at its narrowest extent. To the south is Cape York Peninsula, the northernmost continental extremity of the Australian state of Queensland. To the north is the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. It is named after navigator Luís Vaz de Torres, who passed through the Strait in 1606.
The strait links the Coral Sea to the east with the Arafura Sea and Gulf of Carpentaria in the west. Although it is an important international sea lane, it is very shallow (7 to 15 m water depth), and the maze of reefs and islands can make it hazardous to navigate. In the south the Endeavour Strait is located between Prince of Wales Island (Muralug) and the mainland. Shipping enters Torres Strait via the Adolphus Channel which joins to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon to the southeast. Strong tidal currents occur in the narrow channels between islands and reefs, and large submarine sand dunes migrate across the seafloor. Some 580 coral reefs, including the Warrior Reefs and Eastern Patch Reefs, cover a total area of 2,400 km2 in the region, as well as some of the most extensive seagrass beds in the world.
Torres Strait Islanders are the indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, part of Queensland, Australia. They are culturally and genetically Melanesian people, as are the people of Papua New Guinea. They are distinct from the Aboriginal people of the rest of Australia, and are generally referred to separately. There are also two Torres Strait Islander communities on the nearby coast of the mainland at Bamaga and Seisia.
There are 6,800 Torres Strait Islanders who live in the area of the Torres Strait, and 42,000 others who live outside of this area, mostly in the north of Queensland, particularly in Townsville and Cairns.
The indigenous people of the Torres Strait have a distinct culture which has slight variants on the different islands where they live. They are a seafaring people, and they trade with people of Papua New Guinea. The culture is complex, with some Australian elements, some Papuan elements, and Austronesian elements, just like the languages. The Islanders seem to have been the dominant culture for many centuries, and neighbouring Aboriginal and Papuan cultures show some Island influence in religious ceremonies and the like. Examples of Torres Strait Islander language can be found on the State Library of Queensland's "ReTold" website, a collection of online stories gathered in partnership with Torres Strait Islander language speakers and community members living in mainland Queensland. Stories told through this website come from the Margaret Lawrie Collection of Torres Strait Islanders material.
My Language Matters (BBPS 2017 NAIDOC Song)
Did You Know?... Facts about NAIDOC Day.
2017 NAIDOC Week "Our Languages Matter"
Naidoc celebrations
John Butler - Naidoc week Australia - Shout Out
NAIDOC Celebrations 2017
In 2017 the theme for NAIDOC Week is ‘Our Languages Matter’. At Bangarra we are committed to maintaining and continuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. We are sharing some words from the many language groups we proudly represent at Bangarra.
Weave Youth & Community Services was proud to be involved in NAIDOC celebrations at NCIE on Friday 10th July 2015. This little clip is produced by one of our very own young people that has been attending our video workshops with Benny Edwards a producer from BC FILM AUS. We are so proud to see that these skills have been workshopped over 8 weeks!!! What great content produced directly by young people!
Thousands of people came together in Brisbane to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture for Naidoc Week.
Comedian Stephen Oliver delivers a powerful, rapid fire routine at the 2015 NAIDOC Awards For more coverage of the 2015 Awards head to http://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/storystream/naidoc-2015-live-coverage-award-winners
John sends his best wishes during Naidoc Week. http://www.naidoc.org.au NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Celebrations of Aboriginal culture, history and achievements have kicked off around the country for NAIDOC week. This year's event coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Yirrkala bark petition -- the first recognition of Indigenous people in Australian law. Organisers hope the event will encourage people to learn more about Australia's Indigenous heritage. Julia Calixto reports.
Well done to our students for their wonderful participation throughout our NAIDOC celebration activities.
Push girl like all the time,
I wanna push the button, I wanna press rewind
You can't imagine naaah
You can't imagine naaah (x2)
I really like your ringtone (oh oh oh) when I put my touches upon you,
I really like your ringtone
(Oh oh oh) I know exactly what puts you in the mood,
( waiting I go, waiting I go, waiting I go dooo...)(x2)
Oh gosh I think this girl is everything I want her to be,
And this one's different 'cause she never wants to argue with me,
Look at that body on her,
I'm so lucky she's mine,
You want designer bags?
You get to wear a tone
'Cause every single show I do, I split my money in two,
So I can put some in the bank, and purchase something for you,
Look at that body on her,
I'm so happy she's mine,
I love the ringtone that she makes when I'm twisting the style,
I really like your ringtone (oh oh oh) when I put my touches upon you,
I really like your ringtone
(Oh oh oh) I know exactly what puts you in the mood,
( waiting I go, waiting I go, waiting I go dooo...)(x2)
Time waiting I go do, 'cause girl you know you're my boo,
To keep you happy 'cause I know material things will not do
And when I'm far away, I go to see if she's fine,
And when I go away, that body stays on my mind,
I open up nothing to happen 'cause my body with you
The trust is something now she's very sure the things I won't do,
'Cause when I'm far away, she calls to check upon me,
And tell her "mami no one else can put it like her on me",
I really like your ringtone (oh oh oh) when I put my touches upon you,
I really like your ringtone
(Oh oh oh) I know exactly what puts you in the mood,
( waiting I go, waiting I go, waiting I go dooo...)(x2)
Push girl like all the time,
I wanna push the button, I wanna press rewind
You can't imagine naaah
You can't imagine naaah (x2)
Make you feel so good like all the time,
I wanna push the button, I wanna press rewind
You can't imagine naaah
You can't imagine naaah
Waiting I go do, 'cause you make me feel brand new, Now I like to rock her,
There ain't any other, I told you that those girls are just jealous,
They wanna be in your heels,
It's true, 'cause you know, you know, you know, you know,
Really like your ringtone (oh oh oh) when I put my touches upon you,
I really like your ringtone
(Oh oh oh) I know exactly what puts you in the mood,