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A celebration of creatures great and small, and the special companionship they offer, is launched at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra.


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  1. Josh Thomas on why his hit show Please Like Me still makes him nervous

    Comedian Josh Thomas has received widespread acclaim for his show, Please Like Me, but he says the bigger it gets the more nervous he feels.

  2. What does a typical suburban home look like?

    The idea of a "typical suburban home" has changed over the years in Australia — from the post-war modernist boom to the McMansions of the '80s. Comedian, broadcaster and architecture enthusiast, Tim Ross, takes a look at the way Australian design has developed in a new two-part ABC series called Streets Of Your Town.

  3. Birds of Tokyo have 'something to say'

    Birds of Tokyo band members speak with ABC about their latest album, "a heavier body of work".

  4. Patchewollock: Music, art, babies

    It has been a busy year in Patchewollock, as internationally renowned artist arrives in town to paint their silos.

  5. How young women see the music industry

    ABC speaks with members of All Girl Electronic, a Western Sydney program encouraging young women to make music, and address gender imbalance in the industry.

  6. Future of fashion: Succulent fingernails and living wedding rings

    Wearable art is the future of fashion according to a north Queensland botanical artist, whose succulent jewellery attracting international attention.

  7. PIAF 2017 program unveiled.

    PIAF 2017 program unveiled.

  8. Author Tom Keneally chats about his latest book, Crimes of the Father

    Author Tom Keneally chats about his latest book, Crimes of the Father, which explores issues of faith, the church, conscience and celibacy.

  9. Milliner Kim Fletcher takes us through the 2016 fashion trends

    Melbourne milliner Kim Fletcher says the Spring Carnival accounts for about 80 per cent of her yearly business, and she points to the styles that will be the biggest sellers this year.

  10. Yassmin Abdel-Magied reveals process behind new podcast, 'Motor Mouth'

    Yassmin Abdel-Magied is the brains behind a new ABC podcast called Motor Mouth, which explores her teenage dream to become a racing car driver and what she'd need to be doing to make it in this whitest and richest of world sports.

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