NGINX Plus - Ubuntu AMI

30 Day Free Trial Available - NGINX Plus is a high performance load balancer, edge cache and origin server for web content, streaming media and API traffic. Run by 36% of web sites hosted on AWS (ref. Netcraft's December 2013 Web Server Survey), NGINX and NGINX Plus are used to improve performance, absorb and manage large volumes of traffic and to improve the availability of complex services delivered from AWS. NGINX Plus for AWS is provided and supported by the original creators of NGINX web server.

Customer Rating

(5 Customer Reviews)
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Latest Version

1.5 (Other available versions)

Operating System

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04.5

Delivery Method

64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Read more)

AWS Services Required

Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS


  • NGINX Plus hourly subscription, fully tested and supported by the Nginx engineering team.
  • Core features include: reverse proxy for HTTP, FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI and memcached; SPDY and WebSockets support; content caching; SSL termination; HTTP video streaming; bandwidth and request control; origin server for web and video content.
  • Additional NGINX Plus features include: load balancing; application health checks; status monitoring; on-the-fly reconfiguration; support for Adobe HDS and Apple HLS; high availability.

Product Description

NGINX Plus is a high performance load balancer, edge cache and origin server for web content, streaming media and API traffic. Run by 36% of web sites hosted on AWS (ref. Netcraft's December 2013 Web Server Survey), NGINX and NGINX Plus are used to improve performance, absorb and manage large volumes of traffic and to improve the availability of complex services delivered from AWS. NGINX Plus for AWS is provided and supported by the original creators of NGINX web server.

Product Details

  • Version: 1.5
  • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 06/20/2013

Annual Subscription Details

Annual software subscription requires one time up front payment with no ongoing charges, and covers all software fees for the selected instance type. Hourly AWS infrastructure usage fees still apply. Learn more about annual subscriptions


Usage Instructions

When a new AMI is deployed for the first time, the latest version of NGINX Plus package will be retrieved automatically from a specialized repository, auto-configured and started.NGINX status can then be checked by running: "service nginx status"NGINX default index page will be accessible on public EC2 instance address.NGINX configuration can be found in /etc/nginx and the documentation is available either on the instance locally (PDF), or online on

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Support Details

NGINX Plus - Ubuntu AMI

9x5 email support including bug reports, product specific inquiries and reference documentation. All NGINX Plus software updates. Professional services are available at an additional cost to assist with design and implementation, configuration audit, high availability setup, performance optimization and expedited bug fixes; contact

AWS Infrastructure

AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued for hourly usage fees after free trial has expired.

Annual Subscriptions:

Annual subscription cancellations or downgrades are not supported. If you need help with or want to upgrade your subscriptions, please click here

End User License Agreement

By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).


You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.

Pricing Details

For Region

Free Trial

Try one instance of this product for 30 days. There will be no hourly software charges for that instance, but AWS infrastructure charges still apply. Free Trials will automatically convert to a paid hourly subscription upon expiration. Note that Free Trials are only applicable for hourly subscriptions, but you can opt to purchase an annual subscription at any time.

Software Pricing:

Hourly Fees

Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

Software annual pricing savings over hourly: -141% - 13%

EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
t1.micro $0.09/hr $0.02/hr $0.11/hr
m1.small $0.13/hr $0.044/hr $0.174/hr
m1.medium $0.25/hr $0.087/hr $0.337/hr
m1.large $0.25/hr $0.175/hr $0.425/hr
m1.xlarge $0.25/hr $0.35/hr $0.60/hr
m2.xlarge $0.25/hr $0.245/hr $0.495/hr
m2.2xlarge $0.25/hr $0.49/hr $0.74/hr
m2.4xlarge $0.25/hr $0.98/hr $1.23/hr
m3.medium $0.25/hr $0.067/hr $0.317/hr
m3.large $0.25/hr $0.133/hr $0.383/hr
m3.xlarge $0.25/hr $0.266/hr $0.516/hr
m3.2xlarge $0.25/hr $0.532/hr $0.782/hr
c1.medium $0.25/hr $0.13/hr $0.38/hr
c1.xlarge $0.25/hr $0.52/hr $0.77/hr
hi1.4xlarge $0.25/hr $3.10/hr $3.35/hr
hs1.8xlarge $0.25/hr $4.60/hr $4.85/hr
c3.large $0.25/hr $0.105/hr $0.355/hr
c3.xlarge $0.25/hr $0.21/hr $0.46/hr
c3.2xlarge $0.25/hr $0.42/hr $0.67/hr
c3.4xlarge $0.25/hr $0.84/hr $1.09/hr
c3.8xlarge $0.25/hr $1.68/hr $1.93/hr

EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

  • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

Learn about instance types

Data Transfer Fees not included

Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

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Recent Product Reviews



Considering the general case. When any business uses this model, they have an open source "community...

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Great product, definitively recommended

I use nginx opensource edition for virtually all of my web serving needs. I am satisfied with the performance...

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Works great out of the box for testing, but not production ready

Simple and quick to set up. Enabled me to get up and running quickly. Since I'm using it as a load balancer,...

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Works great!

Works just as you would expect and saved me a lot of time. Reasonably priced and without bad surprises.

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Not great if you want to extend nginx

It's fine for a stock web-server, but if you're trying to leverage any of the awesome 3rd party modules...

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