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Browse Energy, Oil & Gas Jobs

704 Energy, Oil & Gas Jobs in Australia

The energy, oil and gas industry is experiencing a global boom due to our energy thirsty habits and lifestyles. It is an exciting and dynamic field to work in, as the industry continues to search for new energy resources and solutions. Working in the energy, oil and gas industry means that you have a fair to high level of technical knowledge. This industry is closely related to the mining sector and some jobs can overlap between these two industries. Jobs within the industry can include energy generation and resourcing, energy efficiency evaluation, fuel efficiency evaluation, research as well as government and legal enforcement.

Responsibilities & Skills

Job responsibilities in the energy industry vary widely, but overall responsibilities are based on analytical, technical and management tasks. Daily responsibilities may involve a fair level of mathematical, scientific and advanced computer tasks. Working in the energy, oil and gas industry means you are always working, researching, or facilitating as part of a team. The industry's job environment is often outdoors, and thus physical ability is usually required. Sought-after skills include analytical, mathematical, technical skills in addition to strong communication, research and problem-solving skills.

Required Qualifications

  • Graduate level education in Energy / Mining / Environment / Engineering
  • Graduate level integrated engineering training

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