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Showing posts with label chuck prophet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chuck prophet. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Put Your Hands Together

This song was on the same CD as the Grant Hart one I posted yesterday, a 2012 album from Chuck Prophet. Chuck was lead guitarist in Green On Red and lives in San Francisco. The album Temple Beautiful, which this song comes from, was a tribute to a long gone punk rock club which was in the basement of a building occupied by Jim Jones' People's Temple, a place where Chuck saw his first punk gigs. The opener on Temple Beautiful was this, Play That Song Again, a straight ahead, guitar rock 'n' roll song with a clanging riff and memorable vocal lines thrown out left, right and centre.

Play That Song Again

And suddenly it's July.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Play That Song Again

Chuck Prophet was the guitarist in 80s drinkers/rock and rollers Green On Red, who recorded several good records, and has pursued a haphazard solo career since. If you can pursue something that is haphazard. This is the sort of straight up, life affirming, rip-roaring, clanging and chiming rock and roll song that makes you glad to drag your weary bones out of bed on a Friday morning, if only so you can play it again.

Play That Song Again