The Attempt To Recover Mosul Uncovers Grisly Mass Graves by ISIL

FBI confirms Clinton email probe is over

Prince Charles in Birmingham Koran display in UAE visit

'Trump threat' to dominate UN climate negotiations

China bans Hong Kong pro-democracy politicians as crisis grows

World War 3 Deterrence: Russia’s Aggression Prompts Eastern European Homegrown Troop Build-Up

British PM May says country should unite on Brexit plan

Islamic State hits back in Mosul but faces new Raqqa front

WikiLeaks releases more DNC emails near eve of election

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

China unveils the first satellite smartphone

Delhi pollution: With masks, necessity becomes mother of fashion

Hillary Clinton only candidate who will bring Americans together, says Barack Obama

Arctic Sea Ice Could Disappear By 2045

Sanders Voters Get Behind Clinton With Varied Levels of Enthusiasm

Nicaraguan President seeks another term, this time with wife as VP

Theresa May tells MPs: Accept the Brexit vote

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