voting rights

North Carolina Voter Suppression Is Real
"It almost looks like a cattle call, the way people are being purged."
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
People in Power Don't Want You to Vote
There are voter suppression schemes all over the country.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Voter Suppression Is Alive and Well in Texas
They know the Justice Department can see them, right?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Ohio Just Made Voting Harder for a Million People
And the Supreme Court helped them.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
It's a Bad Day to Be Mitch McConnell
His "brilliant" Supreme Court strategy is looking dumber than ever.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Voter Suppression: So Hot Right Now
This week in the laboratories of democracy.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
There Will Be No Redemption for North Carolina's Voter ID Law
The Supreme Court just made sure it stays struck down.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
This Is the Man Spearheading the Newest Voter Suppression Effort
Kris Kobach has quite a track record.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
We All Thought the Voting Rights Act Was a Permanent Victory. We Were Wrong.
Lessons from the newly insane state of North Carolina, and the Rev. William Barber.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Today Is a Great Day for Voting Rights
Allow me—and the Rev. Barber—to explain.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
This Isn't About a Revolution. It's About Voting Rights and Clean Water.
Some perspective, please.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Finally, a Win for Voting Rights
A federal court struck down Ohio's restrictive voting laws—and there are more cases on the docket.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Oregon Figured Out Its Voting Problem by Asking One Simple Question
Three cheers for making it easier—not harder.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Happy Friday. Everybody Gets a Vote.
Obama's kickin' it in the fourth quarter.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Which State Is More Insane: North Carolina or Missouri?
This week in the laboratories of democracy.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Why We Refuse to Stop Talking About Voter ID Laws
Because we can't afford to stop talking about the real issue: voter suppression.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
What, Exactly, Is Justice Clarence Thomas Talking About?
A truly bizarre line of reasoning.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Today's Voting Rights Victory Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be
Despite some forceful words from Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
President Obama Won Two Elections, But He Knows Our Democracy Is Broken
Trump is small potatoes. Obama had his sights set on bigger things last night.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Good Afternoon from the Supreme Court, Where Voting Rights Are Under Attack
Here we go again.
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