A non-partisan journal of the left.

About John Pilger

Based: Australia

Articles Written

The return of George Orwell and Big Brother’s war on Palestine, Ukraine and the truth

by John Pilger

Mon 14th Jul 2014
In his latest essay, John Pilger describes the liberal "one-way, legal/moral screen" behind which great power and its Orwellian propaganda ensure an impunity for war and deception, dependent on what Leni Riefenstahl called our "submissive void".... [read more]

The forgotten coup - and how the godfather rules from Canberra to Kiev

by John Pilger

Thu 20th Mar 2014
Washington's role in the fascist putsch against an elected government in Ukraine will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore the historical record. Since 1945, dozens of governments, many of them democracies, have met a similar fate, usually with bloodshed, writes John Pilger. ... [read more]

'Good' and 'Bad' war - and the struggle of memory against forgetting

by John Pilger

Mon 17th Feb 2014
The regime that Washington created in the South, the “good” Korea, was set up and run largely by those who had collaborated with Japan and America, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

The accessories to war crimes are those paid to keep the record straight

by John Pilger

Sun 9th Feb 2014
The BBC's Today programme is enjoying high ratings, and the Mail and the Telegraph are, as usual, attacking the corporation as left-wing... [read more]

In India, a spectre for us all, and a resistance coming

by John Pilger

Tue 7th Jan 2014
Neoliberalism has failed the vast majority of India's people. But the spirit that gave the nation independence is stirring, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Mandela is gone, but apartheid is alive and well in Australia

by John Pilger

Mon 23rd Dec 2013
In the late 1960s, I was given an usual assignment by the London Daily Mirror's editor in chief, Hugh Cudlipp. I was to return to my homeland, Australia, and "discover what lies behind the sunny face", writes John Pilger.... [read more]

One of the truest journalists is a cartoonist armed with a penguin

by John Pilger

Thu 7th Nov 2013
Steve Bell is a contemporary Hogarth, with a touch of Peter Sellers, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Why bad movies keep coming out and what to do about it

by John Pilger

Thu 24th Oct 2013
Unlike the babbling brook of Hollywood – with its suppression of truth, fake heroes and warmongering – a masterpiece, or just a good movie, is unforgettable, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

From Hiroshima to Syria, the enemy whose name we dare not speak

by John Pilger

Sat 14th Sep 2013
John Pilger writes that regardless of diplomatic attempts to delay an attack on Syria, the US objective has nothing to do with chemical weapons and everything to do with wiping out the last independent states in the Middle East.... [read more]

How we are gentrified, impoverished and silenced – if we allow it

by John Pilger

Sat 3rd Aug 2013
Momentous change almost always begins with the courage of people taking back their own lives against the odds, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

There is a war on ordinary people and feminists are needed at the front

by John Pilger

Wed 19th Jun 2013
The problem with media-run "conversations" on gender is not merely the almost total absence of male participants, but the suppression of class, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Hold the front page! We need free media, not an Order of Mates

by John Pilger

Tue 14th May 2013
The other day, I stood outside the strangely silent building where I began life as a journalist. It is no longer the human warren that was Consolidated Press in Sydney. It seems in Australia, hard-won rights are being buried beneath corporate might, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Dance on Thatcher's grave, but remember there has been a coup in Britain

by John Pilger

Sat 27th Apr 2013
In the wake of Thatcher's departure, John Pilger remembers her victims both at home and abroad, from miners to Vietnamese children.... [read more]

The new propaganda is liberal. The new slavery is digital

by John Pilger

Mon 1st Apr 2013
What is modern propaganda? For many, it is the lies of a totalitarian state. In the 1970s, I met Leni Riefenstahl and asked her about her epic films that glorified the Nazis, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

WikiLeaks is a rare truth-teller

by John Pilger

Fri 15th Feb 2013
WikiLeaks is a rare example of a newsgathering organisation that exposes the truth. Julian Assange is by no means alone, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

The real invasion of Africa is not news and a licence to lie is Hollywood's gift

by John Pilger

Fri 1st Feb 2013
It is as if Africa’s proud history of liberation has been consigned to oblivion by a new master’s black colonial elite, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Welcome to the Shammies, the media awards that recognise truly unsung talent

by John Pilger

Fri 18th Jan 2013
There are awards for everyone. There are the Logies, the Commies, the Tonys, the Theas, the Millies ("They cried with pride") and now the Shammies, writes John Pilger... [read more]

