Issue & Bug Tracking (72 results) showing 1 - 10

Redmine powered by Bitnami

Bitnami Redmine is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running Redmine on Amazon EC2. Redmine is a flexible project management web application. It includes support for...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04.3 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Razor SCM

A fully functional, cloud based offering, of the Razor sw configuration management suite. Razor helps manage the sw lifecycle from inception to development to production...

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Redmine powered by Bitnami (PV)

This image is for customers that require legacy paravirtualization support (PV). New deployments should use the "Redmine powered by Bitnami"image at

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04.3 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Mantis powered by Bitnami (PV)

This image is for customers that require legacy paravirtualization support (PV). New deployments should use the "Mantis powered by Bitnami"image at

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04.3 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Trac powered by Bitnami (PV)

This image is for customers that require legacy paravirtualization support (PV). New deployments should use the "Trac powered by Bitnami"image at

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 14.04.3 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Bugzilla - Bug Tracking System powered by TurnKey GNU/Linux

Starting from $0.01/hr or from $75.00/yr (14% savings) for software + AWS usage fees

TurnKey Bugzilla helps save you time and money by providing a ready-to-run Bugzilla solution that is secure, supported and easy to maintain. The system auto-updates itself...

Linux/Unix, Debian 8 (Jessie) - 32-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Restyaboard (On Micro)

Self hosted trello clone/alternative. Note: For a decent performance on micro instance, ElasticSearch is not bundled and so search won't work.

Linux/Unix, Other 7.1 (Maipo) - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Bugzilla - Bug Tracking System powered by TurnKey GNU/Linux

Starting from $0.01/hr or from $75.00/yr (14% savings) for software + AWS usage fees

TurnKey Bugzilla helps save you time and money by providing a ready-to-run Bugzilla solution that is secure, supported and easy to maintain. The system auto-updates itself...

Linux/Unix, Debian 8 (Jessie) - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)