Posts Tagged ‘french revolution’

Liberal Democracy Dies, Realism Rises

Monday, November 7th, 2016


The next thousand years are ours.

For the past thousand years, an idea has steadily been gaining momentum: that popular vote should decide questions of leadership, and that each person possesses “rights” — privileges without duties — on the basis of being human alone.

Some say it began with the Magna Carta, which asserted the rule of law as more powerful than the decisions of monarchs. By humbling the monarchy, it was reasoned, the alliance of lesser aristocrats and commercial interests had made leadership more balanced, humble and therefore safer because it might avoid wars.

The opposite proved true.

After the Mongol Invasions and the black plague, the weakened aristocracy found itself under assault by peasant rebellions. The aristocracy could not solve those problems, the peasants reasoned, so maybe it was not necessary. Anyone could fail at repelling the plague or the orcs of Mordor.

Neurotic intellectuals, desperate for something to emote about because they lived in relatively golden times, seized on this and expanded it with The Enlightenment,™ a declaration of the precious snowflakeness of every human being. The intellectuals assumed that everyone else was like them, and forgot that most of us are just “talking monkeys with car keys.”

Eventually the situation exploded in the French Revolution, which is one of those episodes of historical comedy in which we all agree on the facts but cannot bring ourselves to face the slapstick realization of what they mean.

France’s costly involvement in the American Revolution and extravagant spending by King Louis XVI (1754-1793) and his predecessor had left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. Not only were the royal coffers depleted, but two decades of poor cereal harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest among peasants and the urban poor.

The country had a spending problem, but its actual problem was the poor harvests. With these, people could not eat, and the remaining grain was sold at higher prices. The only reason that this was a problem in the first place was the rise in population, which had exploded in France:

The feudal regime had been weakened step-by-step and had already disappeared in parts of Europe. The increasingly numerous and prosperous elite of wealthy commoners—merchants, manufacturers, and professionals, often called the bourgeoisie—aspired to political power in those countries where it did not already possess it. The peasants, many of whom owned land, had attained an improved standard of living and education and wanted to get rid of the last vestiges of feudalism so as to acquire the full rights of landowners and to be free to increase their holdings. Furthermore, from about 1730, higher standards of living had reduced the mortality rate among adults considerably. This, together with other factors, had led to an increase in the population of Europe unprecedented for several centuries: it doubled between 1715 and 1800. For France, which with 26 million inhabitants in 1789 was the most populated country of Europe, the problem was most acute.

As we can see above, the problem was not the aristocracy, but the weakening of the power structure from beneath them, leaving them powerless to do things like limit population or increase production. The pre-Revolution caused the social problems that would provoke the Revolution itself, also setting a precedent for patterns of liberal takeover in the future.

This means that the foundations of liberal democracy were fraudulent from the start. People playing victims created a disaster and then used that as a pretext — still playing victims — to overthrow the existing order. And what sort of wonderful Utopia did they create?

Following the king’s execution, war with various European powers and intense divisions within the National Convention ushered the French Revolution into its most violent and turbulent phase. In June 1793, the Jacobins seized control of the National Convention from the more moderate Girondins and instituted a series of radical measures, including the establishment of a new calendar and the eradication of Christianity. They also unleashed the bloody Reign of Terror (“la Terreur”), a 10-month period in which suspected enemies of the revolution were guillotined by the thousands. Many of the killings were carried out under orders from Robespierre, who dominated the draconian Committee of Public Safety until his own execution on July 28, 1794.

Here we see another Leftist pattern. Having achieved power, they begin by executing their enemies, destroying culture and the church, and finally create a power struggle in which they kill each other. It is like thieves fighting over what they have stolen, with only the biggest and cruelest thief surviving.

Eventually, the French got that thief, in the form of Napoleon Bonaparte, who waged war across Europe that created the destabilizing conditions that, a century later, erupted in the World Wars:

Royalists and Jacobins protested the new regime but were swiftly silenced by the army, now led by a young and successful general named Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821).

