
US election 2016: what are the states to watch

The election isn't decided by national popular vote - that would be too easy (and save a lot of money on maps).

So here's a quick guide on a few of the states that matter Tuesday. Some of them looked like battlegrounds all along, and some have emerged late.

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Final day frenzy for Donald Trump

With just one day left before the US presidential election, Republican nominee Donald Trump rallies supporters in Sarasota, Florida, keeping up his attacks against rival Hillary Clinton.


Donald Trump doesn't have an especially credible path to the presidency without Florida's 29 electoral votes, and the early voting data there is not promising for his chances.

Through Saturday, more than 6 million people - or about two-thirds of the expected vote - had already cast their ballots.

If Donald Trump loses Florida, it's all over.
If Donald Trump loses Florida, it's all over. Photo: AP

So far, the news is not good for him.

Florida's early voters are 65.8 per cent white, 13.1 per cent black and 15.3 per cent Hispanic. The Democrats also had an edge in voter registration. Clinton leads among voters without a party affiliation, according to Upshot/Siena polling.


This is not the electorate Trump was hoping for. In particular, Latino turnout is up considerably. The Hispanic share of the electorate will probably be three points higher than it was in 2012, when President Barack Obama won the state by a point.

Of course, there's no way to know how the Election Day vote will go.

Hillary Clinton at a rally in key state Michigan.
Hillary Clinton at a rally in key state Michigan. Photo: Andrew Harnik

If Trump wins in Florida, it won't be because the turnout among non-white voters, especially Hispanic voters, was lower than expected. It will be because he generated huge margins among white voters, including white Democrats who crossed over to vote for him.

North Carolina

Clinton has led in nearly every live-interview survey of North Carolina over the last month, but the state is not looking like a sure thing for her. The final Upshot/Siena poll found a tied race.

Trump's position in North Carolina looks stronger than it did a few weeks ago, at least in part because he's succeeded in consolidating Republican-leaning white voters. Many were undecided or supporting Gary Johnson a month ago, but many have returned to the party.

Clinton did not have quite as much room for growth. Black voters and well-educated white Democrats already supported her by a wide margin.

At the same time, black turnout was lower than in the 2012 early votes. It's not wholly unexpected, but it's not what Democrats were hoping for.


Early in the year, Pennsylvania seemed like Trump's most straightforward path to the presidency. The state has become somewhat more Republican over the last decade, and it has an above-average number of white-working class Democrats.

But Trump hasn't led in a live-interview poll of the state in months . Clinton held a comfortable four-point-plus lead in the polls even after the FBI director James Comey's letter to Congress.

Trump has one thing going for him: The early vote there is small, and Team Clinton will have to mobilise her supporters within one day.


One of the bigger surprises of the last few weeks was the emergence of Michigan as one of the most contested states. It was on the back burner for most of the year, but Clinton and Obama each visited there over the final few days of the campaign.

The public polls suggest that the state may be somewhat tight, but that Clinton still holds a modest lead. Trump hasn't led a poll of the state this year.

There are two ways to think about Clinton's late venture into Michigan. One possibility is that her campaign really thinks it's in great danger there. Another is that there just aren't many ways for her to lose this election, if her team feels roughly as secure in states like Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.


Ohio was perhaps the most important state of the 2012 election, yet now it's toward the bottom of this article. Clinton's strength in Colorado and Virginia have made the state largely unnecessary, and she's probably stronger in North Carolina or Florida than in Ohio.

But Ohio might still be interesting. Trump has generally led in the polls there, but not always and not always by a lot. The early vote in the state was strong for the Democrats, by the limited available measures - turnout among Democratic primary voters, or in Democratic counties. Clinton made two stops in the state in the final few days of the campaign. Her team clearly thinks she has a chance.

It probably won't decide the election, but the state could be a compelling secondary story line if Clinton wraps things up early.


Of all of the states carried by Obama that are listed in this article, Nevada might be the one where Trump has done best in the polls.

But it's also a state where the polls have a long track record of underestimating Democratic strength, and the early vote data is at least consistent with the possibility that the polls will miss it again.

Democrats won the Nevada early vote by a wide margin, nearly matching the Democratic edge from four years ago, when Obama went on to win by nearly seven points.

In general, Clinton is thought to have an edge among voters who aren't registered with a party in most of the swing states. To win, Trump will need to defy that expectation or make serious inroads among Nevada Democrats. Neither seems likely.


Arizona is highly unlikely to decide the outcome of the election, but the huge surge in Latino turnout has the potential to give this red state to Clinton.

There haven't been many polls in the state, but the Clinton campaign's decision to air advertisements there and send both Clinton and Tim Kaine for visits strongly suggests that they believe they have a credible path to victory.

If Clinton wins here, she will have almost certainly take Florida, too, meaning the election would already have been won. But a Democratic win in Arizona would be a clear demonstration of how Republicans endangered the party's chances by alienating Hispanic voters.

The New York Times
