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Trump supporter arrested after pulling gun at Florida polling station

The argument escalated until one man, wearing a "Make America great again" hat, displayed a firearm, authorities said.
Donald Trump sneaks a peak at Melania Trump's ballot (Screen cap).

Photo catches Trump double-checking Melania’s ballot — and the internet erupts with laughter

Donald Trump went to vote Tuesday morning in New York City — and he was greeted with a round of boos by his fellow New Yorkers.
Donna Tatlici (Palm Beach Post, screengrab)

Trump supporter pepper sprays voter at Florida polling location

According to Garrecht’s account, he was leaving the polls when he heard “[Tatlici] talking to somebody else and says, ‘That’s a little man. Yeah. That’s a little man,’ and a derogatory term that I won’t repeat on TV.”
Donald Trump (Shutterstock)

Incredulous Nevada judge slaps down Trump’s ‘voter fraud’ suit: ‘What are you asking for?’

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign sued the state of Nevada on Tuesday and alleged that hundreds of voters in Clark County were illegally allowed to vote after early voting hours had ended.
Muslim women walking (Shutterstock)

Michigan man singled out Muslim women in hijabs for voter intimidation

A Michigan man attempted to block two women wearing hijabs from entering their polling place Tuesday morning, prompting Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum to call the interaction an act of voter intimidation.
James O'Keefe follows around a bus driving voters to polls (Screen cap).

James O’Keefe films himself committing voter intimidation by stalking a church van bringing people to polls

In fact, as the Washington Post’s guide on voting laws makes clear, the definition of voter intimidation includes when “a voter is being followed and photographed or has his license plate numbers recorded.”
Father Frank Pavone (Screenshot)

Texas priest wants parishioners to vote for Trump so badly he put a dead fetus on the altar

The altar of a Catholic church is reserved for sacramental purposes. It’s the place priests celebrate Mass that is reserved for divine worship.

Fox News just got busted bigtime for smearing an anti-Trump protester with fake voter fraud claims

Austin Crites—whose protest during a Trump rally in Nevada prompted the Secret Service to rush the Republican candidate offstage—contacted the Guardian after learning of a Fox News segment that implied he committed voter fraud.
Trump's mouth

Donald Trump’s last minute plea to voters is to blame 9/11 on Syrian refugees

In a campaign that began by calling Mexican’s rapists, Donald Trump is ending his campaign by blaming the Sept. 11 attacks on refugees.
(Photo: Erik (HASH) Hersman/Flickr)

Republicans in Texas are targeting elderly Latinos with fake voter fraud claims

Texas Republicans are so fearful of the uprising from the growing Latino population in the state that they’re doing anything they can to suppress the vote.

Pro-Trump nutters freak out over Lady Gaga ‘Nazi’ outfit that was actually a Michael Jackson tribute

Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton brought out the star power at her last rally before Election Day, including performances from Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga.
Donald Trump (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

BUSTED: Trump said NFL quarterback Tom Brady voted for him — but Brady’s wife says that’s not true

On Monday night in New Hampshire, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed that legendary Patriots quarterback Tom Brady had phoned him earlier in the day and told him that he had voted for him.