Articles by Ariel Cohen

The Jihadi Big Tent

Three pro-terror demonstrations held this past Saturday -- at the White House in Washington, D.C., in San Francisco and Los Angeles -- provide insight into the global networks that support jihadi Islamic fascists. On the same day, pro-Hezbollah, anti-U.S. and... Read More

War Crime and Punishment

Last night, I awoke haunted by images of children's bodies being pulled from the rubble in Lebanon. I couldn't sleep for hours, thinking about the brutality of war and responsibility for the carnage. My heart ached with grief. In any... Read More

First Crippling, Then Ceasefire

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in the Middle East today, meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Her job is tough: not just how to end the fighting in Lebanon, but how to... Read More

Israel Is Weaker Now

Ehud Olmert's Kadima party won less than a quarter of the available Knesset seats (29 out of 120) in the March 28 Israeli parliamentary elections. It appears that a plurality of voters now favor left-leaning economic policies and unilateral withdrawal... Read More

Springtime is for War?

The pending appeal of the President of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, to the Russian Federation's Constitutional Court may trigger a destabilizing chain of events in the Caucasus. Kokoity, who is totally dependent on the Kremlin, would not have asked for... Read More

Fear and Loathing in Europe's Last Dictatorship

As Belarus, the last dictatorship in Europe, staged presidential elections this past Sunday, champagne corks popped in Moscow as well as in Minsk. Political operatives in Moscow were concerned that democratic opposition in Belarus may turn to violence as it... Read More

Russia's Global Roulette

Is Russia deliberately destabilizing the Middle East while benefiting from resulting higher energy prices? Sometimes it sure looks that way. On March 6, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will visit Washington to discuss the Middle East. On March 3, a... Read More

Bush's Hamas Challenge

In his State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush characterized radical Islam as "one of the main sources of reaction and opposition" to freedom. He went on to note that "the perversion by a few of a noble... Read More

Arik's Legacy

Even if Prime Minister Ariel Sharon survives his stroke, he is unlikely to head his newly established Kadima party in the March 28th parliamentary elections, or to lead Israel beyond that. With Kadima losing support, many of its founders are... Read More

Technology Is Amoral; People Are Another Story

The debate about anti-terrorism eavesdropping focuses public attention on the nexus between technology and politics and how the two affect our lives. The short answer is, power, including computing and telecom, can be a force for good -- or evil,... Read More

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