Articles by Ralph Kinney Bennett

Merry Christmas!

If you are happy and warm, Merry Christmas. If you are cold and lonely, Merry Christmas. If the world is your oyster, Merry Christmas. If the world seems like it is tumbling down around your ears, Merry Christmas. If... Read More

Damn Those Humans!

Don't you just hate it when people live where they want to live? I mean, who do they think they are? The Washington Post, in its Wednesday morning story on the wildfires sweeping Southern California, barely veils its wonderment,... Read More

The Cruelty of Cowards

Cowardice is the mother of cruelty. -- Montaigne "The beheadings are still happening, but we have an order not to broadcast them. Everything is videotaped but we can't broadcast them. We do seek to capture and imprison American soldiers,... Read More

One-Wheel Wonder

Somewhere in ancient China, possibly in the 1st century B.C., a wagon or a horse cart carrying supplies in a military column was smashed to pieces in an accident. A soldier moving the damaged wagon out of the way... Read More

Va. Tech Massacre: A Hellishly Bent Soul

Evil is unspectacular and always human and shares our bed and eats at our own table. -- W. H. Auden We are now enduring the endless outpouring of words from those trying to "come to grips" with what happened... Read More

GM! Buy Chrysler? Give Me a Minute

Both automobile and business writers have been abuzz lately about Daimler-Chrysler wanting to dump the American part of its "merger of equals" - Chrysler Division. But wait, who's that pushing its way up to the dumpster? General Motors? General... Read More

Wrist Action

Are you wearing a wrist watch right now? It's almost certainly an electronic watch; quartz movement; maybe digital or maybe analog. It's incredibly accurate and unless you prefer to spend thousands on a wrist watch, incredibly cheap. The technology... Read More

Technology on Top: Appreciating the Luxury Learning Curve

As the International Auto Show opens in Detroit this week, the growing number of "retractable hardtop" convertibles on display is a reminder of how, every once in a while, technology sort of catches up with itself in an interesting... Read More

Dreaming of a Remote Christmas

One Saturday, about a month before Christmas 50 years ago, I was with my Uncle George in a department store in Pittsburgh, Pa. The whole family was Christmas shopping here and there, but George and I happened to be... Read More

Highway to Heaven

As you prepare to head out to join with family and friends for that Thanksgiving turkey, give thanks right now for one of the most magnificent engineering feats of all time. The Interstate. Or, as it is more formally... Read More

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