A non-partisan journal of the left.


Monsanto's 'Hand of God': Planned Obsolescence Of The Indian Farmer

Global agribusiness is playing fast and loose with poor people’s lives and is profiting handsomely.... [read more]

Reflections on China’s South Sea Trouble Thomas Riggins

Lying in the South China Sea between Indochina and the Philippines is a collection of 700 or so small islands collectively known as the Spratly Islands... [read more]

Cultural Zoroastrianism: The Commonality amongst the South-Central-West Asians

The people of Zoroastrian faith, ethnically Persian, can be traced back in history for over 4,000 years... [read more]

Pakistan government shames itself over Israeli drone connection… no friend to Gazans

Last year July 2014, Mansoor Jaffar, a senior journalist for Al Arabiya, wrote a scathing article critcizing Pakistan for its “zombie-like response" to the Gaza killings... [read more]

Farkhunda and Lahore killings: Acts of violent sexual perversion by “out of control” men

The men who attacked Farkhunda and their supporters are deluded if they think their actions were in defence of Allah... [read more]

Mutant Forms: The Problem of Cross-breeding in Pakistani Politics

The people of Pakistan are faced with three mountainous problems. They face the tyranny of feudalism, comprador capitalism and imperialist domination... [read more]

Pakistan Taliban: Omar Khalid Khorasani releases video urging the Mujahideen of Islamic State and JN to unite

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Taliban Jammat-ul-Ahrar senior leader, Omar Khalid Khorasani, has released a new video (October 3rd, 2014) calling for a united front from “Mujahideen groups” around the world... [read more]

Pakistan: Alleged target killer for ISI and Blackwater executed after “confessing” to assassinations during peace talks

In recent days the name of the firm “Blackwater” has reared its ugly head once again with the trial of four men, part of an assignment contracted by the US State Department to provide “security” in Baghdad during 2007... [read more]

The history and modern role of political Islam

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the capitalist counter-revolution in China, an immense political vacuum opened up in ideology and politics on a world scale. Article by Dr Lal Khan... [read more]

Happy Independence Day? India, Monsanto, GMOs and the Bigger Picture

On 15 August, India will mark its 67th anniversary of independence from Britain. It may seem strange to some that a nation would publicly celebrate its independence while at the same time it less publicly cedes it to outsiders... [read more]

Update On Shimomuran Economics: The Day May Come

Western governments and their advisors can no longer continue to ignore the work of the master economist Dr Osamu Shimomura (1910-1989) who provided the insights which have produced the high growth of the China Sea economic zone... [read more]

North Waziristan suffers a fierce bombardment, civilians traumatized by air strikes

Carol Grayson reports on the latest airstrikes against North Waziristan... [read more]

Tiananmen: the massacre that wasn't

What really happened 25 years ago in Tiananmen Square?... [read more]

FREE: Bowe Bergdahl exchanged for 5 Taliban captives

Carol Grayson reports on the release of Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier held prisoner by the Taliban for five years... [read more]

India: a vote of despair

Dr Lal Khan provides analysis on the Indian elections and the landslide victory of the BJP... [read more]

Fast-tracking Neo-liberalism in India

Apparently, the results of the national general election in India mark a turning point. We are told that the nation has spoken and has given the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party a ‘landslide victory’... [read more]

Pakistan ambassador calls for ban on drones at UN conference as several persons reported killed in latest strike

The CCW Meeting of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) took place from 13 to 16 May 2014 at the United Nations in Geneva... [read more]

Capitulating To Monsanto And Wall Street: What Future India?

The Indian Oil and Environment minister has added fuel to the debate about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by approving field trials of 200 GM food crops on behalf of companies like Monsanto... [read more]

Censorship double standards: State terrorism websites vs insurgent websites

Carol Grayson asks whether the CIA website should be banned as the organisation is implicated in torture and promotes violence... [read more]

Who is the terrorist? Drones, PTSD and the boy traumatised to death

I am outraged at seeing the photo of Hamza Hassan Bin Dahaman, a Yemeni youth so traumatised at witnessing a drone strike that he never recovered from the experience... [read more]

Pakistan Taliban announce ceasefire and TTP commander Adnan Rashid writes on Mir Ali attack

My announcement of a one month ceasefire by the Pakistan Taliban on Twitter was cautiously welcomed by some... [read more]

