
US election 2016: Donald Trump's last stand in Raleigh

Raleigh, North Carolina: The Make America Great Again tour is almost done, the party's almost over, but Donald Trump and his most ardent supporters turned out in force on Monday at sites across America to do it once more, with feeling.

"Is there any place better to be than a Trump rally?" he hollered at the crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina, who came out to cheer him on, boo at the media and bray at every mention of Hillary Clinton's name.

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Final day frenzy for Donald Trump

With just one day left before the US presidential election, Republican nominee Donald Trump rallies supporters in Sarasota, Florida, keeping up his attacks against rival Hillary Clinton.

"Are we having fun?" he shouted. "I don't have a guitar and I don't have a piano, all we have is great concepts for our country."

He played all the greatest hits at rallies in as many states as he could get to on Monday: renegotiating all the major trade deals, building that wall, calling Hillary Clinton a criminal, slamming the Syrian refugees and of course, promising to make America great again. The crowd had heard them all before, and relished the chance to sing along one more time.

Donald Trump received a rousing reception at his rally in in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Donald Trump received a rousing reception at his rally in in Raleigh, North Carolina. Photo: AP

"Drain the swamp," they chanted. "We love Trump!" "Build the wall!"

He'd hit Florida before lunchtime and touched down in North Carolina ahead of schedule, just before 3pm. Those two states are critical to a victory on Tuesday (in the US), his narrow path to victory falls off a cliff without them, and polls consistently show him and his opponent neck and neck. 


There was the odd sign this would be their last stand: outside the J.S. Dorton Arena, "Hillary for Prison" shirts were selling for half price, "Trump for President" bumper stickers were four for $10 and at least one merchant was looking forward to it being over. Asked what he would do with the leftover stock, he whispered "burn it".

The scene was a peculiar mix of excitment – as friends greeted each other with warm hugs in the parking lot outside, groups of women in tight "Suburban Women for Trump" t-Shirts and matching sets of pearls kissed each other hello – and shocking crudeness.

The last stand: supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cheer on their man in Raleigh.
The last stand: supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cheer on their man in Raleigh. Photo: AP

A couple of mothers arrived with their teenage sons in tow, one wearing a "Trump that Bitch" shirt. Badges were the hottest item around, including the notorious "KFC Hillary Special: Two fat thighs, two small breasts, left wing."

Badges for sale outside the Donald Trump rally in North Carolina.

Badges for sale outside the Donald Trump rally in North Carolina. Photo: Jo Tovey

"You can't always believe the polls," said Rick, who was waiting in line with his wife, proudly wearing his Trump that Bitch badge on his chest. "It's like the email stuff ... anybody can be bought."

A woman draped in an American flag and wearing a bald eagle mask perched atop her head, shouted affirming messages through a loud hailer as people entered: "We want solutions that can bring love and peace and joy."

But inside it was hate and delusion that fared better. Buck Newton, the Republican candidate for attorney-general in North Carolina revved up the crowd before the candidate arrived: "We're not going to be calling her President Clinton, we're going to be calling her by her other name – inmate Clinton!"

The crowd responded with a spirited chant of "Lock her up! Lock her up!" 

The former Republican governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, tried his hand at a zinger: "The big difference between the Clintons and the Sopranos is the Sopranos never kept emails."

At the door, a man passed out home-printed flyers enlisting people to watch out for "voter fraud" on election day.

As Nessun Dorma blasted through the arena, signalling Trump was about to arrive, the mood lifted higher.

If anything, the end of the campaign heightened the messianic theatre of his message.

Trump's win relies on an unlikely combination of results.

Trump's win relies on an unlikely combination of results. Photo: AP

"You have one day," he told the adoring crowd. "To make every dream you've ever dreamed for your country and for your family to come true.

"You have one magnificent chance."

But there were signs of cracks in his confidence. He mused on the possibility of a loss: "If I don't win I will consider this the single greatest waste of time, energy and money," he said, urging people to get out to the polls.

But he seemed to reassure himself by talking up crowd numbers ("I get bigger crowds than they do – look at the crowd we had in Michigan"). Beyonce and Jay Z had played to a half empty arena last week, he said, because so many people walked out. Here, people "are pouring in folks, they're pouring in" he remarked, gesturing to the doors, though this was untrue. The crowd was big, but a handful of seats went empty.

He lampooned Clinton for using celebrities at her rallies to drag out supporters, but it's clear he would have liked even just a few luminaries of his own. Later that night at his rally in New Hampshire, he made a show of telling the crowd that footballer Tom Brady had voted for him. Brady wasn't there. He also told a local radio station that morning he hadn't taken advantage of early voting.

He even had a crack at a famous line himself from the film Independence Day at his last rally in Michigan, after the clock had ticked past midnight: "Today is our independence day" he told them.

He finished in Raleigh as he always did, with a pledge to make America great again. But curiously, as he walked from the podium, smiling and waving, his choice of closing song seemed to contradict him, and perhaps portend of the result to come: You Can't Always Get What You Want began to play.