The Directory’s four years in power were riddled with financial crises, popular discontent, inefficiency and, above all, political corruption. By the late 1790s, the directors relied almost entirely on the military to maintain their authority and had ceded much of their power to the generals in the field.

In this way, we can see that democratic revolt and Communist revolt follow the same pattern because both are Leftist. They seize power under dubious pretexts, execute the dissidents and then create a military regime which launches ideologically-motivated wars, eventually bankrupting itself and devastating the population.

This is the history from which our present time emerges.

As it turns out, our own arc in the US and EU is following a muted version of the above. After WWII, and only interrupted when the Cold War scared people into electing strong leaders, the Left has dominated Western politics. During that time, it has savaged religion, waged war on dissidents — but now we merely destroy their lives by calling them “racists,” and do not directly kill them — and has bankrupted national economies.

The result is a giant middle finger through the dual acts of Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump. People do not want to continue through the Leftist script which involves massive wars and finally the destruction of their nations. They tolerated Leftism through grudging resignation, but now, want off of this crazy train that threatens to destroy us.

Robert Merry, a biographer of President James Polk, thinks such a shift is under way. The status quo is never permanent, and the post-Franklin Delano Roosevelt Cold War consensus about globalization and internationalism, he says, “has been killed by Donald Trump, for all his flaws and limitations. What we know from history is that when the identity and definition of the nation is at stake, the politics gets very intense.”

Globalism and internationalism are dead. Big government is dead. Trust in Leftism is dead. And, for the first time in a long time, the assumption that liberal democracy is good has died. People are looking for a new way. Brexit and Trump are not the end goal, but the first steps.

If we can make these first steps work without stepping into the traps that undid George W. Bush, we can push further. Our goal is the revitalization and continued rise of Western Civilization, and this requires getting rid of liberal democracy and its understructure of equality, class warfare and diversity.

At this point, the thousand-year arc of Leftist thought is ending. It promised Utopia and delivered dystopia, but it was too subtle for most to see for the longest time. Now its mask is removed and we see the beast within, not just as Communism but as the worst aspects of human behavior and a lust for power.

Our coming decade will be defined by attempts to understand how deep the rot goes and to root it out, then figure out what we want to replace it with. A great deal of thinking and work awaits us, but it comes on a breeze of fresh air and hope that we can not just survive, but thrive and be great again.

Diversity is dystopia

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015


In the wake of the Dylann Roof shooting, the left/media cabal assumes their usual direction of pointing to the exception and claiming it as the rule. In this case, they want us to believe that America is awash in white supremacists who want to do nothing but murder black people.

On the contrary, very few such events have occurred considering that with 200m whites in America, they would have achieved an incident a week at a magnitude larger than the Roof shooting if they were even halfway trying. Those facts as usual do not fit the narrative so are discarded.

As usual, the leftist modus operandi is to deflect and distract from the real problem, which is diversity itself. Under diversity, African Americans always feel like second-class citizens or a conquered people. Under diversity, white people always feel guilty. And, as Kakistocracy blog points out, diversity has far-reaching negative effects deep in our social order:

Contrary to popular narrative, diversity hasn’t put whites at the throats of oppressed “minorities.” It has put them at the throat of each other.

With Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam showed us how American social fabric has collapsed from within as people trust each other less. His work, and studies by others, show us how diversity increases distrust not just between indigenous whites and ethnics in the West, but within the native group as people come to distrust all other people. Like class warfare, diversity leaves a lasting instability through internal division, resulting in none wanting to trust others. That in turn makes them unwilling to interact except through superficial means like talking about sports, shopping and politics as a form of sports.

As I mentioned in a comment on the post above, the effects of diversity are likely to be far removed from the point of impact. Like paranoia, the diversity virus spreads through society in the form of distrust, and it most commonly targets whites because it is illicit to target anyone else. People find themselves caught up in a society that is spiraling downward and yet are unsure where to cast blame, so they consume themselves in impotent frustrated rage and despair at the utter futility of the dystopian existence.

