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Page last updated at 16:16 GMT, Thursday, 9 September 2010 17:16 UK

Hearts full-back Lee Wallace may return in 12 weeks

Lee Wallace
Lee Wallace was stretchered off in the second half of the match at Hampden

Hearts defender Lee Wallace will not require knee surgery and could be back playing in 12 weeks after being hurt in Scotland's win against Liechtenstein.

The 23-year-old was stretchered off after clashing with Martin Stocklasa during Tuesday's 2-1 victory.

And Hearts manager Jim Jefferies had expressed doubts about the left-back playing again this season.

However, a consultant has ruled out an operation and Wallace will get further advice from a specialist next week.

"This is massive news for us," a delighted Jefferies told the club website. "Although we won't have it confirmed for sure until he sees the specialist.

"Fingers crossed their initial thoughts are correct. This is more encouraging for us and a big boost for the lad.

"Normally when you tear a cruciate ligament there is other damage and a lot of other issues but this doesn't appear to be the case with Lee.

"They are talking about him being in a splint for four weeks and then taking the rehab from there and he could be back in 12 weeks."

Wallace was clattered early in the second half at Hampden by a crude late challenge from Stocklasa.

The full-back also tore a calf muscle at Hearts' training camp in July and missed Friday's Group I draw with Lithuania with a foot problem - and the player cursed his luck with injuries in recent weeks.

"The initial challenge was not great," he told BBC Scotland immediately after the game. "I was in a bit of pain and couldn't really flex my knee properly.

"I have had ice on it since I came off and it's a bit better.

"I have not been lucky this international get-together, obviously turning up with my initial foot injury, but with a good bit of rest and rehab I came through it.

"Then, after playing 60 minutes, I had to come off with this."

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see also
Jefferies mulls defensive options
09 Sep 10 |  Hearts
Scotland 2-1 Liechtenstein
07 Sep 10 |  Scotland
Wallace may miss season's start
17 Jul 10 |  Hearts
Wallace wins young player award
12 Mar 09 |  Hearts

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