A non-partisan journal of the left.

About Tomasz Pierscionek

Editor Based: Newcastle
Tomasz Pierscionek was born in Melbourne, Australia and moved to the UK aged 12. He completed secondary school in Bradford, Yorkshire, before studying at Durham and Newcastle Universities, obtaining both a Masters in Medical and Molecular biosciences and a medical degree from Newcastle Medical School. After graduation, Tom completed his training as a junior doctor before spending a year travelling and working as a locum. Tom is currently working as a Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry in the North East of England.

Tom is joint Editor in Chief of the London Progressive Journal and for the past two years he has been on the board of Medact, a charity of health professionals that campaigns against health inequalities both domestic and global. As part of Tom's work in Medact, he co-authored a successful report examining the public health effects of armed drones.

The report, Drones: the physical and psychological implications of a global theatre of war, received media coverage in various newspapers and academic journals, including the BMJ, the Lancet and the Guardian. The report was officially released in October 2012 at a reception at Portcullis House, chaired by John McDonnell MP.

Tom’s interests include global health, journalism, politics, the history of the international labour movement, ancient history, classics, jogging, marxist theory, travelling, foreign languages, folk music. He is a fan of folk musicians Billy Bragg, Inti Illimani, Pete Seeger, Phil Ochs and Attila the Stockbroker.

Tom’s articles have appeared in the London Progressive Journal, the Morning Star, Socialist Appeal, BMJ blogs, the Stop the War Campign website, Counterfire, Al-Thawra (Journal of the Iraq Solidarity Campaign), and various other smaller publications. He has also published in a range of academic journals, including the BMJ and the Student Lancet. He has also spoken at various public meetings on a variety of topics and was interviewed for a Lancet News podcast.

Tom has recently completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research and in his spare time enjoys socialising with friends, exercise, sitting in cafes or reading a decent newspaper or good book.

Articles Written

Junior doctors’ struggle escalates as Tory desperation shows

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 4th Mar 2016
So far this year, junior doctors – for the first time in over 40 years – have taken two days of industrial action in defence of their terms and conditions, and to defend the NHS against Tory cuts and privatisation.... [read more]

Modern Ukraine RIP (Born 1991- Died 2014)

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 10th May 2015
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek explains how Ukraine, as it once was, no longer exists... [read more]

The Kiev Junta: A study in the Anatomy of Fear and Ignorance

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Thu 7th May 2015
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek shows the apparent ease with which fear propagates ideas which might otherwise be rejected as absurd... [read more]

The Iraqi and the American

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Tue 17th Feb 2015
A poem by Dr Tomasz Pierscionek... [read more]

Ghosts of evils past

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Thu 29th Jan 2015
A poem by Dr Tomasz Pierscionek... [read more]

Interview with a doctor from Donetsk

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Thu 9th Oct 2014
During a recent trip to Kazakhstan, Dr Tomasz Pierscionek discussed the situation in Ukraine with a doctor from Donetsk... [read more]

The Jihadis Return - ISIS and the New Sunni Awakening by Patrick Cockburn

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 5th Sep 2014
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews Patrick Cockburn's latest book... [read more]

Interview with Robert Braun (Part 2 of 2)

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 13th Aug 2014
Dr Robert Braun, veteran politician and senior member of Hungary’s opposition party, MSZP, speaks with Dr Tomasz Pierscionek about Hungary’s transition from Eastern Bloc state to neo-liberal democracy and describes the challenges currently facing the country... [read more]

Interview with Robert Braun (Part 1 of 2)

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Mon 11th Aug 2014
Dr Robert Braun, veteran politician and senior member of Hungary’s opposition party, MSZP, speaks with Dr Tomasz Pierscionek about Hungary’s transition from Eastern Bloc state to neo-liberal democracy and describes the challenges currently facing the country... [read more]

The War on Democracy

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Tue 17th Jun 2014
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek describes how yet another nation has fallen victim to 'Shock and Awe' ... [read more]

Farage's demagoguery obscures UKIP's reactionary nature

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 16th Apr 2014
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek discusses how UKIP seek to plug an electoral void that ought to be filled by a Labour Party offering a socialist programme... [read more]

Ukraine: a very Western coup

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 5th Mar 2014
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek provides an analysis of the situation in Ukraine... [read more]

Forget Conspiracy Theories, The Truth Is Often More Shocking

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 1st Dec 2013
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek shows how truth can be stranger and more shocking than fiction... [read more]