How many of our past panics were brought on by distrust? The Red Scare, the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic, vaccine phobia, fear of a gluten planet, the terror of pedophiles, even fear of “racists” hiding behind every doorway and perhaps our paranoia about terrorism. Even the increasing political Balkanization of our public might originate in a complete inability to trust each other. Our society grows more litigious, more defensive and more defiantly angry every year, and yet a cause cannot be found. Each side has someone to blame, but these appear to be scapegoats or intermediates, not the actual cause. This cause could well be diversity, since it spreads this kind of alienation like an infectious disease or cancer pervading the cells of an otherwise healthy host.

This reflects the origins of liberalism. When liberals took power during the French Revolution, their first order of business was murder. First they murdered the aristocrats, even the ones acknowledged as “good,” and then they began hunting for any who were royalists or those who aided, believed in, or supported the aristocracy. A simple accusation would result in a family being hauled out of bed in the night and executed publicly after a short pantomime of a trial. The killing never stopped and, when the Revolutionaries ran out of external enemies and people whose stuff they wanted to take, they turned on themselves and began killing liberals for not being obedient enough to the Revolutionary ideology. On a slower scale, the same thing happened in Bolshevik Russia, which conducts purges and pogroms to keep the population in line.

An observer chuckling over the follies of history might notice how ideologies of victimhood/retaliation such as liberalism are prone to such things because these ideologies are inherently oriented toward scapegoating. The Revolutionaries in France wanted someone to blame for the problems of excess population, and so they turned on their leaders, but then achieved worse leadership and an unstable murderous time. This early dystopia was then mirrored in Soviet Russia, where people essentially starved in terror of the KGB, and now exists in the USA where the accusation of “racism”TM results in immediate loss of job, home, savings, friends, spouses and children. We have replicated the Terror in the modern time but because of our intense pretense we no longer bloody our hands, but destroy people all the same and smear their names with a lustful hatred for the destruction of any who are bright enough to see that our civilization is circling the drain.

Conservatism ruined itself as a trademark

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014


Think about your ideal conservatives. They would be like wise elders. They would be stable. But they would be positive, always seeing the best in life and determined to bring it out.

Now look at today’s “conservatives.”

In the public sphere, we have a group of liberals who believe in balanced budgets, capitalism and strong defense. That’s a better direction than the liberals will take us, but one that leads back to the same state as liberal government creates.

In the underground, we have alienated angry people who cannot even admit their philosophy, if they developed it to its logical extent, is conservative. Nationalism for them is a goal in itself, and so they make it fanatical and discard everything needed to support it, to make it meaningful and give it context.

The point of being conservative is to conserve. The past offers us wisdom; it offers us a model of civilization that actually, you know, works. It’s worth preserving civilization because life is a gift, and making life more functional enhances that gift.

What we are fighting for is literally a choice between a heaven and hell on earth. Conservatives believe in innocence, purity, loyalty, honor and a sense of all life being sacred. Liberals are so blinded by their quest to make everyone equal that they deny the presence of reality itself. Denial like that creates deathbound societies which cannibalize all good things to feed their need for every increasing numbers of warm bodies.

Since the French Revolution, the West has torn itself apart with ideological quests for a workable form of liberalism. All have failed. Currently, the debt bomb that Western governments have created by buying votes with entitlement programs is poised to explode. The atmosphere in the city is grim; people are nervous, forget things, can’t sleep, and charge forward with manic energy but thoughtless acts. They are insectoid now, almost pure reaction to stimulus, the mind canceled behind the wild eyes.

Conservatives need to step up and make themselves an option. This is not formed through new movements, but through concentrating all of our different movements into one solid offering that is unafraid to offer actual alternatives to liberalism. That is, unlike today’s conservatives, it cannot be liberal. Most people are afraid of social censure and so they will not do this. But the future belongs to those who can.

