Gallup Daily

No updates March 28. Next update March 29.
Real Unemployment 9.7% -
Gallup Good Jobs 46.6% +0.1
Engaged at Work 36.3% +0.8
Economic Confidence -8 +2
Consumer Spending $104 -
Obama Approval 56% -
Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change

Many millennials move from job to job, but not all of them are prone to leave their employers.

by V. Lance Tarrance

The U.S. system for electing presidents is controversial, unpopular and not well understood, but has stood as the law of the land since George Washington was elected in 1789.

45% of female employees want to become a senior manager or leader

By Valerie Calderon

Low pay for early childhood professionals coupled with the high cost of care presents a challenge for leaders looking to assist working parents.

by Dan Witters, Frank Newport and Lydia Saad

As the presidential campaign reaches the home stretch, terrorism and immigration for Donald Trump -- and race relations and the role of government for Hillary Clinton -- may be the highest return-on-investment areas for each to discuss.

In 1975, Americans' image of the FBI was much less positive than 10 years earlier, following revelations about FBI surveillance practices.

Articles providing context for the 2016 presidential election

by Frank Newport and Andrew Dugan

To a remarkable degree, Americans -- now and in the past -- think about "emails" when asked what they have heard or read about Hillary Clinton.

No single explanation can account for the differences in men's and women's paychecks, but two reasons stand out.

Nearly six in 10 members of this generation say that work-life balance and well-being in a job are "very important."

by Michael Smith and Frank Newport

Americans are generally happy with their own healthcare, more negative than positive about the Affordable Care Act and leery of federal involvement in running healthcare.

Financial leaders need to find digital-ready customers and then increase their adoption of digital channels.

by Frank Newport and Riley Brands

Immigration policy has taken on new resonance in this presidential election cycle. Gallup reviews American public opinion on immigration, including what the public wants government to do going forward.

by Frank Newport and Andrew Dugan

Americans continue to be more likely to report having read, heard or seen something about Donald Trump than about Hillary Clinton. In recent days, 83% of Americans have heard something about Trump, 78% about Clinton.