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November 8, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Election Day Live Blog: Reports of Long Lines, Technical Difficulties and Voter Intimidation

Voters across the country are experiencing "routine" difficulties casting their vote, but allegations of voter intimidation are cause for concern. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange responds to criticism from supporters of Hillary Clinton and argues that "the real victor" is the public.


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Defying the Politics of Fear

The major political parties offer us nothing but continued corruption and oppression. A simple act of citizen defiance can be a first step on a road to profound change.
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Jill Stein: ‘Voters Being Intimidated Into Voting for a Corruption Queen or a Proto-Fascist’ (Video)

Just days before Tuesday's election, the Green Party presidential nominee expresses her solidarity with an angry electorate looking for alternatives to the failing two-party system at this crucial point in United States history.
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If Hillary Clinton is more capable of wielding U.S. military and financial dominance to endanger lives at home and abroad, does that make Trump the better choice in 2016? Hudson weighs in during an interview with Renegade Inc.

In this week’s episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor in chief speaks with the lawyer and immigrant-rights activist who self-deported to illuminate the plight of immigrants like herself.

November 8 Is (Finally) Here: An Abridged Election-Day Resource Guide

Where do you vote? What’s on the ballot? And what to do if your access is denied?

Journalist Thomas Frank on His Politics, His Midwestern Upbringing and Rock Music

Frank joins Foo Fighters guitarist Chris Shiflett for a conversation on Shiflett’s podcast, “Walking the Floor.”

‘Trump Supporters’ Reportedly Tied Up Booths at a California Poll to Discourage Others From Voting

Of the 16 booths at one voting location in Brea, Calif., only eight were working and, out of those, four were occupied about an hour by men wearing “Make America Great Again” T-shirts, one voter reports.

This Could Be Democracy’s Last Stop. Vote.

Donald Trump’s rhetoric during the last days of the campaign has led even the most equable of journalists to the end of his rope.



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John Oliver Argues That Multilevel Marketing Companies Are Pretty Much Pyramid Schemes (Video)

Know someone who’s involved in Herbalife, Mary Kay or any number of similar organizations? Send them this “Last Week Tonight” video.

The Top Five Times the FBI Intervened to Help the U.S. Right Wing

What is unusual about the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s intervention in the 2016 election is not the intervention. After all, the FBI tries to shape United States politics every day.

Why Is the Plight of Palestine a Total Non-Issue This Election?

There is little serious criticism of the Israeli state, including from Hillary Clinton’s camp.

How Much Damage Did James Comey Do?

The FBI director’s actions likely will not be enough to elect Donald Trump as president. But it may have hurt Democrats’ chances of taking control of the Senate.

The Hatred That Donald Trump’s Lies Will Leave Behind

Whether Trump wins or loses, he will leave behind a toxic legacy of increased racial and religious hatred, which he has deliberately stirred up in order to take the focus off his policies—policies that would hurt workers and would throw even more money at the super-wealthy.



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Cenk Uygur of ‘The Young Turks’ Explains Why He’ll Vote for Hillary Clinton

“The correct strategy is you live to fight another day,” Uygur says. “We avoid fascism. Check. Then we go fight the establishment. Check. And then we win.”

The Mysterious Ways of Outsiderism in American Politics

There’s a deep well of resentment around the idea that “government is run for the benefit of the people who run the government and not for the good of the country.” Both major parties need to face this reality, no matter how the presidential election turns out.

Chris Hedges: The End of the Election Will Not Mean the End of Public Anger

In a 30-minute interview with Sophie Shevardnadze at RT, the Truthdig columnist discusses who will be the real loser in the 2016 U.S. presidential race.

Donald Trump Simply Too Dangerous ‘to Sit This One Out,’ Sanders Says

“I’ve got seven grandchildren. I’ve got four kids. I worry about the future of this planet. I’m not sitting it out. And I hope that my fellow Americans will not sit it out,” the Vermont senator told voters over the weekend.

Whose Finger on the Nuclear Button?

As the U.S. prepares to elect a new president, the threshold at which some party to a non-nuclear conflict may choose to employ atomic weapons appears to be at its lowest in decades.

Southern Spain Will Become a Desert if the Mediterranean Gets Hotter

Should temperatures in the region continue to rise, the dunes of the Sahara will march northward.

‘Last Week Tonight’ Explains Why We Vote on Tuesdays—and the Answer May Irritate You (Video)

As we try to squeeze voting into our busy schedules Tuesday, the question gnawing at many of our minds may be: “Why today of all days?” Turns out the HBO show’s producers have had the same question.

The Enablers Who Helped Donald Trump Do Incalculable Damage to America

The Republican candidate couldn’t have eroded the trust and social cohesion the nation depends on without three sets of enablers. They must be held accountable, too.

Podesta Emails: Clinton Advisers Discuss Chelsea’s Wedding Tab and the Need to ‘Crush’ Sanders

Another day, another email debacle for the Clinton campaign, courtesy of WikiLeaks. The weekend brought more than one unwelcome surprise from the trove still being released—just in time for the presidential election.

U.S. Elections Are Being Stolen, but Not in the Way You Might Think

There’s been a good deal of chatter about a “rigged election” in recent months, and that’s not simply trumped-up spin. Corruption of the voting process involves broad restrictions on the power of citizens to choose their leaders.

James Comey: FBI Stands by July Conclusions About Hillary Clinton’s Email, Won’t Recommend Charges

After nine days of turmoil and reports of strife within the bureau’s ranks, Director Comey made yet another announcement Sunday that could impact Tuesday’s presidential election.