Government shutdown should be a permanent condition

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Let’s face it: the record of government has not been so good of late, and by “lately”emergency_power_shutdown I mean the last few centuries.

Before government, we had a social order. A complex system of aristocrats ruled, and policed themselves; under them were hereditary roles and a caste system which ensured that everyone had a place. Social codes and attitudes kept people in line without having to arrest them or censor them.

This system succeeded. So well, in fact, that it helped its populations explode and deplete its food supply. This led to revolutions, which did away with the concept of hierarchy and replaced it with mob rule. Since that rapidly turns into foolishness, modern bureaucratic-managerial government was invented.

However, therein was the problem: it was invented. It was not a time-tested eternal solution, but a whiteboard design that did not fail catastrophically, so they kept it. Except that it did fail, and not like clockwork either (except in Italy) but at random, smashing social order, obliterating friendships and families, and launching endless wars.

Part of the problem is that government is a jobs program for those at the very top. They serve in office for a half-decade and then rush off to new opportunities, knowing that it will be decades or centuries before the consequences of their actions are fully visible and no one will remember by then.

Another part is that government is not actually “of” the society it manages. It is other; it is contracted to manage people. Thus it does what is necessary, but for its own convenience and power. Thus it mulches up complex social orders and replaces them with triplicate forms and legal procedure.

Yet another part is the most fundamental: government is mob rule. All those people in suits with the power quake at the thought of what voters might do. In theory, this makes the voters powerful. In reality, it means that nothing gets offered up to the voters but the most over-simplified issues, and these never represent reality.

The American government has shut down and it should stay that way. For the past fifty years, this government has been writing checks it can’t hope to cash, burying itself in mounds of debt, and creating social chaos by spitting out program after program without a plan at all.

In essence, politicians figured out how to keep the voters happy: buy them off. If you can’t give them freebies, give them big emotional symbols like civil rights, patriotic wars, “jerbs,” saving babies and warm fuzzy feelings about everyone being equal in potential. The bill doesn’t come due until long after the culprits have fled.

If we kept the military, and slashed the rest of government, we would miss some functions. However, that’s not to say that (a) other methods could produce those same results and (b) those methods might actually be better. For the first time in two centuries, we might be exploring new ground.

For example, I like the idea of wise elders for life that aristocracy gives. And the libertarian ideal of local communities contracting with service providers to get most things done. Would there be problems? Most certainly. Would they be bigger than what we have now? I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter? No, it doesn’t. The simple reason is that looking at individual problems is government’s way, and it hasn’t worked. Instead, we need to look at the whole situation. Is it a neurotic, fearful and cowlike society, or a relaxed, ambitious, healthy place where people look forward to challenges?

Our civilization is dying and government has been only too happy to hasten the decline because instability creates dependents and morons are easier to corral than geniuses. As our government dramatizes its crocodile tears failure yet again, let’s consider a permanent solution: shut it down and keep it shut so we invent something better.

Demographic collision

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

Since we’re doing topics about race, in anticipation of another presidential election where race is the crypto-topic on everyone’s mind, how about a quick analysis of demographic collision?

America — with Europe slightly trailing it, not by so far anymore — is heading toward a crucial point: does it become a white nation with a third world minority, or a third world nation with a few white people hanging out?