The formula for revolution

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Mon 26th Aug 2013
Three years ago few predicted that a revolution, a coup and an emergent civil war would soon explode in a country considered a prime tourist hot spot and ruled by the same autocrat for nearly 30 years ... [read more]

The Road to Damascus

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 19th Jun 2013
Tomasz Pierscionek deconstructs the story behind calls for intervention in Syria... [read more]

Why drone assassinations just don't work

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 4th Nov 2012
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in our editorial column... [read more]

Britain: BMA strike - The Truth

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sat 14th Jul 2012
Last month's day of action by doctors in Britain attracted a lot of criticism from the Tory press - no surprise there! Dr Tomasz Pierscionek puts forward the case for the doctors' strike and explains what really happened.... [read more]

Doing Politics

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 1st Jul 2012
Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a book by former Labour MP Tony Wright, who sat in the House of Commons for nearly twenty years... [read more]

This is free Europe, never again!

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sat 16th Jun 2012
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest editorial... [read more]

High Quality Healthcare- Competition brings Quality?

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 10th Jun 2012
Tomasz Pierscionek sheds light on the recent High Quality Healthcare conference organised by pro free market think tank Reform ... [read more]

The Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 25th May 2012
Tomasz Pierscionek writes about Cuba's internationalist outlook following discussions with a representative of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples and his own observations in Havana... [read more]

'Curious anatomys': an extraordinary story of dissection and discovery

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 20th May 2012
Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a rare exhibition of 17th century anatomical dissections publically displayed for the first time... [read more]

Trade unions in Cuba and the emergence of a private sector

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Tue 8th May 2012
Recently returned from a study tour of Cuba, Dr Tomasz Pierscionek recounts his meeting with Jesus Montera, an international relations officer of the CTC... [read more]

Unmanned Drones- the future of warfare?

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 18th Apr 2012
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in our editorial column... [read more]

The passion of Bradley Manning- the story of the suspect behind the largest security breach in US history

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sat 14th Apr 2012
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a book about Bradley Manning- the young American soldier recognised as being the source behind thousands of documents that appeared on the Wikileaks website... [read more]

A Rebel’s guide to Rosa Luxemburg:

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sat 3rd Mar 2012
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a book on the life and ideas of revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg... [read more]

The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 22nd Feb 2012
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial. (Dr Tomasz Pierscionek encourages the campaign to derail the Health and Social Care Bill).... [read more]

Youth unemployment figures reveal Britain beating its 'personal best'

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Thu 26th Jan 2012
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial... [read more]

Damned Scroungers

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 11th Jan 2012
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a book challenging one of the last remaining forms of prejudice deemed ‘socially acceptable’ in modern Britain. (This book is now free to download from this review.)... [read more]

Book review: America and the Imperialism of Ignorance: US foreign policy since 1945

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 30th Dec 2011
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews a book that charts the development of America's foreign policy throughout the course of the Cold War and beyond... [read more]

A Conservative Christmas Carol

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 16th Dec 2011
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial... [read more]

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 30th Nov 2011
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial... [read more]

The end of the world as we know it…

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 30th Oct 2011
In the first of a new series of editorials, the London Progressive Journal gives its views on current events... [read more]

Book review: Venceremos

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Wed 12th Oct 2011
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek reviews Howard Waxman's first novel- a political thriller called Venceremos... [read more]

The tilted scales of justice

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Thu 6th Oct 2011
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek looks at how the state reacts when it feels its authority being usurped.... [read more]

The other 9/11 tragedy- the day democracy died

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sat 10th Sep 2011
As the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks approaches, Dr Tomasz Pierscionek examines another tragedy that the date September 11th is famous for.... [read more]

UK riots: Missing the bigger picture

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Mon 15th Aug 2011
Tomasz Pierscionek examines a variety of proposals to deal with the rioting that swept London and reveals gaps in the logic of those calling for the usual knee jerk reaction.... [read more]

The ruling class policy toward its soldiers - Use Once and Throw Away

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Mon 18th Jul 2011
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek describes the treatment of war veterans, from the Vietnam era to those returning from present day conflicts, and highlights the continual deceit war-mongering governments use to deceive the public. The real enemies are not foreign but domestic.... [read more]

Medics Resist Tory NHS Plans

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Tue 15th Mar 2011
Tomasz Pierscionek looks back on last month's demonstration against Tory plans to privatise the National Health Service.... [read more]

Book Review: Cuba's Education Revolution

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Mon 4th Oct 2010
Tomasz Pierscionek reviews Theodore MacDonald's new book, a comprehensive survey of Cuba's education system since 1959.... [read more]

