What Donald Trump’s Victory Means For Men

This article was originally published on Return Of Kings. The celebrations have ended and we’ve all come to absorb the fact that Donald Trump is our next President, an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in the past several months. Now that we’ve gotten what we wanted, it’s time to describe exactly […]

WATCH: How I Make My Own Bread At Home With A Bread Machine

I took the bread pill and started making my own bread. This video explains why and how I do it… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see new clips before I drop them on the blog. Previous Video: My Summer Vacation In Croatia

What To Do If Someone Close To You Gets Diagnosed With Cancer

In the past year a close friend of mine named Bob was diagnosed with cancer. While I was familiar with the disease, I didn’t know the best way to help him. More than one year later, with his treatment completed, I’m ready to share some advice on what you can do if a friend or […]

PODCAST: What Travel Can And Can’t Give A Man

My newest podcast discusses the role of modern travel on the development of men. After reviewing how travel is most commonly used, I share the specific benefits travel can offer along with the mistaken ideas of what naive people think travel can accomplish. I discuss seven of my favorite travel rules for men and also […]

John Lennon’s “Imagine” Programmed You To Accept The Globalism Nightmare

I recently stopped to listen to a street busker singing cover songs. One of those songs was Imagine by John Lennon. As the crowd around me happily sung along, I grimaced at lyrics that painted not peace and love but authoritarianism and control. Imagine is a globalist anthem for ushering in plans of world socialism and […]

WATCH: My Summer Vacation In Croatia

I took a one-week trip to Croatia recently, visiting Dubrovnik and Ivan Dolac (on Hvar Island). I made two videos to show what it was like. These destinations are better if you already have a girl instead of going there to meet Croatian girls. For that, Zagreb is your best option. Previous Video: How The Media Assassinates […]

Newsweek Magazine: “Roosh V’s Journey From Pickup Artist To Right-Wing Provocateur”

I did an interview with Newsweek magazine this summer and it finally made print last week. Here’s an excerpt: Roosh V used to go out most nights looking to seduce a woman, but today he has a much easier task: He’s just looking to piss one off. It’s opening day of the Republican National Convention […]

The 3 Purposes Of Women

When it comes to women, nature bestowed only three roles upon them: reproductive sex, child rearing, and homemaking. A woman who engages in behaviors outside of those three roles is going against her biology and will experience suffering as a result. Reproductive sex The primary function of sex is to reproduce. The secondary function of […]

PODCAST: How To Become More Resilient

In my second podcast, I describe the most common ways men get attacked by women, coworkers, strangers in public, or by an anonymous internet mob, along with tactics to defend against attacks. Next, I explain the differences between the strategies of anti-fragility and resiliency before recommending that you shoot for long-term resiliency as your personal goal. […]

“Victory Against Overwhelming Odds”

The audiobook of Free Speech Isn’t Free has been released. Click here to order it through Amazon, where an audio sample is also available. Here’s a new review from an Australian man: This is a small book but it is impressive and holds one’s interest – I read it the day after receiving it. It is […]

What If Everything They Told You Is A Lie?

What to eat, what medicines to take, what scientific theories to believe in, what to think of men and women, what to think of the races, what to think of gay people, who to vote for, what to make of Russia. Your opinions on hundreds of topics have been shaped by journalists, scientific “experts,” pundits, and […]

WATCH: How The Media Assassinates People

My latest video explains how the media is outright trying to get its enemies killed through hysterical coverage. Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see new clips before I drop them on the blog. Previous Video: 9 Self-Improvement Tips For American Women

How To Meet Girls During The Daytime (Free Mini-Course)

I created a game newsletter back in 2008 when I pre-loaded it with 57 emails (I was living in Brazil at the time). When someone new signed up to the list, they got all 57 emails, spaced out every couple of weeks. Since email marketing is a set-it-and-forget-it type of deal, I barely updated the list in eight years. […]