We have a few choices:

  • 1950s America: white people do their thing, African-Americans do their separately. Problem: if you’re waging Civil Wars in which you claim to have the moral high ground, and World Wars to liberate Europe from a lack of freedom, you look like an idiot when every black person works a menial job.
  • White ruling minority third world: Mexico, Brazil, Iraq and India are good examples here: a vast horde of Asiatics are ruled by a statistically tiny minority of Caucasians or more-Caucasian-ish people. Problem: much of the country becomes third world wasteland, and frequent revolutions kill off the ruling castes eventually.
  • Mixed-race whitish nation: Hello, most of Eastern and parts of Southern Europe, and California: a steady mixture of groups gets absorbed by a majority of mixed-European ancestry, creating a group of Eurasians who may be mostly European in appearance but seem to prefer countries organized more around third world principles: strongmen, corruption, hedonism, and drama.
  • Nationalism: White people say, “We did wrong but not all wrong, here are reparations in exchange for repatriation,” and get rid of laws forcing them to hire minorities. Minority groups for the most part see a lack of opportunity and so follow the path of least resistance and return to their host countries. Amerinds are forced to make their reservations communities again.

Whatever choice we make, the choice is upon us, and like so many choices when one is delusional out of preference for oblivion, it seems to rush at us out of the fog:

Last week’s release of national totals from the 2010 census showed that the minority share of the population increased over the past decade in every state, reaching levels higher than demographers anticipated almost everywhere, and in the nation as a whole. If President Obama and Democrats can convert that growth into new voters in 2012, they can get a critical boost in many of the most hotly contested states and also seriously compete for some highly diverse states such as Arizona and Georgia that until now have been reliably red.

In November’s midterm elections, Republicans won 60 percent of white voters—the highest share of whites they have attracted in any congressional election in the history of modern polling. Since May, Obama’s job-approval rating among whites has exceeded 40 percent only twice in Gallup’s weekly summary of its nightly polling. Unless the economic recovery accelerates, many analysts in both parties believe that Obama could struggle to match the modest 43 percent of white voters he captured in 2008.

These twin dynamics suggest that in many states the key question for 2012 may be whether Republicans can increase their advantage among whites enough to overcome what’s likely to be a growing share of the overall vote cast by minorities, who still break preponderantly for Democrats. – National Journal

The moment we have dreaded has arrived: race is now no longer an optional thought, but what will define our politics. It’s a power struggle, formally, …finally.

From the Democratic perspective, this has always been the intention. Democrats in 1965 realized that non-whites voted Democratic, and that the then-current generation of whites were so drugged on liberalism they would approve any underdog-bolstering altruistic imperative, so they changed immigration law. The floodgates opened.

White America slumbered on, buoyed by dreams from their churches of universal equality in heaven, and by politics from their televisions and useful idiots neighbors, talking about how diversity was our strength and our egalitarian politics would keep the proles from rioting.

History grinned a little. Historically, even among groups of the same race, diversity has always been a failure. It takes a century or two to see the full effects, but you’ll note that no societies stay “diverse” for longer than that. They collapse and end up as racial melanges with none of their former potential.

  • Does this mean there are inferior races? No, it means that mixing groups of specialized ability destroys that ability in the resulting groups.
  • Does it mean that some races are bad citizens? No, it means that diversity itself is the problem. No two or more groups — whether divided by race/ethnicity, religion, even social class or regional differences — can occupy the same space at the same time. This means a power struggle which culminates in successive waves of conflict and compromise until a lowest common denominator is reached.
  • Does this mean that some races are defective? No, it means that while there are genetic and thus aptitudinal and attitudinal differences between races and ethnic groups, it is the fact that any difference at all exists that dooms diversity, not the particular groups involved.
  • Does this mean America was not a melting pot before 1965? Yes, America was of “mixed” heritage — if you count Western Europeans as mixed. In the 1840s, the slow introduction of Irish and Southern Europeans caused problems, as did the introduction of Eastern Europeans in the 1890s, but these demographic changes were minor compared to what we have now.
  • Does this mean white nationalists are correct? No, it means they are insane, because they want to create diversity — white, fascist diversity — which will cause the same problems on a smaller scale, but still create them nonetheless.

We really face a chokepoint soon, where the former narrative of the oppressive majority against the oppressed minority fades rapidly, and we have to actually choose our future. In the past, we were able to assume that we could make changes to America and the country would basically stay the same, just with a little diversity added — think Cherry Coke or Reeses Peanut Butter Cups — for flavor.