Pakistan: Warning letter on human rights abuses in state custody was ignored, Taliban kill 23 FC men in retaliation

I express my deep sadness when hearing of the torture and unlawful killing of persons in state custody or the recent execution of 23 Frontier Corps (FC) soldiers by Tehrik -i-Taliban (TTP) Mohmand Agency.... [read more]

An Extended Review of "Princes of the Yen" by Professor Richard Werner

George Tait Edwards reviews “Princes of the Yen”, the latest book written by Professor Richard Werner... [read more]

Pakistan, terrorism and torture: How I was radicalised by the state

Mohammad Yahiya shares his personal experience of state terrorism and torture in this article... [read more]

The Afghan child “suicide” bomber and 8 year old Yemeni drone “spy”: Whose “truth” and whose “propaganda”?

There is often online censorship on insurgents for alleged “propaganda” and instigating violence yet we do not see the same level of censorship for governments that churn out false information on Afghanistan and drone civilians... [read more]

Waziristan: Tribal residents caught between drones, the Pakistani army and insurgents

Gohar Mehsud, a journalist from Islamabad, describes how civilians in Pakistan's tribal regions are caught between US drone strikes, assaults from the Pakistani military and Taliban activity... [read more]

In India, a spectre for us all, and a resistance coming

Neoliberalism has failed the vast majority of India's people. But the spirit that gave the nation independence is stirring, writes John Pilger.... [read more]

Another Keynes was Born and Lived and Died in Japan and The West Didn’t Notice

Another Keynes was born in the Saga Prefecture in the north west part of the island of Kyushu, Japan, in 1910 ... [read more]

China’s All-Inclusive Economic Miracle: The Third Economic Bomb

George Tait Edwards explains China's recent economic success by examining its past history... [read more]

Malala's ordeal

Dr Lal Khan explains how the Western media conveniently suppresses aspects of Malala Yousafzai's background so that Pakistani youth and workers remain oblivious of this brave girl’s struggle... [read more]

A Brief Guide To Early Chinese History: The Mongol Conquest Of China And Its Consequences

George Tait Edwards introduces the next in a series of articles about early Chinese civilisation to help put into context the country's recent economic rise... [read more]

The Historical Backdrop to the Third Economic Bomb: A Brief Guide to Early Chinese History - The Land and the People and the “First Emperor”

George Tait Edwards MBE, explains China's recent economic success by examining its ancient history through the first of a series of articles... [read more]

A Tale of Two Prime Ministers

George Tait Edwards comments on the comparisons and contrasts between the policies and personalities of Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minster of Japan, and David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom... [read more]

The Origin of Shimomura’s Japanese Economic Miracle, or the Second Economic Bomb - Japan from 1946 to 1965 (Economic miracles Part 2)

Japan was the first Asian country to demonstrate how a self-confident culture, with adequate leadership, could rapidly adopt Western industrial technologies while preserving the integrity of their domestic cultural legacy... [read more]

The Master Economist Dr Osamu Shimomura - Probably the Greatest Economist of the 20th Century After John Maynard Keynes

George Tait Edwards discusses the immense contribution that Dr Osamu Shimomura (1910-1989) made to the field of economics... [read more]

Right Wing Conservative Political Elite Engineer an Electoral Comeback in Pakistan

Dr Amjad Ayab Mirza provides analysis on the recent elections in Pakistan... [read more]

Pakistan: Election under the watch of USA

Dr. Amjad Ayub Mirza explains how the inability of the PPP to benefit millions has given a chance to the Right to gain electoral ground... [read more]

The Kurds and Human Rights

David Morgan asks what the Kurdish people have to celebrate as International Human Rights’ Day 2012 approaches... [read more]

Now they do not need evidence, they create secret witnesses

Öcalan’s isolation may be over as the hunger strike ends in Turkish prisons, but the unjust trials of the opponents of the Government continue. Tim Baster and Isabelle Merminod report ... [read more]

Turkish PM Erdogan Must Respond to the Demands of the Kurdish Hunger Strikers

Hundreds of Kurdish prisoners are currently taking part in a hunger strike which they have declared will be indefinite, David Morgan reports... [read more]

IMT sympathiser shot in Swat - Barbarism must not prevail!

