A non-partisan journal of the left.

About Bryan Gould

Based: New Zealand

Articles Written

Putting Labour Together Again

by Bryan Gould

Mon 1st Aug 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister, Bryan Gould, explains how a parliamentary party ready to unite behind its leader would in turn invite and deserve a considered response from Corbyn... [read more]

How did it come to this?

by Bryan Gould

Sun 17th Jul 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister, Bryan Gould, asks how Labour MPs became so divorced from the wishes and ambitions of those they claim to represent?... [read more]

Tata Steel

by Bryan Gould

Fri 8th Apr 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister, Bryan Gould, explains the consequence of the decline of British manufacturing is that we have run a perennial trade deficit in every year since 1982... [read more]

The Left Case For Brexit

by Bryan Gould

Sat 26th Mar 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister, Bryan Gould, puts forward the left wing case for Brexit... [read more]

EU - Should we stay or should we go?

by Bryan Gould

Fri 26th Feb 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister, Bryan Gould, questions the economic benefits Britain supposedly derives from being part of the EU... [read more]

Bernie Sanders' message

by Bryan Gould

Mon 8th Feb 2016
Former Labour shadow cabinet minister Bryan Gould considers why Bernie Sanders' support amongst voters keeps growing... [read more]

Polls versus principles

by Bryan Gould

Sun 31st Jan 2016
"How sad if Labour’s courage should fail it, so that it lags behind progressive opinion, just as a new mainstream is developing." A commentary by Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister... [read more]

Roy Greenslade's despair

by Bryan Gould

Tue 8th Dec 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, provides a rebuttal to Roy Greenslade’s recent Guardian article... [read more]

A major factor in Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal to voters

by Bryan Gould

Thu 15th Oct 2015
It is Labour’s long-standing support for, and failure to challenge, the central tenets of neo-classical orthodoxy that has disabled any challenge they have tried to make to any other aspect of the Tory progamme... [read more]

Lord Mandelson Speaks

by Bryan Gould

Mon 28th Sep 2015
The most damaging aspect of Lord Mandelson’s initiative, however, is not what is said, but what is not said... [read more]

A lurch to the left

by Bryan Gould

Thu 17th Sep 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, explains why Jeremy Corbyn's campaign appealed to those who are disturbed by increased poverty and widening inequality... [read more]

What Labour can learn from the Corbyn campaign‏

by Bryan Gould

Tue 8th Sep 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, shows what lessons Jeremy Corbyn can teach the Labour Party... [read more]

A Corbyn leadership

by Bryan Gould

Fri 14th Aug 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, asks how left-wing is Jeremy Corbyn... [read more]

Labour and benefit cuts‏

by Bryan Gould

Tue 21st Jul 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, asks how voters are likely to view a party that so manifestly lacks the courage of its convictions... [read more]

Ideological reforms vs Greek democracy

by Bryan Gould

Tue 14th Jul 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, explains how Europe is witnessing a triumph of ideology over common sense ... [read more]

Which direction for Labour?

by Bryan Gould

Thu 2nd Jul 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, says Labour's leaders must be prepared to do the hard work needed to produce a convincing alternative in line with much current and developing economic thinking... [read more]

Why are Labour's leadership hopefuls so right-wing?‏

by Bryan Gould

Sat 20th Jun 2015
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, asks why the Labour Party throws up would-be leaders who are clearly so reluctant to rock the boat... [read more]

The Labour leadership election

by Bryan Gould

Thu 11th Jun 2015
Bryan Gould, former member of the Labour shadow cabinet, describes what is missing from the leadership contest... [read more]

Nothing to Lose But Our Fears‏

by Bryan Gould

Mon 25th May 2015
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains the need for Labour to break free from the neo-liberal consensus that has long imprisoned the left in an intellectual straitjacket... [read more]

Staying in Touch with the Real World

by Bryan Gould

Tue 19th May 2015
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains how economic teaching lags behind reality... [read more]