Now we realize that we’re talking about replacing the population, which actually makes America a different country. A country is not its laws or economics; it is its people. When we replace the majority English-German American stock with new people, the country will start to resemble the homelands that shaped them genetically.

Nationally, the overall share of the non-Hispanic white population dropped from 69.1 percent in 2000 to 63.7 in 2010, a greater decline than most analysts anticipated. In a mirror image, the minority population grew from 30.9 percent in 2000 to 36.3 percent in 2010.


46.5 percent of people under 18 were minority, a dramatic jump from 39.1 percent in 2000. As recently as last summer, demographers projected that minorities would make up a majority of the under-18 population sometime after 2020. At the current rate of growth, however, nonwhites will comprise a majority of children in the United States by 2015.


Strikingly, as Frey notes, the census found that the number of whites under 18 declined by more than 4 million over the past decade, even as the number of minority young people increased by more than 6 million.

This tells more of the story than the vague news that CNN likes to report, which is that by 2040 whites will no longer be a majority. That doesn’t sound bad, does it? We’re all equal then. But the fact is that some group will be on top, and that group will make the country like their country of origin.

So do we want Western Europe or… Mexico? Nigeria? Brazil? Thailand? Zimbabwe?

Americans will have to choose, after years of assuming that immigration was like having a new family in the neighborhood — and no other consequences. “Sure, the Witherspoons are black, but it’s just one house in a neighborhood of 400.”

Yet as the numbers show, the Witherspoons aren’t just adding to the mix — they’re displacing the native Americans of mostly English/German stock, and replacing them with Mexican indios (Asians), Southern Asians, Indians (Caucasoid Asians) and Africans.

What’s that mix going to look like? A lot like the indios of Mexico, lower castes of India, poorer people in Iraq and Iran, favelas of Brazil, etc.

That’s not the original idea of diversity, which was a few non-white faces to “spice up” the horde of whites.

This is why history grins at us. We are the latest in a series of people to assume that we can make demographic changes to our nations without it vastly affecting us.

The French in 1789 decided to execute their aristocrats, and promptly sent their country into a tailspin from which it has never recovered because of a lack of competent administrators. The Russians did the same thing in 1917. Western Europe itself made the mistake when it allowed many of its best people to emigrate to the USA, and promptly had a population crash from which it recovered just in time to hit two disastrous world wars.

The young, increasingly minority population is likely to view public investment in schools, health care, and infrastructure as critical to its economic prospects, while the predominantly white senior population might be increasingly reluctant to fund such services through taxes. The trends could portend a lasting structural conflict. (See “The Gray and the Brown: The Generational Mismatch,” NJ, 7/24/10, p.14.)

As noted in the past, the Tea Parties in the USA and Europe, while not racist per se, represented an ethnic conflict: whites who want an upward-moving society, and “new citizens” who want an entitlement state.

If the pattern repeats not just from Soviet Russia and Revolutionary France, but the post-colonial revolts across the world, the white minority will accede to these demands. The entitlement state will breed many more than the economy can sustain; bankruptcy will loom; The People will blame the rich, and murder or exile the white minority; a competent administrator drain will then doom the country, which will enter its final spiral to true third-world status. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cuba, Bolivia, Rwanda, Egypt… the list goes on.

The first step toward that is the step America is about to take, which is ending years of pleasant denial about race to face the power struggle, and realize that in order to “be diverse” we must destroy the majority.

And we’re just about there.

Anti-white prejudice – considered almost non-existent in the ’50s – is now perceived among white Americans as a bigger problem than anti-black bias, according to a new study.

The report found that both races agreed anti-black prejudice declined steadily over the last 60 years, but white Americans felt that bias against them was on the upswing.

Asked to rank prejudice against blacks on a 1-10 scale in the 2000s, white respondents put the number at 3.6 – compared with 9.1 in the ’50s.

