

  1. Questionable waste plans

    SA nuclear waste dump plans could be very profitable, but the scheme is based on questionable economics and could be dangerous.

  2. Housing costs economy

    What would happen to the economy if Gen Y starting saving at the rate needed to buy overpriced housing?

  3. Gen Y can unlock housing

    Gen Y can still afford a house, even in the expensive Sydney and Melbourne markets, but it will take sacrifices.

  4. Is free-to-air TV dying?

    In the age of the internet there is little doubt that free-to-air television is in much better shape than newspapers, but that may change.

  5. Airbnb: Info for hosts

    There is still a lot of conflicting information about Airbnb's legality and the risks involved. This is what you need to know before putting your home up for rent this summer.

  6. Big blow to coal

    Hazelwood will be the fourth big coal-fired power station to close in Australia's east over the past three years.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Tue Nov 08 2016 11:09:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5330.90 5349.90 0.4%
5250.80 5265.50 0.3%
2031.70 2056.30 1.2%
8171.20 8282.70 1.4%
5842.80 5812.10 -0.5%
19779.80 19832.60 0.3%
756.00 756.00
9127.10 9292.70 1.8%
4931.60 4954.30 0.5%
8560.80 8557.10
1759.90 1772.50 0.7%
7189.30 7178.40 -0.2%
2296.10 2325.10 1.3%

Last updated

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