Small food changes you can make to improve your health

If you’re looking to stay on a healthy track with minimum effort, make the easy switch to these good food habits.


Be a dinner winner

Preparing all your meals at home might seem like an effort, but eating out or grabbing takeaway can too often lead to poor meal choices. Research also shows that this often results in us eating up to 50% more calories and choosing foods that are higher in fat and sodium. This healthy noodle dish is low in calories and fat, contains lots of fresh vegetables and tastes delicious.


White not alright

Wholemeal pasta and brown rice contribute to the recommended five serves of whole grains that you should eat each day. A diet rich in wholegrains is linked to improved heart health, blood sugar management and weight control. So ditch the white bread, pasta and rice!


Go with the yo

With the EasiYo Yoghurt Maker, you always have a tub of fresh yoghurt on hand, bursting with live cultures that are great for your gut. When you next whip up a yoghurt dressing, sauce or batch of bircher muesli, remember that homemade beats store bought every time!


The raw law

Did you know you gain the most nutrients from eating a mixture of both raw and cooked vegies?


DIY… almost anything

Making from scratch is the best way to ensure you know exactly what's in your food, and there's no limit to what you can create. Making your own soft creamy cheese is easy and can even be made with homemade yoghurt so it retains all the live cultures and goodness. Not only are you getting delicious, fresh cheese, but you know it's fresh, tasty and has no artificial ingredients.


Vegies for breakfast

It’s easy to serve fresh veg with lunch and dinner, but why not try adding some spinach to your smoothie or beetroot to your bran muffins? Veg sticks with hummus also make a great mid-morning or mid-arvo snack instead of cracking open the chips or biccies.


Go herbal

Instead of guzzling soft drinks or caffeinated tea or coffee with meals, try sipping peppermint tea after eating to aid digestion. Drinking plenty of water is also important in maintaining a healthy gut and keeping you hydrated.


Take a seat

Believe it or not, where you eat your meals is important. Sitting at a dining table rather than at your desk, on the go or in front of the TV means that you eat more mindfully and slowly and are less likely to overeat.



Legumes are highly nutritious, rich in protein and fibre and linked to improved heart and gut health. Substitute mayo for hummus in your sandwich or serve it as a dip instead of sour cream to ensure that you get more of them in your diet.


Steam dream

The best methods for cooking vegetables to minimise the loss of water soluble vitamins such as C and B is to briefly steam, microwave or stir fry rather than boiling in water. (Brought to you by EasiYo).

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