But white respondents also put the number for anti-white bias at 4.7 – way up from the 1.8 of the ’50s.

The numbers suggest “that whites also linked the decrease in anti-black sentiment over the last half century to an increase in anti-white bias over the same time period,” the authors wrote. – NYDN

Although delusional people like to gush on about sharing the wealth, the truth is that wealth is finite. Our planet is finite. Its resources are finite. Time is finite. Even energy and matter are finite; what we take from somewhere else has consequences.

You cannot “add diversity” to a country without destroying what is there. This is why history grins: this is the lesson we don’t seem to learn, as a species. We don’t want to think that our actions have consequences beyond the immediate result we wanted to achieve.

As the cycle of history shows, all you do is kill the goose that laid the golden egg. You take a country that is succeeding because its people are motivated and competent, then introduce cultural chaos, and what is left is a new population that cannot replicate the organization and aptitude, thus the competence, thus the wealth, of the old.

Diversity fails not only the majority, but everyone else — minorities — who get dragged into its vortex.

As another commentator writes:

Black Run America is based on the idea that African-Americans cannot get ahead in our society because of White racism. Gunnar Myrdal told White people they suffered from “An American Dilemma” and the Supreme Court responded with the Brown decision that ordered integration in public schools.

Now that White people know that Whites are not racist anymore and that racism isn’t holding back African-Americans, the visible failure of African-Americans to make progress has become a serious problem in need of explanation.

(1) If White racism isn’t holding back African-Americans, there has to be some other explanation for racial inequality.

(2) If the experts in race relations have gotten it wrong for decades, then White America has been told a huge lie and authority figures cannot be trusted.

(3) If blacks can’t get ahead in spite of visible explicit discrimination against Whites and non-existent discrimination against blacks, what is holding them back?

(4) If robbing White people to create social programs like Obamacare doesn’t solve racial inequality, how can social spending on the welfare state be justified and seen as anything more than institutionalized racial extortion of White taxpayers?

(5) If “racism” doesn’t explain inequality in our society, then why should Whites feel guilty about black failure?

(6) If Whites have no good reason to feel guilty anymore, what is stopping White racial consciousness from coming roaring back and looking for vengeance?OD

I’ll answer his final question (what is stopping White racial consciousness from coming roaring back and looking for vengeance?) first:

  • Fear of conflict. Don’t take risks you do not immediately need to take.
  • Social fear. Who wants to buck a trend and defy altruism? The basement dwellers only.
  • Oblivion. It’s always easier than truth. Just more destructive.
  • Kindness. No one wants to wage war or enact vengeance. They prefer practical plans.

The last one to me is the kicker. We cannot allow the mental disease known as “White Nationalism” to infect our minds and turn us from the practical. What are white people more likely to do, declare war… or look for practical solutions?

I think we can see what they’ll do based on what they’ve done in the past:

Dill (Anethum graveolens ) was used in the Middle Ages in charms against witchcraft. It was known as a medicinal herb to the ancient Greeks and Romans, where soldiers placed burned dill seeds on their wounds to promote healing. Medieval Europe could not grow it fast enough for love potions, casting spells and for protection against witchcraft. Carrying a bag of dried dill over the heart was considered protection against hexes.


The whole plant is aromatic and used to flavor many foods, such as gravlax (a Nordic appetizer made with raw salmon that looks soooo good! I’ll try making it someday and report back.), borscht and other soups, and pickles. Dill is best when used fresh, as it loses its flavor rapidly if dried. – Hermione’s Garden

Our arrogant history professors will look at this and infer a causal relationship that was not there. “They were afraid of witches, so they invented a superstition using dill, so they came to like dill, so now it prevails in their taste preferences. Ta-da!”

More likely is this:

Sven: This dill dip sure is tasty.

Hans: Ja, ja, it’s good!

Witchfinder General: Witches have been spotted in the briar!

Sven: Have some more of this dill dip, Hans.

