Simpson backs night GF

Aaron Rogers celebrates his 2011 Superbowl played at night.

Aaron Rogers celebrates his 2011 Superbowl played at night. Photo: Jeff Haynes

Adam Simpson has thrown his support behind a night Grand Final in the AFL. 

Simpson played in two Premierships for North Melbourne in 1996 and 1999 and coached the Eagles to last year's decider. 

The National Football League final, the Superbowl, is a night time spectacular and with the AFL following the American code in many other areas, a night GF has long been discussed. 

In a recent Herald Sun footy fan survey, 71.5 per cent of fans said they would prefer a day GF, while eight per cent voted for night and 20.5 for a night decider. 

"I've got no problem if they push it back to a night Grand Final, no problem at all," Simpson said. 

"You'd probably just get a lot of drunk people. You've got to pace yourself a little bit."




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