Port Hedland dust levels so bad residents should be moved, new housing banned, report finds

Updated October 25, 2016 14:48:28

Dust levels in Port Hedland are so dangerous the West Australian Government has been advised to ban new housing, aged care facilities and childcare centres in the town's West End, a leaked report has revealed.

The report by the Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce, obtained by the ABC, also recommends removing permanent residents from dust-affected areas of the Pilbara mining town.

The taskforce comprises representatives from a number of Government departments, major port users and the Town of Port Hedland.

It says a "special control area" should be set up west of Taplin Street, where new housing developments, aged care and childcare facilities were banned in 2010 as a temporary precaution.

The taskforce also recommends "the progressive transition" from permanent residential uses under the current West End residential zone, towards a longer term land use scenario that only includes short-term accommodation west of Acton Street.

Port Hedland is the world's largest volume port for exporting bulk materials and there have been ongoing concerns about dust levels in the area.

Iron ore, salt, manganese, chrome and copper concentrates are just some of the commodities that pass through the port, and the town's rapid growth has meant that some residents live in close proximity to the port, in the town's west.

But Premier Colin Barnett, who is in Port Hedland to announce the development of a multi-million dollar marina in the area, said residents were welcome to continue living in the West End.

"We won't be telling people to leave the West End of Port Hedland. What we need to do is work with the companies so they can keep dust levels to an absolute minimum," the Premier said.

"If new developments are built there will be stricter standards in terms of the building codes. That is how we will deal with the issue."

Mr Barnett said the proposed marina would go ahead despite the taskforce's report but it would not include permanent housing.

"There will be short-stay, caravan camping areas, hotels and the like but not permanent residential accommodation, so that is in response to the dust issue."

Port Hedland resident says dust 'horrific'

Kerry Jacoby, a Port Hedland resident for 44 years, said she regularly called BHP to complain about the dust, but many people were too worried about the repercussions of speaking out.

"It is horrific … we've lived with the dust for so many years, but it's gotten so bad now with the westerlies coming over from Finucane Island straight onto the homes," she said.

"There's too many people tied up with the mining companies and they're too scared to say anything."

Port users urged to act on dust levels

Town of Port Hedland Acting Mayor Camilo Blanco said the taskforce should have consulted with the community before recommending any changes to planning regulations.

"I believe [further planning regulations] will have catastrophic consequences for the future development of the West End and the wider Hedland community."

But he also urged port users to do more to fix the problems.

"Port Hedland port users [need to] stop putting dust on my town and our people … upgrade your operations so World Health Organisation standards are complied with," he said.

The report is the culmination of more than six years of dust monitoring and follows a Health Department assessment earlier this year that found dust levels in Port Hedland could have negative effects on human health.

This month BHP applied to the Department of Environment Regulation to amend its operating licence to increase loading or unloading capacity from 270 million tonnes per annum to 290 million tonnes.

The department has sought community comment on the application.

A BHP spokeswoman said the company put the health and safety of its employees and host communities first.

"We support the recommendations of the Port Hedland Health Risk Assessment, especially the need for proper land use planning controls to guide development in the West End, which is consistent with the Dust Management Taskforce Report," she said.

Topics: environmental-management, mining-environmental-issues, environmental-health, urban-development-and-planning, port-hedland-6721

First posted October 25, 2016 12:22:05