Witchfinder General: Comrade Citizen Sven, you do not seem disturbed by the presence of witches! Do you consider witches to be a non-threat, and therefore think that maybe that should walk among us?

Sven: I… ah… dill dip…

Hans: (quickly) The elders say that dill keeps witches away. So we’re eating as much as we can.

Witchfinder General: I have never heard of this superstition!

Hans: Yeah, but you’re not from around here. Here it’s known fact.

Sven: All our scientists agree! Dill keeps away witches. This is entirely unrelated to the fact that it’s delicious.

Hans: Here, you’d better have some of this dip… or people are going to think you’re a witch.

Even all four of my readers have stopped after this digression. What the heck could he be rambling about?

I am talking about nothing less than a different way of governing.

In modern government, you observe an effect and make it illegal.

In the more organic world that Hans and Sven inhabit, you simply find the behavior that is its undoing, and make that preferable.

In their case, a world without dill would be very bad indeed… so when some helpful idiot showed up talking about witches, they used witch-hunting to justify dill-using.

In the same way, I think the race problem that America and Europe share will be solved with this kind of positive futurism.

  1. Instead of even thinking about criticizing other races (or Jews) — especially since the choice to become diverse was a white thing for the most part — we should focus our criticism on diversity.
  2. We should recognize that our elites are corrupt, and make fun of them, but not for being successful, because everyone loves success. Criticizing others for having money is a pathway straight to the liberal mentality. Instead, we should make fun of them for being out of touch.
  3. Next, we should learn from the successful brands of the past century. Mercedes-Benz, Christian Dior, Apple Computer, Ralph Lauren, Mont Blanc and Viking ranges. These each preached a simple message: you can be part of a new growing elite of those who know if you buy our product. It’s a luxury product, without the linear factor of simply costing more than others. They sell cool, and intelligence, more than sheer cost value.
  4. We create a new elite based on this ideal. Unlike the hipsters/liberals, this brand does not hate success but embraces it. Unlike the stodgy old right, they embrace success only when it comes with a “whole life,” which implies (in hipster/liberal fashion) a social life and a cultural life that are as important as the cash flow. This is a new elite not only from social power, memetic power, financial power and political power, but also pure cool. They are not what is burnt out and dead from the past, nor are they trying to control you. They’re rising above you, and so you have a binary choice to follow them or be left behind.
  5. This new elite adopts a sensible attitude toward multiculturalism-versus-culture: diversity doesn’t work, so I choose to live near people like me. Not just in race, but ethnicity, and social caste as well as social class (a monetary substitute for caste). Even more, I want them to think like me. None of those burnt-out hippies or stodgy fat businessmen here. Just pure cool. And if I’m white, it looks like my whole neighborhood is. Our schools are better. We pay less in taxes. We’re happier. And we’re unapologetic, because whatever ills occurred from colonialism, slavery and The Holocaust are now bought and paid for.

After demographic collision, politics will have to take off its kid gloves. This is not a battle of ideologies, like the Communism-versus-capitalism follies of the 1980s. It’s not a battle of religions, or class warfare. It’s a clash of civilizations, but even more so, a clash of civilization-types, meaning that those who want a more traditional society for practical reasons will get it and make it cool.

The others will drool.

Our demographic collision looks scary as it comes over the horizon. Knowing that we can’t just keep going to work, buying stuff, amusing ourselves and that everything will turn out OK while we do that… it’s painful to make this transition. It’s like waking up on a luxury cruise liner to find out it has hit an iceberg.

But those who survive will grasp this new reality, and like warriors act; but also, like artists, they will act secondarily by portraying a new and better future without these stodgy old problems (equality is from 1789, class war is from 1917, and racial equality is from 1968).

While “white nation with a third world minority, or a third world nation with a white minority” is the immediate question, the bigger question is how get over the constant class warfare of liberalism which is the origin of our racial crisis. Once we do that, we can build a better society.