
'Intimidating' youths target Officeworks stores in south-east shoplifting spree

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Security has been bumped up at Officeworks stores across Melbourne after an "intimidating" gang of youths swept across the city's south-east on Saturday, stealing expensive headphones and holding them aloft as they walked out.

About 15 youths dressed in hoodies converged on the Officeworks store in Chadstone on Saturday afternoon. 

Officeworks stores in Chadstone, South Yarra, Carnegie and Highett were all targeted.
Officeworks stores in Chadstone, South Yarra, Carnegie and Highett were all targeted.  Photo: supplied

There, they picked up Beats wireless headphones - which can retail for up to $400 - before walking straight out of the store, ignoring shoplifting detectors and holding their loot aloft to show staff what they had done. 

Throughout the rest of the day, the teens, who appeared to be of African descent, looted four other Officeworks outlets across Melbourne's south-east. 

Beats headphones can retail for up to $400.
Beats headphones can retail for up to $400. Photo: Supplied

Stores in South Yarra, Carnegie and Highett were all targeted in the "brazen" thefts, according to police. 

On Monday, Officeworks confirmed no staff were harmed during the shoplifting rampage. 


However Inspector David Griffin, from Victoria Police, said the gang would have "undoubtably unsettled" some people. 

"It can be reasonably assumed that large groups of young males coming into a store and acting in the way they did would have ...  intimidated some," he said. 

"It certainly appears that they're not too bothered about being caught." 

Police believe the youths, went from store to store by public transport, and are examining CCTV footage to try to identify the alleged offenders. 

Inspector Griffin said Officeworks stores were obviously boosting their security following Saturday's events, and encouraged other stores that stock Beats headphones to consider doing the same.

"This is theft, it's a crime, and you'll feel the full extent of the law when we catch up with you," he said.

Police believe the youths were unarmed and at this stage do not think the robberies were related to the notorious Apex gang. 