An Interview with Yvonne Ridley

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Tue 3rd Aug 2010
Tomasz Pierscionek talks to award winning journalist Yvonne Ridley about her capture by the Taliban in 2001 and subsequent conversion to Islam, as well as her views on the recent rise in Islamophobia and political opposition towards the veil... [read more]

Defending the NHS Against Privatisation: John Lister talks to London Progressive Journal (Part Two)

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Sun 18th Jul 2010
The second part of Tomasz Pierscionek's discussion with prominent anti-privatisation campaigner John Lister.... [read more]

Defending the NHS Against Privatisation: John Lister talks to London Progressive Journal (Part One)

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 9th Jul 2010
Tomasz Pierscionek talked to veteran health campaigner and London Health Emergency information director Dr John Lister.... [read more]

Heroes of the 21st Century

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 15th Jan 2010
The first decade of the 21st Century has been marred by violence, militarism and oppression in the Global South. But there has also been resistance. Tomasz Pierscionek profiles some of the radical heroes of the past ten years.... [read more]

Tony Blair's Legacy

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 27th Nov 2009
War criminal Tony Blair missed out on the EU presidency last week. Tomasz Pierscionek looks back on how the Blair years destroyed the credibility of the Labour party.... [read more]

Interview: Michael Prysner Talks to London Progressive Journal

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 4th Sep 2009
Tomasz Pierscionek interviews ex-US army veteran and prominent anti-war campaigner Michael Prysner.... [read more]

Genetic Modification: A Pandora's Box

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 26th Jun 2009
Tomasz Pierscionek dissects the arguments on both sides of the GM controversy.... [read more]

Interview: Ilan Pappe talks to London Progressive Journal

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 3rd Apr 2009
Tomasz Pierscionek spoke with prominent Israeli academic and activist Ilan Pappe.... [read more]

Celebrating International Women's Day

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 6th Mar 2009
Tomasz Pierscionek examines the context of ongoing struggle which forms the basis of the 8th March commemoration. ... [read more]

Enter the Matrix...

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 6th Feb 2009
Examining mainstream media coverage of recent international conflicts, Tomasz Pierscionek argues that the nearly all-encompassing false reality of the Hollywood sci-fi classic "The Matrix" is merely an example of art immitating life.... [read more]

In Defence of Socialism

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 19th Dec 2008
As the capitalist world engages in much earnest soul-searching in response to the current financial crisis, Tomasz Pierscionek challenges the deeply-ingrained hostility towards socialism which pervades much of contemporary political culture.... [read more]

Interview: Rob Miller of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 5th Dec 2008
Rob Miller answers Tomasz Pierscionek's questions about the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.... [read more]

Cuba's Hurricane Season

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 21st Nov 2008
As part of our ongoing series celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, Tomasz Pierscionek examines how the country's infrastructure dealt with the challenge posed by severe weather on a number of occasions in 2008.... [read more]

Cuba's Healthcare Policy Shows the True Meaning of Humanitarianism and Internationalism

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 10th Oct 2008
As part of our ongoing series of articles marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban revolution, Tomasz Pierscionek examines Cuba's exemplary record on healthcare. ... [read more]

Cuba's "Green Revolution" an Example to Follow

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 5th Sep 2008
As part of our ongoing series celebrating the impending 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution, Tomasz Pierscionek examines Cuba's approach to the struggle for environmental conservation and sustainability.... [read more]

The Plight of the Miami Five

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 22nd Aug 2008
Tomasz Pierscionek on the five Cubans held by the US on charges of epsionage, which thye deny, and the attempts to bring enough national and international pressure to bear to get their convictions re-examined.... [read more]

Interview: Mike Gonzalez Talks to London Progressive Journal

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 8th Aug 2008
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, author and Cuba expert Professor Mike Gonzalez talks to Thomasz Pierscionek about the legacies of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and what the future may hold for Cuba.... [read more]

Morning Star Back on Track After Office Fire

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 1st Aug 2008
In the week that the Morning Star's London office sustained extensive damage from an electrical fire, Tomasz Pierscionek urges readers to show their support for Britain's only socialist daily.... [read more]

How Iraq’s Once Effective Healthcare System Was Sold Down the Nation’s Two Rivers

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 18th Apr 2008
On top of one million dead, war has shattered an Iraqi healthcare system already decimated by sanctions.... [read more]

Arms Spending Dwarfs Commitment to Development Goals

by Tomasz Pierscionek

Fri 15th Feb 2008
World leaders struggle to meet development goals; military spending remains sky-high.... [read more]