US coal readies for march back into export markets

Very obviously, these are heady times in coal.
Very obviously, these are heady times in coal. Glenn Hunt

On Monday a shipment of quality Australian coking coal changed hands at $US295 a tonne freight on board. Another branded shipment traded on a coal trading platform at $US291 a tonne while spot price closed the trading day at $US289.30 a tonne.

Shipments of the same quality of coal were being made at just $US76 a tonne on January 4.

Very obviously, these then are heady times in coking coal, just as they are in thermal coal, where the spot price hit $US109.06 a tonne.

But for all this enriching short-term excitement, the major miners continue to warn that it cannot last, that the forces shaping this brush with peak pricing are far more transient than those that forced the coking coal price to a staggering $US378 a tonne in late January 2011.

So, why is it that those who dig the coal up can be so sure that this year's gathering price spike will be short-lived? Well, one reason is that the Chinese have lifted the operating constraints that created the supply-side disequilibrium in the first place. And the other is that it has become increasingly clear that the Americans are coming.

Having reduced its national coal industry's working year to 276 days, China has responded to the surging coal prices by selectively lifting the ceiling for the better producers.

So it is that some 455 coking coal mines have been released to produce on a 330-day schedule from the December quarter. The problem is, as Citi Research reported late last week, cranking up production is going to take longer than the technocrats might want.

Citi reported external infrastructure constraints along with a lack of management desire to swap volume for increased pricing and the fact that China's metcoal mines had been producing at well over nameplate capacity before the clamps came down as forces that will slow the pace of production recoveries.

On Tuesday Whitehaven Coal boss, Paul Flynn, predicted again that quarterly benchmarks for thermal, semi-soft and coking coal would rise again in the first quarter of calendar 2017. Where the price goes after that, well, that will be defined by success and persistence of China's market tweaking and the animal spirits of the US producers.

The US coal industry is widely regarded as the swing producer in both the coking and thermal seaborne coal markets. Increased activity in US export coal is a litmus test of the broader market's return to balance. As one expert told me recently, when the US returns to the coal export market, then prices are ex-growth.

On Friday, Australia explosive's maker to the mining world, Orica, confirmed a recovery in momentum of orders being placed with its North American business. The new orders are coming most particularly from US coking coal miners that were forced out of the export business by the enduring price recession, but that are now being lured back by near boom-time peaks.

"The demise of US coal has been greatly exaggerated," Orica CEO Alberto Calderon suggested.

Through coal's long confrontation with over-supply, US exports have collapsed. Through the June quarter it shipped only 14.3 million tonnes all told, coking coal accounting for 10 million of those tonnes. Effectively then the US export machine has been running at half capacity while its domestic industry has been forced through the structural ringer by shallow gas prices, various carbon disincentives and the material arrival of mainstream renewables.

This matters to a business like Orica whose US customers include Appalachian coal miners whose business model has been shattered by the shift in US domestic demand.

"What we are seeing is that in thermal and coking coal – and the response is different in each commodity – the miners are doing everything to ramp-up production and to make the investments necessary to keep ramping up through the next 12 months," Calderon says. "They are coming in strongly. We have been getting orders hand over fist. In coking coal they are de-mothballing plants. The price is working as it should. The incentive is back. In the long run we think that $US150 a tonne is good money for the US coking coal producers."

It needs to be understood here that Calderon's pedigree in coal and its underlying market thematic is strong. Calderon was once chief commercial officer at BHP Billiton, the world bigger diversified miner and the biggest single contributor to the seaborne coking coal market. And the Colombian started his rise though BHP's ranks after running the Cerrejon coal project in his homeland.

"Everything stopped (in US coal) in January and February," Calderon said after delivering results last week. At that point it was headed for about 600 million tonnes. But it is finishing the year strongly and will hit around 760 million tonnes. That is much stronger than we thought it was going to be just six months ago. The recovery is coming from the Powder River and Illinois basins. And production there is going to last for another 20 years at least. That is because the US has trillions of dollars of investment locked up in the sector and it does not have the money to replace the energy it generates even if they wanted to do it."

Through years of peak coal pricing after 2010 the US exported at a rate of about 120 million tonnes a year, coking coal accounting for 80 million tonne of that total. If demand for Orica's explosives across the Power River and Illinois basins is as indicative as we expect it to be, then a good deal of that latent capacity is going to be filled up.