As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC's historical role is vital

by John Pilger

Tue 27th Nov 2012
We must understand the BBC as a pre-eminent state propagandist and censor by omission, says John Pilger.... [read more]

The political trial of a caring man and the end of justice in America

by John Pilger

Fri 9th Nov 2012
The political trial and 22-year sentence of Dr Rafil Dhafir, an Iraqi-born doctor and humanitarian, makes a mockery of the notion that all are equal in the eyes of US law, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Making the world a more dangerous place - the eager role of Julia Gillard

by John Pilger

Thu 25th Oct 2012
Julia Gillard has returned Australia to its historic relationship with Washington, similar to that of an eastern European satellite with Moscow, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Australia's Julia Gillard is no feminist hero

by John Pilger

Tue 23rd Oct 2012
The Guardian's description of Australia's opposition leader Tony Abbott as "neanderthal" is not unreasonable. Misogyny is an Australian blight and a craven reality in political life. But for so many commentators around the world to describe Julia Gillard's attack on Abbott as a "turning point for Australian women" is absurd, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

The life and death of an Australian hero, whose skin was the wrong colour

by John Pilger

Sat 13th Oct 2012
Arthur Murray died the other day. I turned to Google Australia for tributes, and there was a 1991 obituary of an American ballroom instructor of the same name. There was nothing in the Australian media, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

How the chosen ones ended Australia's sporting prowess and revealed its secret past

by John Pilger

Fri 10th Aug 2012
John Pilger describes how sports-obsessed Australia's disappointing showing at the London 2012 Olympics have offered a glimpse of a secret past.... [read more]

Blair, Olympic deals and the glimpse of another Britain

by John Pilger

Mon 23rd Jul 2012
John Pilger reports on two letters that illuminate two very different Britains, and on how the London Olympics is being used to rehabilitate Tony Blair, the invader of Iraq.... [read more]

Never forget that Bradley Manning, not gay marriage, is the issue

by John Pilger

Thu 24th May 2012
John Pilger shows that Barack Obama’s sudden “conversion” to the cause of same-sex marriage barely disguises the prime motives of a president as reactionary and violent as George W Bush.... [read more]

You are all suspects now. What are you going to do about it?

by John Pilger

Sun 29th Apr 2012
John Pilger describes the politicising of the law in western democracies and the emergence of increasingly draconian police powers: the corollary of a contrived state of 'permanent war'. Why should this be accepted?... [read more]

It's time we recognised the Blair government's criminality

by John Pilger

Sun 26th Feb 2012
John Pilger shows that in the Kabuki theatre of British parliamentary politics, great crimes do not happen and criminals go free... [read more]

The Assange case means we are all suspects now

by John Pilger

Sat 11th Feb 2012
John Pilger reveals the extent to which the White House will go to silence 'Whistleblowers' speaking the truth... [read more]

The world war on democracy

by John Pilger

Mon 30th Jan 2012
From the Chagos islands to Libya, a ruthless system has been at work, often resorting to violence whilst trying to maintain the illusion of democracy... [read more]

The Son of Africa claims a continent’s crown jewels

by John Pilger

Thu 10th Nov 2011
John Pilger denounces American imperialist strategy in Africa ... [read more]

Hail to the true victors of Rupert's revolution

by John Pilger

Thu 15th Sep 2011
John Pilger asks 'Cui bono' in relation to the conflict in Libya ... [read more]

The Egyptian Revolt is Coming Home

by John Pilger

Thu 17th Feb 2011
John Pilger reflects on Egypt and the revolution and what it means to leaders in the west.... [read more]

Beware the Assault on Journalism

by John Pilger

Fri 14th Aug 2009
John Pilger retraces the 'cultural Chernobyl'of Rupert Murdoch's impact on British life.... [read more]

No Freedom Here

by John Pilger

Fri 20th Mar 2009
John Pilger on how Britain is sleepwalking into an Orwellian nightmare of surveillance, secrecy and militarism.... [read more]