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Android Studio 2.2

There are 20+ new features in this release focused on helping you code faster and smarter. With Android Studio 2.2 you can:

  • Develop your app user interface faster with the new Layout Editor & Constraint Layout
  • Develop smarter with the APK analyzer & expanded code analysis
  • Develop with the latest Android 7.0 Nougat APIs & features

Get Android Studio 2.2      See more features


Tools for building apps

Insights into Android's tools and libraries to speed your development.

Android development patterns

Fundamental components and best practices that can help you build better apps.

Android performance patterns

Everything you need to know about improving your app’s performance.

Ubiquitous computing on Android

A great experience for your users across devices.

Online Courses

Free online courses from Android experts that bring you step-by-step to building your own apps.
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This class requires API level or higher

This doc is hidden because your selected API level for the documentation is . You can change the documentation API level with the selector above the left navigation.

For more information about specifying the API level your app requires, read Supporting Different Platform Versions.