Earlier this week, Malala Yousafzai was brutally shot by gunmen as she was returning home from school. Masked assassins stepped onto a bus filled with terrified children, identified her, and shot her at point blank range in the head and neck.... [read more]

The Empire Trapped: The US’ Unpromising Role in the New Middle East

Since the Second World War, US foreign policy has been largely predicated on military adventures, by severely punishing enemies and controlling ‘friends’. Diplomacy was often the icing on the cake of war, writes Ramzy Baroud.... [read more]

Trials and Tribulations in Turkey

Turkey’s lamentable human rights record and its attempts to intimidate independent Kurdish organisations was the theme of an important seminar held on the 18 September in Garden Court Chambers, London. David Morgan reports.... [read more]

Economic Growth or Abnormal Swelling?

LPJ's India correspondent Colin Todhunter reports that India may have had eight or nine per cent economic growth until this year, but this doesn't show a true picture... [read more]

Independence In The Pocket Of The US: "Mera Pyara Bharat" ("I Love My India?")

With a population of 1.2bn people, many believe that India is the arena where the future direction of humanity is being played out. However, the future of humanity may not be determined in India, but by events in a much smaller country – Syria, writes Colin Todhunter. ... [read more]

From Nehru to Mao: India's Tryst with Destiny

In 1947, Nehru spoke about a tryst with destiny. Free from the shackles of British colonialism, India was on course for a bright new future. Fast forward and witness the not so glittering outcome that Nehru didn’t have in mind, writes Colin Todhunter.... [read more]

Democracy and Slaughter in Burma: Gold Rush Overrides Human Rights

The widespread killings of Rohingya Muslims in Burma – or Myanmar - have received only passing and dispassionate coverage in most media. What they actually warrant is widespread outrage, says Ramzy Baroud.... [read more]

Girl Model

David Morgan brings to light a deeply worrying trend that exists within the Japanese modelling agency ... [read more]

Solidarity with Zarakolu and Ersanli

David Morgan reports on the trial of two public figures in Turkey charged with breaking the country’s dubious anti terror laws... [read more]

The true 'creatives' - let them eat cake? Or, in India, poor quality rice

The LPJ's India correspondent, Colin Todhunter, describes how India's true wealth creators are increasingly sidelined as temples to global capitalism spring up across the country... [read more]

US Dictat to Pakistan Not Working

Thomas Riggins explains how America's haughty treatment of its ally is leading to a spectacular own goal... [read more]

Destroying the Social Fabric of India: The Indian Premier League: Sex, Lies and Capitalism

Colin Todhunter, London Progressive Journal's India correspondent, reports on the worrying fusion of news and entertainment that is part of modern India... [read more]

Dead-end journey

Colin Todhunter, London Progressive Journal's India correspondent, reports from Chennai on how a funeral procession through a poor neighbourhood is a metaphor for where India is heading with current social and economic policies... [read more]

The Acceptable Face of Violence

The recent claims about India’s poverty having fallen by around seven per cent provided a stark reminder of the violent times we live in, writes Colin Todhunter.... [read more]

The great 'American' nightmare

Whilst some have gained much from India's economic boom, many have also lost out from the 'Americanisation of India'. Colin Todhunter discusses.... [read more]

The New Colony - Balochistan

Assed Baig comments on US initiatives to gain access to a previously ignored mineral rich area of the globe... [read more]

Cold War in Warm Waters: US-China’s Dangerous Contest for Asia-Pacific

A conflict is brewing, and China, emboldened by astonishing economic growth as well as military advancement, seems to be gearing up to challenge the US’s uncontested military dominance in the region, writes Ramzy Baroud.... [read more]

From Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un

Reece Ferguson provides a detailed report of the funeral of late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il... [read more]

The Bible of the revolution and its Quran

The 2011 revolution of the people of Egypt shocked the international community on many different levels, says Iqbal Tamimi.... [read more]

Poor's show

Ever since the decline of European Socialism in the 1980s and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the ’90s, capitalism has considered itself king of the world and has behaved accordingly, says W Stephen Gilbert.... [read more]

Bollywood Novacaine and the Dull Pain of Poverty

Colin Todhunter debunks the myth of India as an 'economic miracle' ... [read more]

Conflict on the Korean Peninsula

The tensions on the Korean border are unlikely to die down so long as the US maintains its intransigent stance towards North Korea, says Kevin Gray.... [read more]