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Showing posts with label lana del rey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lana del rey. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Ten minutes of squally, distorted, languid electric guitar while Lana Del Rey drives down the freeway in September 2018, 'fresh out of fucks forever'. Another song for autumn, this one painting it oils- 'You're in the yard/ I light the fire/And as the summer fades away/ Nothing gold can stay'. A song that is woozy and fluid and exists solely for itself. 

Venice Bitch

Sunday 30 September 2018

Venice Bitch

London Lee posted this earlier in the week at Crying All The Way To The Chip Shop and you may not have heard it yet- and if you haven't you should. This is the new one from Lana del Rey, a ten minute, fairly freeform meditation called Venice Bitch which opens with Lana cooing breathily about being 'fresh out of fucks, forever'. From there the acoustic guitar riff circles around, Lana's vocal becomes more upfront, and a 60s style pop song briefly appears. The song drifts on for a while, half awake, half in focus, atmospherics and melodies intertwined before changing gear with a gnarly guitar part and synth solo. A beautiful trip.

Lana said in an interview that she wanted it as a single and her manager asked her why couldn't she just make a 'normal three minute pop song'? She replied 'I was like, 'well, the end of summer, some people just wanna drive around for 10 minutes, get lost in some electric guitar' ''.

A commenter at Youtube posted 'this song evokes a longing in me I can't quite understand... a yearning for a place I've never been, a man I've never met and a life I've yet to live' which seems to nail something of its appeal.

The album is going to be called Norman Fucking Rockwell.

Sunday 3 August 2014


We had friends round for tea and a couple of glasses of wine each and we're now trying to pack to go on holiday tomorrow. And I'm mucking about on the internet.

I missed this absolute gem of a song and only discovered it by accident earlier today- from last year, Emiliana Torrini and Steve Mason, noisy and way up there. The noise, I've just discovered, is provided by Toy.

And this, a remix of Lana Del Rey's Video Games by Dreadzone's Greg Dread. Lovely.

Right. How many pairs of shorts do I need?

Edit: I've ripped both of these- would you like them?

I Go Out

Lana Dub Rey

Tuesday 2 April 2013

I Remember You Well

I don't know about you but I think this is really rather good.