How the Election Was Won‏

by Bryan Gould

Tue 12th May 2015
Bryan Gould, former member of the Labour shadow cabinet, explains how popular sentiment on political issues can be manipulated... [read more]

A Slow-Burning Revolution‏

by Bryan Gould

Tue 24th Feb 2015
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, details the beginnings of a paradigm shift in economic thinking... [read more]

Labour's vision

by Bryan Gould

Fri 26th Sep 2014
Labour leaders have often been eloquent in articulating a vision of the kind of society they want; it is explaining how that vision is to be realised that seems to be the problem... [read more]

Compassion Should Extend Beyond The Home

by Bryan Gould

Thu 11th Sep 2014
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, provides a riposte to Roger Scruton’s piece in The Guardian... [read more]

A sea-change‏

by Bryan Gould

Tue 29th Jul 2014
Steve Richards is right to say that next year’s election will not, and should not, be decided by personality politics. So what will determine the voters’ preferences, asks former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould... [read more]

A strategy for improving economic performance

by Bryan Gould

Thu 12th Jun 2014
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, discusses a strategy for improving economic performance and addressing inequality... [read more]

The OECD verdict on the British housing market

by Bryan Gould

Mon 2nd Jun 2014
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, discusses the findings of a recent OECD report which revealed that UK housing is among the most overpriced in the world... [read more]

Who Owns the Future?

by Bryan Gould

Tue 8th Apr 2014
Bryan Gould states there is no novelty in arguing, as George Osborne does, that there is no alternative to his destructive and divisive policies of austerity... [read more]

Central government

by Bryan Gould

Thu 3rd Apr 2014
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, discusses the flaws in Labour's proposal to devolve power to local regions... [read more]

Bank Created Credit

by Bryan Gould

Tue 25th Mar 2014
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains how orthodox monetary policy is fundamentally misconceived... [read more]

The Disenchantment Of British Voters With Democracy

by Bryan Gould

Tue 31st Dec 2013
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains the need for politicians to restore public faith in the value of government and democracy in order to cure voter disaffection ... [read more]

Aiming At The Wrong Target

by Bryan Gould

Wed 16th Oct 2013
Former Labour cabinet member, Bryan Gould, takes to task recent comments made by Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Rachel Reeves on the subject of the unemployed... [read more]

Book review: The Socialist Way

by Bryan Gould

Fri 30th Aug 2013
Former shadow cabinet member and Labour MP Bryan Gould reviews a stimulating and thoughtful collection of essays... [read more]

An Economic Policy For A Post Neo-Liberal World (Part 3 of 3)

by Bryan Gould

Sat 6th Jul 2013
Former Labour MP and member of the Shadow Cabinet, Bryan Gould, provides a road map for reviving Britain's ailing economy... [read more]

An Economic Policy For A Post Neo-Liberal World (Part 2 of 3)

by Bryan Gould

Thu 4th Jul 2013
Former Labour MP and member of the Shadow Cabinet, Bryan Gould, provides a road map for reviving Britain's ailing economy... [read more]

An Economic Policy For A Post Neo-Liberal World (Part 1 of 3)

by Bryan Gould

Wed 3rd Jul 2013
Former Labour MP and member of the Shadow Cabinet, Bryan Gould, provides a road map for reviving Britain's ailing economy... [read more]

Margaret Thatcher's Contribution to Neoliberalism

by Bryan Gould

Fri 12th Apr 2013
Former Labour MP and Shadow Cabinet member, Bryan Gould, reflects on the tendency to lionise and exaggerate the importance of Margaret Thatcher's contribution towards promoting free market economics... [read more]

A long and dishonourable tradition

by Bryan Gould

Tue 19th Mar 2013
George Osborne may be just about the last person in Britain to believe that austerity offers a real path to recovery from recession and the resumption of growth - and it may be doubted that even he remains a true believer, writes Bryan Gould... [read more]