TCS Daily : September 2000 Archives

TCS Host Jim Glassman speaks with Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn

How do you feed the world? One great way is to allow smart people to develop new ways of growing crops. To honor these smart people, The World Food Prize Foundation annually recognizes scientists who fight hunger by contributing to... Read More Puts Consumers in Control

If you've received an email from regarding their new privacy policy, you're not the only one. Recently, the popular online retailer began contacting its 23 million customers about changes in how their personal information will be handled. But many... Read More

Let Foreigners Buy Our Companies

In his policy column this week, TCS host Jim Glassman makes the case for getting European governments out of the airplane business. On Capitol Hill, Senator Fritz Hollings is making the case for getting European governments out of the telephone... Read More

Oil Shock Hurts the Tech Sector Most

Recent protests in France and the UK reminded us that OPEC can still cause economic harm. News that OPEC will not take steps to increase oil output sent markets into a tailspin, and put enormous political pressure on gasoline-taxing politicians... Read More

Should You Invest in Tech IPOs?

Ever since the Justice Department won round one against Microsoft last spring, these have been tough times for tech stocks. Small, money-losing dot-coms have been hit particularly hard. Many Internet companies are trading well below their highs, and more than... Read More

Could Technology End Airline Delays?

Are you a fed up air traveler? You're not alone. Delays and cancellations seem to have become the rule this year, but there is a better way. Technology and free markets could vastly improve air travel, if politicians will... Read More

Jim Glassman talks with Richard Metzger

Is your Internet service bill due for an increase? TCS host Jim Glassman spoke recently to Richard Metzger, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy for Focal Communications, about a growing controversy in the local telephone market. Focal is... Read More

The KGB Enters the Digital Age

Regional and Global trends with Russian roots? At a time when most countries have not even developed a comprehensive telecommunications or Internet policy, trends to monitor and regulate the Internet by both democratic and authoritarian governments are proliferatin Read More

Cutting Out the Middlemen

It's a pretty safe bet that once Time magazine has taken note of a cultural trend or topic, it's on its last legs, if not totally over. After all, it took that earnest weekly until 1966 to finally pose the... Read More

How to Cut Energy Prices

With electricity prices climbing in California and gasoline prices still close to their summer highs, media reports have focused on the usual villains - deregulation, overconsumption, corporate America, and OPEC. For some reason, you rarely hear about the costs tha Read More

Don't Forget Small Caps

Recently I wrote about ten great tech companies for the long haul. I think America's large, high tech leaders are outstanding investments for those who plan to buy and hold. And of course many of you agree. But along with... Read More

Is the New York Times Rooting for Disaster?

The August 19th edition of the New York Times reported some wonderful news about the environment, but all but the most careful readers were left with the impression that ecological doom is upon us. I believe that the Times is... Read More

Why Regulate Web Phones?

We've been hearing seemingly endless calls for "open access" regulation throughout the telecommunications sector in recent years. Everybody wants a piece of their competitor's property on terms set by the government. Open access for the local loop; open access to.. Read More

Would You Pay $1 for this Article?

Stephen King, as the screenwriter William Goldman observes in his latest book, Which Lie Did I Tell?, (go get it, it's terrific), is a very smart guy. So it somehow should not be surprising that he may have hit on... Read More

Washington Still Doesn`t Get The New Economy

The data in August were exactly what the old-economy gurus at the Fed were looking for. The economic mood of the month was captured concisely in the August employment report which showed that employment in the U.S. increased only slightly.... Read More

Jim Glassman interviews Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee

How do you use information technology to reduce the cost of government and allow citizens to become more productive? TCS host Jim Glassman recently spoke to Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who's pushing for an e-revolution in Arkansas government. Glassman: Governo Read More

Music for Nothing

When disco died, the record industry did not start taking new wave bands to court, demanding that they stop competing with the Bee Gees and kindred has-beens. It went hunting for every Ric Ocasek clone it could find, intent on... Read More

Let's Pretend that Public Schools Work

This week the College Board announced that SAT math scores are at their highest level in 30 years. On the surface, this seems to be a sign that America's K-12 schools are on the right track, and that the need... Read More

Political Risk in Big Drug Stocks

During his Aug. 17 acceptance speech, Al Gore included pharmaceutical firms in his laundry list of alleged corporate villains, along with "big polluters," Big Oil and Big Tobacco. We naturally oppose putting any law-abiding firms on a government hit list... Read More

The Best Argument Against Net Regulation

For any lawmakers considering new regulations on the Internet - and I know there are a lot of you out there - please consider the results of regulation in a parallel universe: the telephone industry. In stark contrast to the... Read More

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